Monday, December 14, 2020

Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Servant of Kivutar

Servant of Kivutar (adapted from Dragon Magazine #353)

Kivutar often refers to her servants almost lovingly as her favored children. They are seducers and hedonists who have given their entire lives over to the fulfilment of pleasure and pain. Only when working to subvert the values and morals of the innocent do they turn from this consuming need, and it is said that such lust is felt in turn by their lascivious mistress deep in her icy palace in the Hells. Servants of Kivutar often lead her cults in the Three Worlds, but just as often work in secret in the employ of dockside brothels or in the harems of powerful kings. Kivutar only allows women to become her servants, for only they can properly transmit the particular thrills and rewards the Rotted Temptress seeks to harvest from the mortal world.

This prestige class is primarily suited for spellcasters, but fighters and rogues have been known to become servants of Kivutar as well. Monks who have turned away from law can make particularly devastating thralls. Typically, a monk, fighter, or rogue takes a level of favored soul or sorcerer before entering this prestige class so they can gain the full advantages the class has to offer.

Hit Die: d6.
Luck Die: d6.

To become a servant of Kivutar, one must meet the following criteria:
  • Alignment: Chaotic evil.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Skills: Bluff 9+ ranks, Diplomacy 9+ ranks, Perform: Any Two 5+ ranks.
  • Feats: Servant of Darkness, Skill Augmentation (Bluff and Intimidate), Spell Focus (Enchantment).
  • Special: Must have Kivutar as their patron deity.
  • Special: Must willingly murder someone who loves you.
  • Special: Must have permanently lost at least one experience level from a succubus's energy drain attack. Once a servant gains her first level in this prestige class, restoring this lost level via greater restoration does not adversely affect the character's qualification for this prestige class. Most who seek entry to this prestige class wait until the last possible moment to meet this requirement, so they have enough time to restore the lost level while greater restoration can still help.
Class Skills
  • The servant of Kivutar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty: Religion (Int), Knowledge: Religion (Int), Knowledge: the Planes (Int), Perform: Any (all skills taken individually) (Cha), Profession: Any (all skills taken individually) (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (NA), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 6 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the servant of Kivutar prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Poor. A servant of Kivutar gains +½ base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Poor. A servant of Kivutar gains +13 base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Poor. A servant of Kivutar gains +13 base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Good. A servant of Kivutar gains a +½ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Servants of Kivutar gain Martial Weapon Proficiency (Kukri) and Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Scourge) as bonus feats.

  • Spellcasting: At every level save for 1st, 5th, and 9th, a servant of Kivutar gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit of a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that she adds the level of servant of Kivutar to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before she became a servant of Kivutar, she must decide to which spellcasting class she adds each level of servant of Kivutar for the purpose of determining spells per day.

  • Profane Beauty (Su): As long as a servant of Kivutar wears no armor and wields no shield, she gains a deflection bonus to her Armor Class equal to her Charisma bonus, to a maximum bonus equal to her servant of Kivutar level.

  • Telepathic Gaze (Ex): A servant of Kivutar can communicate via telepathy with any creature within 100 feet that meets her gaze. While communicating with a creature in this manner, she can read his surface thoughts as if she had cast detect thoughts and concentrated on the target for 3 rounds. The target can attempt to resist this gaze by making a Will save (DC 10 + the servant's class level + her Charisma modifier). If she can red the target's surface thoughts, she gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks made against that opponent.

  • Betrayal (Su): At 2ndrd level, a servant of Kivutar's attacks are particularly devastating to those who believe her to be an ally. If she ever deals damage to an ally with a weapon or spell, the ally must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the servant's class level + her Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

  • Sneak Attack: If a servant of Kivutar of 3rd level of higher can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

    The servant’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the servant flanks her target. This extra damage is +1d6 at 3rd level, and it increases by +1d6 every three servant levels thereafter. Should the servant score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

    Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

    With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a servant can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

    A servant can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies - undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The servant must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A servant cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

    If a servant of Kivutar gets a sneak attack bonus from another source (such as rogue levels) the bonuses to damage stack.

  • Charming Voice (Su): At 4th level, the servant's voice becomes beguiling. She gains a +4 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, and the save DC for any language-dependent spells she casts gain a +1 profane bonus. Once per day, she may attempt to charm a creature of the same type as a spell-like ability, provided that creature can hear and understand her voice. This otherwise duplicates the effects of charm monster. Her caster level for this ability equals the servant;s class level.

  • Sinner's Beauty (Su): When a servant of Kivutar reaches 5th level, her appearance takes on an otherworldly and arousing beauty. Her charisma increases by 2 points. At 10th level, her beauty increases even more, increasing her Charisma score by another 2 points.

  • Draining Kiss (Su): When she becomes 5th level, a servant of Kivutar can drain energy from a creature she lures into some act of passion or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing, she must successfully grapple him first. The kiss bestows 1 negative level. The victim must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the servant's class level + her Charisma modifier) to remove this negative level. This ability may be used up to three times per day.

  • Reflect Enchantment (Ex): At 7th level, a servant of Kivutar can reflexively reflect enchantment spells that target her and fail to affect her. Up to three times per day, as an immediate action, a servant of Kivutar who makes her saving throw to resist any spell of the school of enchantment may immediately reflect that spell back at its source, as if she had cast the spell on the target. This defense works only against enchantment spells negated by successful saving throws.

  • Dominating Voice (Su): A 8th level, the servant's charming voice becomes more potent. She gains a +8 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, and the save DC for any language-dependent spel she casts gains a +2 profane bonus. Once per day, she may attempt to dominate a creature of her type as a spell-like ability, provided the creature can hear and understand her voice. This otherwise duplicates the effects of dominate monster. Her caster level for this ability equals the servant's class level.

  • Succubus Form (Ex): At 10th level, a servant of Kivutar gains the supernatural ability to transform into a succubus-like creature once per day. This transformation requires a full-round action and lasts for 1 hour. During this time, the servant gains the following benefits:

    • +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +4 wisdom, and +16 Charisma.

    • +9 natural armor bonus to her Armor Class.

    • Wings that grant a fly speed of 50 feet with average maneuverability.

    • Damage reduction 10/cold iron or good.

    • Darkvision 60 feet.

    • Immunity to electricity and poison.

    • Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10.

    • Spell resistance 18.

    • She can use her draining kiss ability at will as long as she remains in this form; uses do not count against her regular limit of three times per day.
Servant of Kivutar

LevelSpecialSpells per Day
1stProfane beauty, telepathic gaze-
2ndBetrayal+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rdSneak attack +1d6+1 level of existing spellcasting class
4thCharming voice+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5thDraining kiss, sinner's beauty-
6thSneak attack +2d6+1 level of existing spellcasting class
7thReflect enchantment+1 level of existing spellcasting class
8thDominating voice+1 level of existing spellcasting class
9thSneak attack +3d6-
10thSinner's beauty +4, succubus form+1 level of existing spellcasting class

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