Saturday, January 1, 2011

General Rules - Spell List

Spell List

This page has a listing of all of the spells that I have referenced in my campaign settings that are not in the Player's Handbook or Spell Compendium or have had their names changed for campaign reasons from the source material. Any original spells I have designed or standard spells that I have changed from their original versions will also be listed here. For the purposes of campaign settings presented here, including the Three Worlds campaign setting, the versions of the spells listed here supersede any other versions of those spells which might be found in another resource.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.


Ådon's Dancing Shield (S&S)
Ådon's Energy Armor (S&S)
Ådon's Force Wave (RR)
Ability Rip (SK)
Ablative Armor (MoE)
Abonde's Limited Liquification (RR)
Abushne (share armor) (BoEM3)
Accelerate reflexes (RR2)
Acerbic Gasp (SoE)
Acid Blood (Undead)
Acid Burst (SoE)
Acid Deluge (SoE)
Acid Form (H&H)
Acid Fount (SoE)
Acid Rain (SoE)
Acid Rainfall (RR:E)
Acid Shield (SoE)
Acid Spittle (RR)
Acid Spray (H&H)
Acidic Curse (BoEM)
Acidic Globes (BoEM3)
Acidic Vapors (S&S)
Activate bloodline power (BoEM3)
Acuminate (BoEM2)
Adamantine Weapon (MoE)
Addle (RR:E)
Adhere to Wood (RR)
Adversary (RR:E)
Ægis (PGtWBS)
Ægis of the Gods (S&S)
Æonian Lantern (BoHM)
Afflatus (BotR)
Affliction (BoED)
Affliction (RR2)
Agony (WHB)
Aíne's Faithful Hound (PHB)
Aíne's Magnificent Mansion (PHB)
Aíne's Secret Chest (PHB)
Air Bubble (Gods)
Alibi (RR)
Alter features (Magic)
Alter Reality (SoI)
Amber Sarcophagus (BoED)
Amnesia (DD and VW:SA)
Ancestor's Touch (Gods)
Ancestral Guidance (H&H)
Angel's Redoubt (BoHM)
Animal Infusion (RR)
Animal Spy (RR)
Animate Animal (N:BtG)
Animate Colossal Object (H&H)
Animate Gargantuan Object (H&H)
Animate Huge Object (H&H)
Animate Images (S&S)
Animate Large Object (H&H)
Animate Medium Object (H&H)
Animate Necrosis (BoEM2)
Animate Shadow (RR)
Animate Skeleton (N:BtG)
Animate Small Object (H&H)
Animate Zombie (N:BtG)
Animated tattoo (BoEM3)
Animation field (Undead)
Aninha's Prism Cloak (RR2)
Annihilation (N:BtG)
Antaia's Gift (BoEM3)
Antaia's Theft (BoEM3)
Apocalypse (SoI)
Apolioth's condemnation (BoEM3)
Apportation (Conjuration)
Arathan's spiritual soldier (BoHM)
Arcana Form (BoEM)
Arcane parry (RR2)
Arcing Death (SoE)
Area Invisibility (SoI)
Argent Glory (PGtCD)
Armageddon (BoED)
Armor contingency (BoHM)
Armor of Brambles (RR2)
Armor of Force (H&H)
Armor of the Heart (H&H)
Armor of Undeath (RR)
Armor Piercing Missile (FitW)
Armored Skin (H&H)
Armored Travel (H&H)
Arrow Charm (RR)
Arrow Deflection (BoEM3)
Arrow of Slaying (N:AA)
Arrow Redirection (BoEM3)
Arrow Reflection (BoEM3)
Arrow Storm (W&R)
Ashen Servitor (WQ)
Aspect of the Deity (BoED)
Aspect of the Werebeast (RoE)
Assassin's Senses (RR)
Audible whisper (BoHM)
Aura of Cold (SoE)
Aura of Darkness (S&S)
Aura of Light (S&S)
Aura of menace (RR2)
Austlinan's violent scream (RR2)
Avalanche (RR2)
Avatar (RR)
Awaken Lesser Infernal Avatar (RR)
Awaken the Land (Shamans)
Awakened Fears (SoI)
Axe of Darmas (CGtDrow)
Axes of the Caverngård (H&H)
Axiomatic Creature (BoED)


Bål's Iron Bead (RR2)
Bål's Magnificent Mansion (PHB)
Bål's Secure Shelter (PHB)
Babble (N:AA)
Bad Luck (Færies)
Ball Lightning (SoE)
Bandersnatch (S&S)
Bane of the forge (RR2)
Banish Shadow (RR)
Bation of Good (BoED)
Bat Sight (Blind Eye) (BoRL)
Bath of purity (RR2)
Battle Fury (Gods)
Battle projection (RR2)
Battle Rage (SHB)
Battlecry (RR)
Bear Shield (RR:E)
Beast Soul (RR)
Become dragon (Dragons)
Bed bug bites (RR2)
Beetle swarm (RR2)
Befoul Spring (W&R)
Beggar's Charm (Fly a Flag) (BoRL)
Belial's Torments (RR)
Bend sounds (RR2)
Benediction of Lug (Gods)
Berserker Blessing (Gods)
Bestow Curse (PHB and WHB)
Bestow Greater Curse (W&R)
Bestow malady (BoEM3)
Bestow Malediction (W&R)
Betray the years (BoEM3)
Bind Guardian I (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian II (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian III (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian IV (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian V (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian VI (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian VII (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian VIII (Conjuration)
Bind Guardian IX (Conjuration)
Bind Item (BoEM)
Bind Oath (BotR)
Bind with plants (BoHM)
Bite of the Plague Rat (N:AA)
Black Cloud of Horror (S&S)
Black Hand (BoRL)
Black Mulching (BoEM)
Black shards (Magic)
Black Spellbreaker (Black Blade) (BoRL)
Blackflame (RR)
Blade meld (RR2)
Blade of Will (SoE)
Bladethirst (RR2)
Bladeturn (VW:SA)
Blaise's blasting bead (RR2)
Blaise's blazing beads (RR2)
Blaise's lucky bead (RR2)
Blast of castigation (BoHM)
Blast of cold (BoEM3)
Blazing light (BoHM)
Blazing Shield (RR)
Bleeding Disease (RR)
Bleeding Wound (N:BtG)
Bless Thrower (Gods)
Blessed Sight (BoED)
Blessing of the ages (Dragons)
Blessings of the light bringer (Undead)
Blight (SHB)
Blind mark (RR2)
Blinding Beauty (BoED)
Blinding Glory (BoED)
Blight enemy (BoHM)
Blissful sleep (BoEM3)
Blood of the Martyr (BoED)
Blood Spikes (BoEM2)
Blood water (RR2)
Bloodblade (S&S)
Bloodied blade (RR2)
Bloodstorm (RR)
Blue bolt (BoEM3)
Blunt Edge (RR:E)
Boar Shield (RR:E)
Body and Mind (H&H)
Body of Eyes (SHB)
Body of Sand (RR2)
Bolt of Conjuring (BoEM)
Bolt of Glory (BoED)
Bolt of power (RR2)
Bone spikes (Evil)
Bone spines (Magic)
Bone Tattoo (BoEM)
Boneblades (RR2)
Bones of adamantine (RR2)
Bones of iron (RR2)
Bones of silver (RR2)
Bones of Steel (N:BtG)
Bonewand (Evil)
Bonestaff (Undead)
Boom (SoE)
Bottomless Pit (RR)
Boulder (H&H)
Bouncing Fall (Bounce the Baby) (BoRL)
Bramble Blade (PGtRR)
Bread of life (RR2)
Breath of Death (RR2)
Breath of the great wyrm (Dragons)
Breath of the Winter Wolf (SoE)
Brega's Mass Missile (S&S)
Brega's Shockwave (H&H)
Brid's Irresistible Dance (PHB)
Brid's Laugh (BoED)
Bridge of Air (RR:E)
Bridge of Air, Personal (RR:E)
Brilliant Emanation (BoED)
Brittle (SoE)
Broadcast (SoE)
Broken Mirror (BoRL)
Brothers in Arms (RR)
Brother's revenge (BoEM3)
Brutal Seething Surge (BoEM2)
Bubbling Murk (RR:E)
Bull's grace (RR2)
Bulwark (RR:E)
Buoyancy Net (RR)
Burden of faith (RR2)
Burden of the father's sin (Dragons)
Burning brand (BoHM)
Burning sight (RR2)
Burrowing Bony Digits (S&S)
Burst of energy (RR2)
Burst of Magic (SoI)


Cacodemon (1e PHB)
Cacophony (SoE)
Caire's Hymn (BoED)
Caire's Touch (RR)
Call animal companion (RR2)
Call Aquatic Animal I (RR)
Call Aquatic Animal II (RR)
Call Aquatic Humanoid I (RR)
Call Aquatic Humanoid II (RR)
Call Aquatic Monster (RR)
Call Darkness (Conjuration)
Call Energy (Conjuration)
Call Radiance (Conjuration)
Call Faithful Servants (BoED)
Call of the Diamond (BoEM2)
Call of the Emerald (BoEM2)
Call of the Ruby (BoEM2)
Call of the Sapphire (BoEM2)
Call of the Topaz (BoEM2)
Call the Wild Hunt (WHB)
Calm Weather (RR:E)
Caltrops (SC)
Card Control (Flip You for It) (BoRL)
Carnivorous defender (BoHM)
Catalytic Mouth (S&S)
Caustic Halo (SoE)
Cavernlore (H&H)
Celestial Aspect (BoED)
Celestial Blood (BoED)
Celestial Brilliance (BoED)
Censure of mesos (RR2)
Chains of antimagic (BoEM3)
Chains of binding (RR2)
Chains of Vengeance (BoEM)
Chameleon Cloak (RR)
Chameleon Skin (S&S)
Champion Swimmer (RR2)
Change Weapon (BoEM3)
Channel Celestial (BoED)
Channel Greater Celestial (BoED)
Chaos Flame (RR2)
Chardun's branding (RR2)
Chardun's glory (RR2)
Chardun's presence (RR2)
Charm construct (Magic)
Charm item (BoEM3)
Charm shield (Magic)
Charm Spirit (Shamans)
Charm's aegis (RR2)
Charming Lie (Trust Me, Boys) (BoRL)
Chastise (Gods)
Chern's exhalation (RR2)
Children of the Serpent Mother (PGtWBS)
Chill (SoE)
Chill Blood (N:BtG)
Chill gaze (RR2)
Chill weapon (RR2)
Chill/Warmth (RR)
Circle of binding (BoEM3)
Circle of Sounds (RR)
Clarity of mind (BoHM)
Claws of the Demon (S&S)
Clawstrike (RR2)
Clean (RR)
Cleanse (Gods)
Cleanse Minor Vermin (S&S)
Cloak of Darkness (Black Gentleman) (BoRL)
Cloak of Fears (SoI)
Cloak of Righteousness (RR)
Cloak of the Phoenix (RR:E)
Cloak of the Trickster (FM)
Coax Forth Power (BoEM2)
Cobwebs (RR2)
Coin of the Realm (D302)
Cold Snap (RR)
Coldscream (BoEM)
Coma (BoEM)
Combat precognition (Magic)
Command Construct (S&S)
Commanding Presence (RR) [duplicates Eagle's Splendor]
Compelling Question (Shakedown) (BoRL)
Competence (Magic)
Comrade's immunity (BoEM3)
Comrade's trail (BoEM3)
Conceal (SoI)
Condemned (RR)
Conditional Spell (BoEM)
Cone of oblivion (RR2)
Confession (I Shouldn't Tell You This) (BoRL)
Confront Curse Spirit (SHB)
Confront Disease Spirit (SHB)
Confront Magical Spirit (SHB)
Confutation of the demon (BoHM)
Conjure Cavern (RR:E)
Conjure Ice Beast I (FB)
Conjure Ice Beast II (FB)
Conjure Ice Beast III (FB)
Conjuror's Toolbelt (S&S)
Constellation (BotR)
Constricting Chains (BoED)
Construct Essence (RoE)
Construct Essence, Greater (RoE)
Construct Essence, Lesser (RoE)
Continual heat (RR2)
Control creature of the mist (BoEM3)
Control Light (RR)
Control Nature (Gods)
Convert (RR)
Convert Wand (BoED)
Convocation of Eagles (N:AA)
Corrode (PGtRR)
Corrosive Sheath (SoE)
Corrupting Darkness (CGtDrow)
Countercharm (BoRL)
Craft Material (Conjuration)
Crafter's Blessing (WHB)
Crafter's Curse (WHB)
Crawling Skin (SoI)
Create Black Orc (FitW)
Create blast charm (Magic)
Create creature of the mist (BoEM3)
Create Doorway and Backroad (Færies)
Create Equipment (Just the Thing) (BoRL)
Create flesh golem (Magic)
Create greater creature of the mist (BoEM3)
Create lesser creature of the mist (BoEM3)
Create Life (Gods)
Creature Loresight (BoEM2)
Crebain (PGtWBS)
Crescendo of Indefatigability (S&S)
Cross of Lightning (BoEM)
Crown of Brilliance (BoED)
Crown of Flame (BoED)
Crown of Glory (BoED)
Cry of Bilskinir (BoED)
Crystal eruption (BoHM)
Crystal of reflection (BoHM)
Crystal shard (BoHM)
Cuigna arþanaþ (consume man) (BoEM3)
Curse of solidity (RR2)
Curse of Terror (RR)
Curse of the firefly (RR2)
Curse of wounding (BoHM)
Curse Turning (SHB)
Curtain of Darkness (RR)
Curtain of Light (BoED)
Cynthia's Cry of the Bat (PGtWBS)
Cynthia's Sonic Wave (PGtWBS)


Dagger of undeath (RR2)
Daggers of Vaul (RR)
Dallen's Lucubration (PHB)
Dallen's Private Sanctum (PHB)
Dallen's Sword (PHB)
Dance of the dead (Undead)
Dancing shadows (Magic)
Dancing Web (BoED)
Dangerous Augury (RR:E)
Dark Channeling (S&S)
Dark Flames (RR)
Dark lightning (RR2)
Dark swarm (Magic)
Dark Water (RR)
Darkness Nocturne (PGtWBS)
Darksoul (RR2)
Darkstaff (RR)
Darkwound (Gods)
Darmas' Grasping Hand (PHB)
Darmas' Hammer (CGtDrow)
Dawnspear (S&S)
Dead Man's Eyes (RR)
Deadly Darkness (SoI)
The Deadly Mark (SoI)
Deadly Pattern (SoI)
Death Blade (RR)
Death Curse (SHB)
Death curse (Dragons)
Death Strike (RR:E)
Death's Shadow (N:BtG)
Debilitating Decrescendo (S&S)
Declaration of Death (RR)
Decompose (RR2)
Decoy (SoI)
Deep sleep (RR2)
Deftness (D302)
Déjà vu (Magic)
Delayed Dream (SoI)
Delayed Sound Burst (SoE)
Demonbane (RR2)
Denev's leap (RR2)
Denev's shadow (RR2)
Dessicate (S&S)
Destined Blow (RR:E)
Detect allegiance (War)
Detect Curse/Taboo (SHB)
Detect Dead (N:BtG)
Detect Dimensional Disturbance (Shamans)
Detect disease (BoEM3)
Detect Dreams (RR2)
Detect Enemy (PGtRR)
Detect Fæy (FM and RR:E)
Detect Gold (RR)
Detect Return (BotR)
Detect shapechangers (RR2)
Detect Spirits (Shamans)
Detect Ward (S&S)
Detoim nar (guided strike) (BoEM3)
Detoxify (ECS)
Deva's might (Magic)
Diabolich portam (devil's gate) (BoEM3)
Diamond Spray (BoED)
Dig (S&S)
Dim (SoI)
Dimension Portal (P&P)
Dimensional Hop (P&P)
Dimensional Rift (Conjuration)
Dimensional rupture (Evil)
Dimensional Slip (P&P)
Dimensional Warp (P&P)
Din of Battle (GL)
Din of Mind (GL)
Dirge of the Walking Dead (S&S)
Dirge of Woe (RR)
Dirtwall (RR:E)
Disappear (RR)
Discern Aura (Shamans)
Discern Lineage (RR:E)
Discern Route (Færie)
Discern Shapechanger (OA and RoE)
Discord (RR2)
Discordant Bolt (SoE)
Disdain the Divine (BoEM2)
Disguise Trap (SoI)
Disintegration Field (BoEM2)
Disintegration Sphere (S&S)
Dismissive Glance (Conjuration)
Disrobe (Færies)
Disrupt construct (Magic)
Disrupt soul (Evil)
Disruption Missiles (S&S)
Disruption Wave (S&S)
Distance punch (Magic)
Distant boon (Magic)
Distant Image (SoI)
Distilled Joy (BoED)
Distort Shadow (RR)
Distract (SoI)
Distraction (Screamer) (BoRL)
Divert charge (BoHM)
Divine Heart (S&S)
Divine Inspiration (BoED)
Divine Parlay (Gods)
Divine Personal History (RR:E)
Divine protection (RR2)
Divine Raiment (RR)
Divine Sacrifice (BoED)
Divine Wisdom (RR) [duplicates Owl's Wisdom]
Dolorous Motes (BoED)
Dominate construct (Magic)
Dominate item (BoEM3)
Dominate Living Construct (RoE)
Dominion (Gods)
Doom Fog (S&S)
Doomwail (RR)
Doorway to Elsewhere (BoEM3)
Doppelganger Transformation (RoE)
Douse (BoRL)
Downdraft (RR2)
Dowsing (RR)
Dragon Cloud (BoED)
Dragon mark (Dragons)
Dragonflight (RR2)
Dragonhide (RR2)
Dragonshield (Dragons)
Dragonskin (BoEM)
Dragon's Breath (RR)
Dramatic Visage (S&S)
Dreadmantle (RR2)
Dreamstealer (S&S)
Drought of eternity's well (Dragons)
Drums of Panic (N:AA)
Duplicate (BoEM2)
Durlock's Withering Pox (PGtWBS)
Dust and Dirt (Not Worth Much) (BoRL)
Dying breath (RR2)


Eagle Eyes (S&S)
Eagle song (RR2)
Ears of the prey (Magic)
Ears of the wolf (RR2)
Earthen screen (RR2)
Ease Labor (W&R)
Ease Pain (BoED)
Ease the ages' burden (RR2)
Eavesdrop (PGtRR)
Echoing Call I (Conjuration)
Echoing Call II (Conjuration)
Echoing Call III (Conjuration)
Eclipse (RR)
Ecstasy (UHB)
Ecstatic Vision (PGtWBS)
Eiur's Blessing (BotR)
Eiur's Empathic Resonance (RR)
Eiur's Light (RoE)
Eiur's Magnificent Mansion (PHB)
Eiur's Telepathic Bond (PHB)
Eladrin Form (BoED)
Elation (BoED)
Eldritch Fortification (RR:E)
Electrical Deluge (BoEM)
Elemental kiss (RR2)
Elemental Prod (MoE)
Elemental Shroud (BoEM)
Elina's perfume (RR2)
Elina's wardrobe (RR2)
Emblazon (RR:E)
Emerald Burst (BoED)
Empyreal Ecstasy (BoED)
Enchant spirit doll (RR2)
Enchanting Flavor (BoEM)
End to Strife (BoED)
Endure Sunlight (W&R)
Enduring webs (RR2)
Energetic Healing (BoED)
Energize Potion (BoED)
Energy Bubbles (Færies)
Energy Lash (BoEM3)
Enhance familiar (BoEM3)
Enhance Familiar (WHB)
Enhance Magical Flow (BoEM)
Enhanced senses (RR2)
Enhanced Shifting (RoE)
Enkili's shadow (RR2)
Enlarge Familiar (WHB)
Enlarge Ward (S&S)
Enrage (Gods)
Enter Shadow (BoRL)
Enslave (Gods)
Enumerate (RR)
Ephod of Melee (RR)
Erase Memory (FM)
Eriador's Permanent Levity (BoEM2)
Erupt (SK)
Escape the Bonds of Flesh (VW:WR)
Essential blade (RR2)
Estivation (Dragons)
Eternal Charm Person (WHB)
Eternal Charm Monster (WHB)
Eternal Luck (BoRL)
Eternal Sleep (WHB)
Ethereal Banishment (SHB)
Ethereal Bolt (RR)
Ethereal prison (BoHM)
Ethereal Projection (SHB)
Ethereal/Spiritual Junction (Shamans)
Ever Scent (RR)
Exalted Fury (BoED)
Exalted Raiment (BoED)
Excavate (Gods)
Exhaust (S&S)
Expedite Poison (UHB)
Expose the Dead (MoE)
Extend Shifting (RoE)
Extended Charge (BoEM2)
Eyeburst (RR2)
Eyes of the Avoral (BoED)
Eyes of the eagle (Magic)
Eyes of the hawk (RR2)


Face in the Crowd (SoI)
Face wipe (Magic)
Faceless (SoI)
Fact to Fiction (BotR)
Fæy Curtain (Færies)
Fæy Decree (Færies)
Fæy Mask (Færies)
Fæy Sleep (FM)
Fæy storage (BoEM3)
Fæy ward (BoEM3)
False Appraisal (SoI)
False flavor (RR2)
False History (S&S)
False Lore (SoI)
False Love's Kiss (S&S)
False Thoughts (SoI)
Family curse (BoEM3)
Fang Trap (SK)
Fangs of Chaos (Gods)
Fanning the flames (RR2)
Farfinger (RR2)
Fast Escape (Quicker) (BoRL)
Fearsome Fortissimo (S&S)
Feast of Champions (ECS)
Feedback (BoEM2)
Feign Death (Gravedigger's Nap) (BoRL)
Feign life (Undead)
Felonious Friend I (S&S)
Felonious Friend II (S&S)
Felonious Friend III (S&S)
Fermentation (RR:E)
Ferrod adul vestorimin (Vestorimin's golden aura) (BoEM3)
Fertility Charm (N:AA)
Field of caltrops (War)
Field of razors (RR2)
Fiery Vengeance (PGtRR)
Filch (RR2)
Find lair (Dragons)
Finger of Life (S&S)
Firebird (FPT)
Fist of Brega (SoE)
Flag (D302)
Flame Bolt (RR)
Flame Breath (SoE)
Flame Tongue (SoE)
Flame/Frost Weapon (RR)
Flamecage (SoE)
Flaming Corrosion (BoEM)
Flash (RR)
Flash Freeze (SoE)
Flavorlock (RR:E)
Flashing Light (SoE)
Fleet Feet (S&S)
Flesh Made Foul (N:BtG)
Flickering Fate (BoRL)
Float (GL)
Floor of Fire (S&S)
Flying Abominations (S&S)
Foil Tracer (BoEM)
Folk Learning (W&R)
Follow the Shifting Sands (PGtWBS)
Footpad's Grace (D302)
Foraging Charm (D302)
Force of will (RR2)
Force Ram (W&R)
Force Shapechange (RoE)
Force Shockwave (S&S)
Forceblast (BoEM2)
Foreaction (RR2)
Forge inherited bond (BoEM3)
Forge Rock (Gods)
Forget (Nothing to See) (BoRL)
Forgetfulness (S&S)
Fortune's Armor (BoRL)
Fortune's Bitch (BoRL)
Fortune's Frown (BoRL)
Fountain of blood (RR2)
Fox Shield (RR:E)
Fracture (VW:WR)
Freezing Claw (BoEM)
Freezing Curse (RR)
Freezing Fog (SoE)
Freezing Weapon (SoE)
Frog Tongue (RR)
Frostform (RR2)
Füllar's Irresistible Dance (PHB)
Furnace Within (RoE)
Fuse line (BoEM3)


Gambler's Luck (Sharper) (BoRL)
Gandar's Chatterbox (S&S)
Gangyn's Poison Pillar (S&S)
Garris Adon (Seeming of Form) (BoEM3)
Gas Cloud (RR)
Gaurak's corpulence (RR2)
Gaze of destruction (BoEM3)
Gaze of Truth (RR)
Gelbann's Barb (BoEM)
Gelbann's Venomblade (BoEM)
Gestalt (BoEM2)
Ghost Armor (Shamans)
Ghost Combatant (Shamans)
Ghost Dance (Shamans)
Ghost Touch (SHB)
Ghost ward (Magic)
Ghost Weapon (BoRL)
Ghost's touch (Magic)
Ghostdweomer (RR)
Ghoulish Curse (N:BtG)
Giant Fit (Gods)
Giant's Might (RR:E)
Giant's strength (Magic)
Gift of the Leprechaun (FM)
Gilded Tongue (RR:E)
Gird the Warrior (BoEM3)
Girding Call (Conjuration)
Glacier (SoE)
Glamour (BoEM3)
Glassee (1e PHB)
Glassteel (1e PHB)
Glew's Lure (SoI)
Glimpse of Eternity (MoE)
Glimpse of the Prophecy (MoE)
Glittering Razors (D302)
Glittering Robe (S&S)
Gloom (RR)
Glorious Raiment (BoED)
Glory of the beast (BoHM)
Glory of the Martyr (BoED)
Glue (RR)
Gluttony (RR)
Godspeed (BoHM)
Golem Immunity (RoE)
Good Luck (Færies)
Gossip (S&S)
Graft Limb (Gods)
Grant mobility (BoEM3)
Grant quarter (bonds of mercy) (BoHM)
Grant senses (BoEM3)
Grant speech (BoEM3)
Great Knock (RR)
Greater Afflatus (BotR)
Greater Aspect of the Deity (BoED)
Greater bend sounds (RR2)
Greater Circle of Seeing (RR)
Greater compelling question (BoEM3)
Greater Creation (Conjuration)
Greater dragonshield (Dragons)
Greater endurance (Magic)
Greater Ethereal Projection (SHB)
Greater Familiar (RR) [rendered obsolete by the Improved Familiar feat]
Greater Finger of Life (S&S)
Greater Healing Circle (RR)
Greater Infusion (Conjuration)
Greater liquefaction (Magic)
Greater Madness (SoI)
Greater Magical Flow Enhancement (BoEM)
Greater Mark of Air (BoEM)
Greater Mark of Earth (BoEM)
Greater Mark of Fire (BoEM)
Greater Mark of Frost (BoEM)
Greater Mark of Water (BoEM)
Greater Quick Escape (Open Every Window) (BoRL)
Greater Repair (BotR)
Greater Return (BotR)
Greater Shatter (SoE)
Greater Sleep (BoEM)
Greater spectral hand (RR2)
Greater Status (BoED)
Greater time travel (Magic)
Greater timeheal (RR2)
Greater Transference (BotR)
Greater Treasure Magnet (I Said, Into the Bag, Dammit) (BoRL)
Greater turn resistance (RR2)
Greater Ventriloquism (SoI)
Grey Spellbreaker (BoRL)
Grim Feast (RR)
Grove of Serenity (RR)
Guide craft (BoEM3)
Guilt (BoEM)
Gulaben's ecstasy (RR2)
Gullibility (RR2)
Gutroot (RR)
Gutter Storm (BoRL)
Gwydion's Mapping (RR)


Hail of Brimstone (SoE)
Hall of Fire (S&S)
Halo of glory (BoHM)
Halo of shelter (BoHM)
Halo of Vengeance (S&S)
Halt (SoE)
Hammer and anvil (RR2)
Hammer of Brega (SoE)
Hammerstrike (S&S)
Hand of Gangyn (CGtDrow)
Hand of Justice (RR)
Handfang (SK)
Hangman's Grove (RR:E)
Hangman's Tree (RR:E)
Harassing Weapon (BoEM2)
Harroc Adulese (hunter serpent) (BoEM3)
Hart's soul (Magic)
Hated Enemy (PGtRR)
Havrokr's blessing (Undead)
Havrokr's desecration (Undead)
Havrokr's greater blessing (Undead)
Havrokr's minor blessing (Undead)
Heal construct (Magic)
Heal undead (Undead)
Healing interdiction (RR2)
Heart of Valor (RR)
Heart Seeker Missile (FitW)
Heartglow (BoHM)
Heat Water (D302)
Hedrada's justice (RR2)
Heim's Spell Inhibitor (RR)
Hell's Aura (UHB)
Helm of Warding (BoEM3)
Hesitate (S&S)
Hibernation (Dragons)
Hidden Object (BoEM)
Hideous appearance (Evil)
Hler's Bead of Frost (RR2)
Hler's Freezing Sphere
Hlín's Magnificent Mansion (PHB)
Hlín's Sacred Hearth (BotR)
Hlín's Secret Chest (PHB)
Hlín's Secure Shelter (PHB)
Hlín's Stew (BoED)
Hlín's Tiny Hut (PHB)
Hold stone (RR2)
Hold undead (Undead)
Holy Beacon (RR)
Holy Beacon's Answer (RR)
Holy Channel (RR)
Holy shout (BoHM)
Holy war (RR2)
Horrific Aspect (S&S)
Horse Shield (RR:E)
Humanoid Essence (RoE)
Humanoid Essence, Greater (RoE)
Humanoid Essence, Lesser (RoE)
Hundred legged dragon dance (Magic)
Hunter's moon (RR2)
Hunter's Raiment (PGtRR)
Hunter's Stalk (RR)
Hurricane kick (Magic)
Hydra Shield (RR:E) Hygiene (BoEM3)

Icebolt (BoEM)
Iced fire (BoEM3)
Iceshards (RR2)
Id Seizure (BEA1)
Identify Scrier (BoEM3)
Identify Spirit (SHB)
Iku-Tyrma's Freezing Sphere (PHB)
Ilajam Fire (RR)
Ill omen (Evil)
Illuminated weapon (BoHM)
Illusion Purge (RoE)
Illusionary Bolt (S&S)
Illusory Place (RR:E)
Illusory Whisper (SoI)
Ilrosos tobor (roses of life) (BoEM3)
Image Association (RR:E)
Imbue Combat Reflexes (GL)
Imbue Guardian (BoEM)
Imbue Shadow (RR)
Imbue Weapon (RR:E)
Imbue with artificial intelligence (Magic)
Immobilize (S&S)
Impersonate (SoI)
Imprint (S&S)
Imprison Soul (BotR)
Improved Invisibility Sphere (SoI)
Improved Simulacrum (S&S)
Incantation of the Broken Limb (N:AA)
Incapacitate (RR)
Incite (RR)
Independent Illusion (SoI)
Induce vulnerability (BoEM3)
Inevitable strike (Magic)
Inflict Light Damage, Mass (RoE)
Inflict Moderate Damage, Mass (RoE)
Infuse soul (Magic)
Iniquitous Weapon (UHB)
Inquisition (RR)
Inscribe (RR:E)
Inscribe, Mutable (RR:E)
Insidious Insight (RoE)
Insidious Suggestion (RoE)
Inspire (S&S)
Inspired Aim (BoED)
Instability (S&S)
Instill familiar (BoEM3)
Intoxicate (RR)
Invigorate Dead (RR)
Invigorate Item (BoEM2)
Invisibility to Spirits (SHB)
Invisible Dwelling (SoI)
Invisible familiar (BoEM3)
Involuntary Shapeshifting (RoE)
Iron Butterflies (RR2)
Iron fist (Evil)
Iron Golem (N:AA)
Iron Storm (RR)
Ironblight (Færies)
Ironfist (CGtDrow)
Ironheart (RR)
Ishi's Collar (UHB)
Ishi's Telepathic Bond (PHB)
Item from Beyond (BoEM3)


Jester's Gift (S&S)
Jevicca's Just Reversal (BoEM2)
Jevicca's Fourfold Ostracism (BoEM2)
Jinx (W&R)
Jisgus sepa (BoEM3)
Journey of Healing (SHB)
Journey of Mass Healing (SHB)
Journey of Soul Retrieval (SHB)
Jumping monkey whirlwind (Magic)


Kalma's Luck (RR)
Keen Ear (S&S)
Keep dry (BoEM3)
Keep fresh (BoEM3)
Kevessa gul (spines of death) (BoEM3)
Kidnap Soul (Shamans)
Kin curse (BoEM3)
Kin link (BoEM3)
Kismet (W&R)
Kiss of the Selkie (FM)
Kiss of the Storm (PGtCD)
Kivutar's Blessing (UHB)
Knavescour (BoEM2)
Knockout (Mugged in the Alley) (BoRL)


Lamb Shield (RR:E)
Lava Missile (SK)
Lava Splash (SK)
Lay to Rest (SHB)
Learn heritage (BoEM3)
Leech Field (RR)
Legacy (BoEM2)
Legacy of eldritch might (BoEM3)
Legion's march (RR2)
Lengthen Shadows (BoRL)
Leopard Shield (RR:E)
Lesser Aspect of the Deity (BoED)
Lesser Astral Projection (SHB)
Lesser dragonshield (Dragons)
Lesser Infusion (Conjuration)
Lesser Mirror Calling (BoEM)
Lesser Simulacrum (SoI)
Lesser timeheal (RR2)
Lesser turn resistance (RR2)
Lesser Water Breathing (N:AA)
Lethality denied (BoEM3)
Lethargy (S&S)
Lethene's inner storm (RR2)
Life force transfer (RR2)
Life Shield (RR)
Life Transfer (VW:SA)
Light blade (RR2)
Light Blindness (BoRL)
Light of the earth (BoHM)
Lightning Storm (N:AA)
Lightning Strike (N:AA)
Limbs of Endurance (RR)
Limited Invisibility (SoI)
Lion Shield (RR:E)
Liquefaction (Magic)
Listening Ringworm (RR)
Live Wood (RR)
Living Knowledge (SoI)
Living Words (SoI)
Lobir (N:AA)
Locate Corpse (RR)
Locate oasis (RR2)
Locate water (RR2)
Lock dragon (Dragons)
Lockjaw (N:AA)
Long Flame (BoEM3)
Lover's Curse (N:AA)
Lucius' Flurry (RR)
Lucius' Rustling Leaves (S&S)
Luck of the Fæy (Færies)
Lucky Break (BoRL)
Lucky Totem (BoRL)
Lure (RR2)
Lyßa's Irresistible Dance (PHB)
Lyßa's Telepathic Bond (PHB)

Maddening Babble (S&S)
Madness (SoI)
Maelstrom of Color (SoI)
Magic Circle against Spirits (SHB)
Magical Blindness (SoI)
Magical Deafness (SoI)
Magical husbandry (Dragons)
Magical performance (BoEM3)
Magical Vacuum (S&S)
Magma Burst (BoEM)
Malaise (RR2)
Malediction of Razors (S&S)
Malicious image (RR2)
Mana sink (RR2)
Manaspear (RR)
Mannan's Limited Liquification (RR)
Mantle of Egregious Might (BoEM)
Mantle of Shadows (S&S)
Marathon Prowess (S&S)
Margul (dreaded freeze) (BoEM3)
Mark of Air (BoEM)
Mark of Death (BoEM)
Mark of Earth (BoEM)
Mark of Evil (BotR)
Mark of Fire (BoEM)
Mark of Frost (BoEM)
Mark of Water (BoEM)
Mask allegiance (War)
Mask magic (RR2)
Mask of Virtue (VW:SA)
Mask undead (Undead)
Mass Agony (WHB)
Mass animation (Undead)
Mass Change (SoI)
Mass Combat Reflexes (GL)
Mass Curse (W&R)
Mass Ethereal Projection (SHB)
Mass Fly (BoEM)
Mass Improved Invisibility (SoI)
Mass Rage (W&R)
Mass Revelation (Shamans)
Mass true strike (RR2)
Massive Image (SoI)
Massmorph (WHB)
Master creature of the mist (BoEM3)
Mastiff Shield (RR:E)
Materialize (SHB)
Maþ's Anticipated Attack (BoEM2)
Maþ's Floating Disk (PHB)
Maþ's Transformation (PHB)
Meld Object (RR)
Mend construct (Magic)
Mental Alarm (BoEM)
Mesos' containment (RR2)
Mesos' vengeance (RR2)
Mind Over Matter (RR)
Mind Raid (RR)
Mindwrack (RR2)
Minor Circle of Seeing (RR)
Minor heal undead (Undead)
Minor lasting image (BoEM3)
Minor Shadow Conjuration (RR)
Minor Shadow Evocation (RR)
Minor Stench (D302)
Minor Symbol of Divinity (RR)
Minor Wall of Force (BoEM3)
Minor Ward (BoEM)
Mirror (D302)
Mirror Blast (BoEM)
Mirror Calling (BoEM)
Mirror Portal (BoEM)
Mirror Safe (RR)
Mirror Shield (BoEM)
Mirror Theft (BoEM)
Mirror Truth (BoEM)
Miscast Spells (W&R)
Misleading Images (SoI)
Misrepresent Alignment (RoE)
Missile storm (RR2)
Missive Token (BoEM2)
Moonbeam (BotR)
Moonglow (BotR)
Moonscript (BoRL)
Multi Image (S&S)
Multiplicity (RR)
Multiply (W&R)
Myrddin's Sapper (RR:E)
Mystic Enhancement (VW:SA)


Natural Weapon Augmentation (RoE)
Natural Weapon Augmentation, Greater (RoE)
Natural Weapon Augmentation, Lesser (RoE)
Natural Weapon Augmentation, Personal (RoE)
Nature's Bounty (SHB)
Necromantic channel (Evil)
Necrotic Blast (S&S)
Negative energy geyser (RR2)
Netherblade (RR2)
Netherblast (RR2)
Nethergaze (RR)
Nethershield (RR2)
Nightfall (Gods)
Night Horrors (SoI)
Night's blackness (Magic)
Ninkurra's Crushing Hand (PHB)
Nonesuch Spell (BoEM2)
Noness toma (slip between sight) (BoEM3)
North Star (BotR)
Nose of the rat (RR2)


Oaken Archer (PGtCD)
Object Loresight (BoEM2)
Obscure (RR:E)
Obscure Shadow (RR)
Obscured Script (SoI)
Obsession (SoI)
Ogre Curse (RR:E)
Ogre Lock (RR:E)
Oliphaunt's Strength (RR:E)
Omniscience (RR2)
One Step Ahead (Spider Eyes) (BoRL)
One step beyond (BoEM3)
Ooze Form (PRPG)
Ooze Form, Greater (PRPG)
Ooze Form, Lesser (PRPG)
Orgy of Halpas (UHB)
Oroster's Revenge (BoEM3)
Overcome force (BoEM3)
Owl Shield (RR:E)
Ox Shield (RR:E)
Oxoßi's Blessing (RR)


Pack of Ghouls (S&S)
Pain Circuit (W&R)
Pain Missile (FitW)
Paraphasic Pianissimo (S&S)
Part Crowd (Step Aside) (BoRL)
Pass the Years (RR)
Patch construct (Magic)
Pattern of sibyllic fate (BoHM)
Peaceful weapon (BoHM)
Peerless Camouflage (Running the Shadows) (BoRL)
Perfect Illusion (SoI)
Perfect Impersonation (SoI)
Perfect Pitch (D302)
Perfect Recollection (RR) [duplicates Fox's Cunning]
Permanent Invisibility (SoI)
Persistent missiles (RR2)
Phantasmal Hunter (SoI)
Phantasmal Swarm (SoI)
Phantom Foil (BoEM2)
Phantom Visitation (RR:E)
Phantom Visitation, Conditional (RR:E)
Phantom Visitation, Disguised (RR:E)
Phantom Visitation, Prolonged (RR:E)
Phantom Visitation, Selective (RR:E)
Phantom's Howl (RR)
Phase Arrow (N:AA)
Phoenix Shield (RR:E)
Pierce (BoEM3)
Piercing Sight (RR:E)
Piercing Sight, Greater (RR:E)
Pillar of Attraction/Repulsion (RR)
Plague Ball (UHB)
Plague touch (RR2)
Planar Breach (Conjuration)
Planar Focus (P&P)
Planar Promise (Conjuration)
Planetar's clarity (Magic)
Play the fool (BoEM3)
Plunge Deep to the Core (BoEM3)
Poison Thorn (PGtRR)
Poisoned Goblet (S&S)
Polymorphic Projection (SHB)
Pounce (W&R)
Power craft (BoEM3)
Power Walk (Shamans)
Power Word, Block (Conjuration)
Power Word, Deafen (Conjuration)
Power Word, Fear (Conjuration)
Power Word, Pain (Conjuration)
Power Word, Push (Conjuration)
Power Word, Thunder (RR)
Precise Vision (BoEM)
Prehensile tail (Magic)
Prelude to Day (PGtWBS)
Pressure Sphere (RR)
Pretur ar nuade (hoard ward) (BoEM3)
Prevarication's Bounty (RR)
Primal Release (BoEM)
Privacy (S&S)
Private Conversation (Just Between Us) (BoRL)
Produce Radiation (CGtDrow)
Profane stare (RR2)
Proficiency (BoEM3)
Prohibit Kind (BoEM2)
Project Voice (RR:E)
Prorogate Death (BoEM2)
Protect Book (S&S)
Protect familiar (BoEM3)
Protect mount (War)
Protection from Fæy (RR:E)
Protection from Light (Gods)
Protection from Spirits (SHB)
Protection from Wards (S&S)
Protective Sleep (RR:E)
Pulsing Fireball (S&S)
Puppet Master (S&S)
Purifying Flames (RR)


Quagmire (War)
Quakethrust (S&S)
Quick Boost (BoEM2)
Quick Escape (Out the Back Way) (BoRL)
Quick Learn (RR2)
Quick Sober (RR)
Quicken healing (WHB)
Quill (S&S)
Quintelemental blast (BoEM3)


Rabbit Feet (RR)
Radiate (CGtDrow)
Raise Foundation (RR:E)
Raise Land (RR:E)
Rally (RR:E)
Ranger Armor (PGtRR)
Ranger's Blessing (W&R)
Rapid aging (Magic)
Rapid Journey (RR)
Rattling Chant (BoRL)
Ray of Weariness (W&R)
Razor Claws (Gods)
Razorscales (SK)
Read Spirit Echo (Shamans)
Rebuild construct (Magic)
Recall Champion (RR)
Recall the Forge (PGtCD)
Recent occupant (BoEM3)
Redemption from evil power (BoHM)
Redemptive redress (BoHM)
Rein in the Soul (Gods)
Reinforcement (RR:E)
Remove Resistance (RR)
Rend the Sovereign Soul (RR)
Renewed Focus (RR)
Repair construct (Magic)
Repair dead (RR2)
Repel Radiation (CGtDrow)
Repel Undead (S&S)
Replace the Senses (Shamans)
Rescue (S&S)
Reshape Shadow (RR)
Resist Scrying (BoEM3)
Resist touch (BoHM)
Resist turning (Undead)
Resize (D302)
Resize Magic Arms and Armor
Restful death (Undead)
Restore Book (S&S)
Restore construct (Magic)
Restore Page (S&S)
Restore youth (WHB)
Retain natural armor (Dragons)
Retain supernatural powers (Dragons)
Return and avenge (BoHM)
Reveal Ward (S&S)
Reverse Field (RR:E)
Reverse foe's strength (Magic)
Reverse Illusion (RR)
Ricochet (RR2)
Rie's lustful gaze (RR2)
Righteous charge (RR2)
Robe of Reflection (BoEM2)
Rogue's Stab (BoRL)
Roof Runner (BoRL)
Rumor of the Earth (S&S)
Rune of Darkness (RR)
Rune of Fire (RR)
Rune of Poison (RR)
Rune of Seeing (RR)
Rune of Sleep (RR)
Rupture (VW:WR)


Sacred Blazon (RR:E)
Sacred Journey (RR)
Sacred Weapon (RR)
Sacrifice Spell (RR)
Sacrificial Heart (RR)
Safe search (BoEM3)
Saltburst (FPT)
Sample (BoEM3)
Sap Strength (RR2)
Scent (SK)
Scent of the Beast (Gods)
Scent of the hunted (RR2)
Scour the earth (Dragons)
Scribe (S&S)
Scry Blast (BoEM3)
Scry blast (RR2)
Scry Retaliation (BoEM3)
Scry Reverse (BoEM3)
Scrytalk (BoEM3)
Seal of Tiwas (RR)
Secret of the grave (Dragons)
Secure Footing (RR:E)
See no evil (BoHM)
See Spirits (SHB)
Seek the Soulless (BoEM2)
Selective Invisibility (SoI)
Selective Invisibility Shield (RR:E)
Selective Silence (RR:E)
Sense Fæy Portal (FM)
Sensory Bond (RR:E)
Sensory Bond, Greater (RR:E)
Serial Dream (SoI)
Serpent Arrow (SK)
Serpent's stare (RR2)
Set traps (Dragons)
Seþra's Dance of Seduction (RR)
Seþra's Potency (RR)
Seþra's Serpent Hands (RR)
Sever (RR)
Sever thread (Magic)
Shade Evocation (RR)
Shade storm (RR2)
Shade's Sight (RR)
Shadow Bite (BoRL)
Shadow Blade (CGtDrow)
Shadow Blindness (BoRL)
Shadow Bolt (CGtDrow)
Shadow Bridge (BoRL)
Shadow chains (RR2)
Shadow Claws (SoI)
Shadow cloak (Evil)
Shadow form (Magic)
Shadow form of Gangyn (RR)
Shadow Hands (BoRL and CGtDrow)
Shadow Images (RR)
Shadow Jump (BoRL)
Shadow killer (Magic)
Shadow Knife (BoRL)
Shadow Mist (CDtDrow)
Shadow Projection (SHB)
Shadow Purse (BoRL)
Shadow Shield (RR)
Shadow Sight (S&S)
Shadow Smash (RR)
Shadow storm (RR)
Shadow strike (RR)
Shadow touch (RR)
Shadow twin (RR)
Shadow Wall (CGtDrow)
Shadow weapon (RR)
Shadowform (SoI)
Shadowskin (SoI)
Shadow's ripping tentacles (Magic)
Shape of the true soul (Dragons)
Shaping (VW:SA)
Shared Luck (BoRL)
Sharing the ancient lore (Dragons)
Sharpen (RR:E)
Sharpen Senses (PGtWBS)
Shatter soul (RR)
Shelve (S&S)
Shibboleth (BotR)
Shieldbreaker (BoEM2 and BoRL)
Shield of light (BoHM)
Shifting Ground (RR:E)
Ship snare (RR)
Shocking missile (RR2)
Shockwave (RR)
Shockwave Strike (RR)
Shooting Stars (BotR)
Shrapnel globe (BoEM3)
Shroud of Sleep (RR:E)
Sigil of fire (RR2)
Sigil of ice (RR2)
Sigil of ooze (RR2)
Silent as Rats (BoRL)
Silent Combat (Midnight Muffle) (BoRL)
Silent Sound (BoRL)
Silhouette (BoRL)
Silveryberry (PGtCD)
Simpering Servant (UHB)
Siodhnaar's Quiet Contemplation (RR)
Sirchade's Breath (SK)
Skip Generation (W&R)
Slay illusion (BoEM3)
Slay Spirit (SHB)
Sleep of the dead (RR)
Slipping the Ranks (S&S)
Slither (BoRL)
Slow missiles (War)
Slow the years (RR2)
Small as Mice (BoRL)
Smash (Gods)
Smite (RR)
Smother (RR)
Smother magic (Dragons)
Smuggler's Chest (BoRL)
Smuggler's Veil (Empty Pot) (BoRL)
Snake Staff (N:AA)
Snake staff (RR2)
Sneeze (RR)
Sobriety (WHB)
Softwall (RR:E)
Solar's invincibility (Magic)
Solid Darkness (N:AA)
Somnolent Pattern (SoI)
Song of champions (RR)
Song of the gods (RR)
Song of heroes (RR)
Songwall (RR2)
Soothe (WHB)
Soul blast (RR2)
Soul Burst (BoEM2)
Soul disk (RR2)
Soul of mercy (RR)
Soul of the slayer (Dragons)
Soulstrike (RR)
Spark (RR)
Speak with Shadows (CGtDrow)
Spear of Vengeance (W&R)
Speareyes (PGtCD)
Speed of the Spider (CGtDrow)
Speed of the viper (Magic)
Speed the years (RR2)
Speed reinforcements (War)
Spelcius' corruptive restoration (Magic)
Spelcius' greater corruptive restoration (Magic)
Spelcius' greater specious sanguisuge (Magic)
Spelcius' least specious sanguisuge (Magic)
Spelcius' lesser corruptive restoration (Magic)
Spelcius' lesser specious sanguisuge (Magic)
Spelcius' mastered specious sanguisuge (Magic)
Spelcius' moderate specious sanguisuge (Magic)
Spell missile (WHB)
Spell Shield (RR:E)
Spell Shield, Greater (RR:E)
Spell wall (RR2)
Spellmaster (BoEM2)
Spelltrap (BoEM)
Sphere of deterioration (BoEM3)
Sphere of Safe Passage (P&P)
Sphinx Shield (RR:E)
Spine Tendril (BoEM2)
Spirit Claws (SHB)
Spirit Dart (SHB)
Spirit Knife (S&S)
Spirit link (Evil)
Spirit Song (Shamans)
Spirit Spear (SHB)
Spirit Wall (SHB)
Spirit watch (RR2)
Spiritual Bestowment (Shamans)
Spiritwrack (1e PHB)
Spit Shine (Pretty Pebble) (BoRL)
Spleen (W&R)
Spoor (PGtRR)
Spy senses (RR2)
Squamous Pulse (BoEM2)
Stalker's sight (RR2)
Stamp of Nobility (RR:E)
Starburst (RR:E)
Starmantle (BoED)
Static Veil (BoEM)
Steal sleep (RR)
Steal the Thunder (Shamans)
Steal youth (WHB)
Stelan's blood tentacles (RR2)
Stench (S&S)
Step Under My Shadow (BoRL)
Sterilize (W&R)
Sticking Scabbard (RR:E)
Sticks to Serpents (N:AA)
Stinking Bolt (W&R)
Stolen Sight (SoI)
Stone assault (RR2)
Stone bolt (RR2)
Stonelore (S&S)
Stop the years (RR2)
Storm of fists (Magic)
Storm of Ten Thousand Knives (Dagger Chant) (BoRL)
Strength of Mind (S&S)
Strength of Þunor (RR)
Strength to strike (BoEM3)
Strengthen bone (Undead)
Stun item (BoEM3)
Sudden Wave (BoEM2)
Summarize (S&S)
Summon Dark Ally I (CGtDrow)
Summon Dragon I (N:AA)
Summon Dragon II (N:AA)
Summon Dragon III (N:AA)
Summon Dragon IV (N:AA)
Summon Dragon V (N:AA)
Summon Dragon VI (N:AA)
Summon Dragon VII (N:AA)
Summon Dragon VIII (N:AA)
Summon Dragon IX (N:AA)
Summon Elemental I (N:AA)
Summon Elemental II (N:AA)
Summon Elemental III (N:AA)
Summon Elemental IV (N:AA)
Summon Elemental V (N:AA)
Summon Elemental VI (N:AA)
Summon Elemental VII (N:AA)
Summon Elemental VIII (N:AA)
Summon Elemental IX (N:AA)
Summon Monster I (PHB)
Summon Monster II (PHB)
Summon Monster III (PHB)
Summon Monster IV (PHB)
Summon Monster V (PHB)
Summon Monster VI (PHB)
Summon Monster VII (PHB)
Summon Monster VIII (PHB)
Summon Monster IX (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally I (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally II (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally III (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally IV (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally V (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally VI (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally VII (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally VIII (PHB)
Summon Nature's Ally IX (PHB)
Summon Shadow Raven (Evil)
Sumptuous Feast (S&S)
Sundering strike (Magic)
Sunfire tomb (BoHM)
Sunspear (RR)
Suppress lesser (BoEM3)
Surface (S&S)
Surtan's Farstrike (RR)
Surtan's Fire (RR2)
Surtan's Floating Disk (PHB)
Susar's death (BoEM3)
Swift water (RR)
Switch Item (Fool Me Once) (BoRL)
Sword of Justice (S&S)
Syfa's Affinity with Nature (S&S)
Syfa's Exile from Nature (RR)
Syfa's Stick Servant (RR)


Talen's confounding battlefield (RR2)
Talen's maligned performance (RR2)
Tanil's purging (RR)
Tanil's spectral archers (RR2)
Tasha's Tickle Finger (S&S)
Tattoo item (RR)
Tear the Open Wound (N:AA)
Teleport Block (BoEM)
Teleport Coordinates Transfer (BoEM)
Teleport Redirect (BoEM)
Teleport Tracer (BoEM)
Temporal displacement (Magic)
Temporal venom (BoEM3)
Tempt (UHB)
Tendrils of eternal night (RR2)
Terole's translator (RR)
Terror (BoRL)
Test of Souls (BotR)
Tevikk's creeping eye (RR)
Thief Hand (BoRL)
Thief of Spells (Borrow a Cup of Magic) (BoEM2 and BoRL)
Thief Ward (BoEM)
Thieves' Charm (Mine, Mine, Mine) (BoRL)
Thorn Throw (RR)
Threatening Weapon (BoEM2)
Thulkas' fury (RR2)
Thunderhead (D302)
Þunor's Clenched Fist (PHB)
Þunor's Crushing Hand (PHB)
Þunor's Fury (RR)
Þunor's Grasping Hand (PHB)
Þunor's Iron Bead (RR2)
Þunor's Lighting Storm (RR)
Þunor's Magnificent Mansion (PHB)
Þunor's Secure Shelter (PHB)
Time fold (Magic)
Time skip (RR)
Time travel (Magic)
Tinker's hammer (Magic)
Titan's Strength (S&S)
Tiwas' Balance (RR)
Tongue of Angels (BoEM)
Tongue of Fiends (BoEM and BoRL)
Tongue Tie (RR:E)
Torrent of Color (SoI)
Touch of madness (RR2)
Touch of renewal (RR2)
Touch of Return (BotR)
Touch of the eel (RR)
Torment (Gods)
Tortoise Shield (RR:E)
Touch no evil (BoHM)
Tozlan Refuge (RR2)
Trackless (Wind and Broom) (BoRL)
Trait Removal (SK)
Transcribe (BoEM3)
Transfer Curse (My Gift to You) (BoRL)
Transference (BotR)
Transform dead (RR2)
Transmute flesh to shadow (RR)
Treant Shape (Gods)
Treasure Magnet (Into the Bag) (BoRL)
Treehouse (PGtCD)
Trigger Item (Pull the Lever) (BoRL)
Trigger rune (RR)
Trigger Trap (S&S)
Trinket Charm (A Coin for Uncle) (BoRL)
True Love (N:AA)
Trust in the Gods (RR2)
Truth's wings (BoHM)
Tummavoitin's Whip of Devastation (PGtWGS)
Turn resistance (RR2)
Twist the land (Dragons)
Two minds (RR)


Unbridled Lust (UHB)
Unbuckle (RR)
Undaunted Fixture (BoEM)
Undead attraction (Evil)
Undead crew (RR2)
Undead Gate (S&S)
Unearthly Beauty (BoED)
Unhand (BoEM2)
Unholy channel (RR)
Unholy Sword (UHB)
Unite allies (BoHM)
Unnatural Charm (SoI)
Unravel (S&S)
Unreasonable Rage (Mad as a Hare) (BoRL)
Unseen Marker (Gods)
Unwavering ally (RR2)
Utter Thrall (BoEM2)


Vampiric weapon (RR2)
Vangal's blessing (RR2)
Vangal's touch (RR)
Vangal's wounding (RR)
Vaßatar's Prank (RR)
Vaßatar's Secret Chest (PHB)
Vaßatar's Strife (RR)
Veil of lust (RR2)
Vengeful spell resistance (BoHM)
Venom Bolt (SK)
Venomfire (SK)
Venomous Spray (S&S)
Verisimilitude (RR2)
Verminplague (RR)
Vessa kornari (steal heart) (BoEM3)
Vicious summons (BoEM3)
Vigil of Illumination (RR:E)
Vigilant Guardians (S&S)
Virtue's curse (RR2)
Virulence (RR2)
Vision of Heaven (BoED)
Visitation (SoI)
Vivid Discharge (BoEM2)
Voice of Authority (S&S)


Waking nightmares (Evil)
Wall of bone (Undead)
Wall of Crystal (VW:SA)
Wall of Earth (S&S)
Wall of Frost (DCC19)
Wall of hornets (RR)
Wall of Vermin (S&S)
Warding Globes (BoEM2)
Watch the Watchers (BoRL)
Water's embrace (RR)
Watery prison (BoHM)
Waves of light (BoHM)
Weaving Dance (N:AA)
Web sphere (RR2)
Web splat (BoEM3)
Web Walking (S&S)
Weeping fool (RR2)
Weightless Cube (S&S)
Welter (BoEM2)
Whirl of Fangs (SK)
Whirlwind of Ice (S&S)
Whispering Branches (S&S)
Widdershins (RR)
Wild Quiet (RR:E)
Wild stealth (BoHM)
Wind Tunnel (S&S)
Window to Elsewhere (BoEM3)
Wings (N:AA)
Wisdom of the ivory emperor (Dragons)
Wither (Gods)
Woda's Disjunction (PHB)
Woda's Magic Aura (PHB)
Woda's Translator (RR)
Wolf Shield (RR:E)
Wolf's cry (RR)
Woodlands prison (BoHM)
Wounding (Evil)
Wrath of Thulkas (RR2)
Write (SoI)
Wünd's Secret Chest (PHB)
Wyrm Shield (RR:E)
Wyrm Strength (RR:E)


X-Ray Vision (BoEM2)


Yaral's totemic transformation (RR)
Yell (D302)
Yng's Fire (RR2)
Yoke (BoEM2)


Zap Trap (D302)
Zilvanus' Shadow Bolt (RR)
Zombie form (RR)
Zone of Bad Luck (BoRL)
Zone of Speed (BoEM)
Zone of Visibility (S&S)

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