Akyanzi [CR 1] (DCC19)
Albatross [CR ¼] (SW)
Amphisbaena [CR 5] (SK)
Anarchic Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Aquan Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Auran Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Avarice Giant (Template) [CR +1] (GL)
Axiomatic Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Badger [CR ½] (MM)
Bat [CR 1/10] (MM)
Bat, Vampire [CR ⅙] (D341)
Bat, Gloom [CR 3] (DCC45)
Bat, Night Hunter [CR 1] (MosF)
Bear, Black [CR 2] (MM)
Beast of Oxoßi, Claw Slayer Form [CR 11] (MosF)
Beast of Oxoßi, Feral Bat Form [CR 11] (MosF)
Beast of Oxoßi, Hunting Panther Form [CR 11] (MosF)
Beholderkin, Eyeball [CR ½] (MosF)
Blade Guardian [CR 6] (CW)
Blink Dog [CR 2] (MM)
Blood Kraken [CR 6] (CC)
Bloodmote Cloud [CR 6] (LM)
Boar [CR 2] (MM)
Bone Creature (Template) [CR +1] (BoVD)
Bookworm [CR ⅓] (S&S)
Brutigan [CR 2] (GL)
Bulgrif [CR 7] (Mercenaries)
Carrion Crow [CR 6] (UHB)
Cat [CR ¼] (MM)
Cat, Tressym [CR ¼] (FRCS)
Celestial Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MM)
Celestial Piper [CR ½] (S&S)
Celestial, Harmonious Choir of the Words [CR 12] (D353)
Celestial, Sliver [CR 3] (D353)
Celestial, Thaerestian Angel [CR 15] (BoEM2)
Celestial, Valiance Angel [CR 10] (BoEM2)
Chameleon [CR ⅙] (D341)
Chipmunk [CR -] (D277)
Chitine [CR 1] (MosF)
Choldrith [CR 4] (MosF)
Clockbug [CR -] (S&S)
Copper Asp [CR ½] (D341)
Corpse Creature (Template) [CR +1] (BoVD)
Corrupted Creature (Template) [CR +1 to +3] (BoVD)
Creature of the Mist (Template) [CR +1] (BoEM3)
Crocodile [CR 2] (MM)
Crocodile, Giant [CR 4] (MM)
Crow [CR ⅙] (D341)
Crystal Cat [CR 1] (D341)
Cunæ Womb [CR 6] (UHB)
Dark Chanting Goshawk [CR ⅓] (D341)
Dead Eater [CR 1] (VW:WR)
Demon, Babau [CR 7] (BoVD)
Demon, Bar-Lgura [CR 5] (BoVD)
Demon, Chasme [CR 10] (BoVD)
Demon, Ilkean Abductor [CR 7] (BoEM3)
Demon, Ilkean Annihilator [CR 13] (BoEM3)
Demon, Ilkean Dancer [CR 9] (BoEM3)
Demon, Incubus [CR 3] (D353)
Demon, Manes [CR 1] (BoVD)
Demon, Quasit [CR 2] (MM)
Demon, Rutterkin [CR 3] (BoVD)
Demon, Shadow [CR 8] (BoVD)
Demonic Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (UHB)
Deremole [CR ½] (S&S)
Deathcoils [CR 7] (SK)
Devil, Death [CR 11] (D353)
Devil, Ghargatula [CR 16] (BoVD)
Devil, Imp [CR 2] (MM)
Devil, Kocrachon [CR 6] (BoVD)
Diabolic Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (UHB)
Dinosaur, Ceratosaur [CR 7] (SK)
Dinosaur, Compsognathus [CR ½] (D318)
Dinosaur, Dimetrodon [CR 2] (D318)
Dinosaur, Diplodocus [CR 12] (D318)
Dinosaur, Giganotosaurus [CR 13] (D318)
Dinosaur, Helicoprion [CR 5] (D318)
Dinosaur, Liopleuridon [CR 15] (D318)
Dinosaur, Needletooth [CR ⅙] (D351)
Dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus [CR 6] (D318)
Dinosaur, Pteranadon [CR 3] (SK)
Dinosaur, Pterodactylus [CR 2] (D318)
Dinosaur, Rhamphorhynchus [CR ¼] (D318)
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus [CR 7] (SK)
Dire Bat [CR 2] (MM)
Dire Ostrich (Axebeak) [CR 6] (W&R)
Dire Rat [CR ⅓] (MM)
Dire Rhinoceros [CR 10] (W&R)
Dire Weasel [CR 2] (MM)
Dog [CR ⅓] (MM)
Dragon, Amethyst [CR 3 to 25] (MM2)
Dragon, Arcane [CR 2 to 24] (CC2)
Dragon, Brown [CR 2 to 24] (MoF)
Dragon, Crystal [CR 2 to 23] (MM2)
Dragon, Deep [CR 2 to 24] (MoF)
Dragon, Dire [CR 2 to 19] (DL)
Dragon, Emerald [CR 2 to 24] (MM2)
Dragon, Fang [CR 2 to 21] (MoF)
Dragon, Molten [CR 2 to 21] (DL)
Dragon, Reef [CR 1 to 20] (DL)
Dragon, Sand [CR 2 to 27] (SS)
Dragon, Sapphire [CR 2 to 24] (MM2)
Dragon, Shadow [CR 2 to 23] (MoF)
Dragon, Song [CR 2 to 24] (MoF)
Dragon, Tar [CR 18] (CC)
Dragon, Topaz [CR 3 to 25] (MM2)
Dragon, Wild [CR 3 to 25] (DL)
Dragon Wisp [CR 6] (DCC30.5)
Drake, Courier [CR 1 to 4] (DL)
Drake, Guardian [CR 3 to 11] (DL)
Drake, Scout [CR 1 to 7] (DL)
Drake, War [CR 9 to 15] (DL)
Drake, Watcher [CR ½ to 3] (DL)
Dream Folk [CR 4] (CC2)
Dreamwrack [CR 3] (CC2)
Dreamwraith [CR 9] (CC2)
Drowned Lady [CR ¼] (CC)
Dune Beast [CR 1] (DCC45)
Earth Elemental, Small [CR 1] (MM)
Eldlorn (Arcane Dwarf) [CR ⅓] (H&H)
Eel [CR ½] (SW)
Eel, Ebon [CR 1] (CC)
Eel, Reef [CR 1] (CoFP)
Eisernguard [CR 3] (H&H)
Eleven-Headed Brass Hydra [CR 14] (BoEM)
Erudite Owl [CR 2] (D341)
Ferret [CR ¼] (T&B)
Fiendish Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MM)
Fioð Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Fire Elemental, Small [CR 1] (MM)
Firebird [CR 4] (FPT)
Flying Abomination, Medium [CR 2] (S&S)
Flying Abomination, Small [CR 1] (S&S)
Flying Abomination, Tiny [CR ½] (S&S)
Formian Worker [CR ½] (MM)
Fox [CR ¼] (D280)
Fox, Arctic [CR ¼] (FB)
Fox, Flying [CR ¼] (D341)
Genie: Dao [CR 7] (MotP)
Genie: Marid [CR 9] (MotP)
Genshok [CR 1] (DF:CoL)
Ghoul [CR 1] (MM and LM)
Giant Ant Drone [CR 3] (PFSRD)
Giant Fire Beetle [CR ⅓] (MM)
Giant Leech [CR 2] (W&R)
Giant Slug [CR 8] (W&R)
Giant, Feral [CR 3] (MosF)
Giant, Fog [CR 8] (MosF)
Giant, Glutton [CR 10] (GL)
Glass Dragonfly [CR 1] (D341)
Glyph Guardian (Template) [CR +3] (D302)
Golem, Alchemical [CR 10] (D302)
Golem, Eye [CR 2] (BoEM3)
Golem, Fungus [CR 4] (D341)
Golem, Junk [CR 5] (D341)
Golem, Mud [CR 10] (D302)
Golem, Paper [CR 1] (D341)
Golem, Puzzle [CR 12] (D302)
Golem, Rat [CR 6] (VW:WR)
Golem, Rope [CR 12] (D302)
Golem, Serpentflesh [CR 8] (SK)
Golem, Web [CR 7] (D302)
Gore Mole [CR 4] (H&H)
Gorgon, High [CR 9] (CC)
Greater Lycanthrope: Greater Werelion (Template) [CR +4] (N:AA, RoF, and TL)
Greater Lycanthrope: Greater Weretiger (Template) [CR +5] (RoF and TL)
Greater Lycanthrope: Greater Werewolf (Template) [CR +4] (RoF and TL)
Grollok [CR 7] (Mercenaries)
Groundhog [CR -] (D277)
Gyrfalcon [CR ⅓] (FB)
Hag, Brine [CR 10] (CC)
Hag, Cavern [CR 9] (CC)
Hag, Green [CR 5] (MM)
Hag, Ice [CR 7] (CC)
Hag, Marzanna [CR 6] (FB)
Hag, Moon [CR 13] (CC)
Hag, Sea [CR 4] (MM)
Hag, Storm [CR 9] (CC)
Hag, Swamp [CR 6] (CC)
Hammerstruck Creature (Template) [CR +1] (H&H)
Hare [CR -] (D280)
Hauncher [CR 4] (Mercenaries)
Hawk [CR ⅓] (MM)
Hawk, Sea [CR 2] (CoFP)
Hedgehog [CR ¼] (T&B)
Hell Hound [CR 3] (MM)
Hookwing [CR ¼] (CC)
Horserat [CR 2] (VW:WR)
Huitzil [CR ⅓] (DMagic)
Ice Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Ice Paraelemental, Monolith [CR 17] (D347)
Ignan Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Iguana [CR ⅙] (D341)
Isen (Arctic Dwarf) [CR ½] (H&H)
Ísern-Souled Creature (Template) [CR +2] (H&H)
Jankx [CR ⅓] (D319)
Khezotek (Bugbear) [CR 2] (MM)
Kongamato Dragon, Adult [CR 1] (N:AA)
Kongamato Dragon, Juvenile [CR ½] (N:AA)
Kralovna (Goblin Queen) [CR 10] (MM2)
Kuo-Toa [CR 2] (MM)
Lavoriss [CR 3] (DF:CoL)
Lemming [CR ⅛] (FB)
Lizard [CR ⅙] (MM)
Lizard King/Queen [CR 2] (SK)
Lizard, Horned [CR ¼] (SS)
Lizard, Night [CR ¼] (D341)
Lizardfolk, Blackscale [CR 3] (MM3)
Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk [CR 1] (MM3)
Lobir [CR 4] (N:AA)
Lycanthrope: Werebat (Template) [CR +3] (MosF, RoF, and TL)
Lycanthrope: Wereconstrictor (Template) [CR +4] (TL)
Lycanthrope: Werecrocodile (Template) [CR +3] (MosF, RoF, and TL)
Lycanthrope: Werehyena Template) [CR +2] (N:AA)
Lycanthrope: Werelion (Template) [CR +3] (N:AA)
Lycanthrope: Werepuma (Template) [CR +3] (TL)
Lycanthrope: Wereraven (Template) [CR +3] (TL)
Lycanthrope: Wereshark (Template) [CR +4] (MosF, RoF, and TL)
Lycanthrope: Wereviper (Template) [CR +3] (TL)
Lycanthrope: Werevulture (Template) [CR +2] (CC and SS]
Lycanthrope: Wereweasel (Template) [CR +3] (TL)
Lycanthrope: Werewolverine (Template) [CR +3] (TL)
Magma Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (D347)
Magma Paraelemental, Monolith [CR 17] (D347)
Mammoth of Iku-Tyrma [CR 12] (UHB)
Mana Symbiote [CR 2] (TL)
Mercurial Spider [CR 1] (D341)
Mire Wyrm [CR 9] (VW:WR)
Mlarraun [CR 1] (SK)
Modron, Duodrone [CR 1] (D354)
Modron, Messenger Monodrone [CR ½] (D354)
Modron, Monodrone [CR ½] (D354)
Modron, Pentadrone [CR 5] (D354)
Modron, Quadrone [CR 4] (D354)
Modron, Tridrone [CR 3] (D354)
Modron, Winged Quadrone [CR 4] (D354)
Monkey [CR ⅙] (MM)
Mouse [CR -] (D280)
Mulworm [CR ⅙] (D319)
Muzotek (Goblin Drone) [CR 4] (MM2)
Naga, Bone (Template) [CR +1] (SK)
Naga, Ha [CR 22] (SK)
Naga, Iridescent [CR 8] (SK)
Nagahydra [CR 18] (SK)
Nifern [CR 2] (SK)
Norling [CR 4] (Mercenaries)
Octopus [CR 1] (MM)
Ooze Creature [CR +0 to +2] (D347)
Ooze Paraelemental, Monolith [CR 17] (D347)
Orc, Black [CR 1] (FitW)
Orc, Brown [CR ½] (FitW)
Orc, Common [CR ½] (MM)
Orc, Gray [CR ½] (FitW)
Orc, White [CR ½] (FitW)
Otter [CR ¼] (D280 and SW)
Owl [CR ¼] (MM)
Owl, Fish [CR ¼] (SW)
Owl, Screech [CR ¼] (T&B)
Owl, Snowy [CR ¼] (FB)
Penguin [CR ⅙] (FB)
Platypus [CR ¼] (D341)
Plague Giant (Template) [CR +2 to +3] (GL)
Porpoise [CR ½] (MM)
Potěr (Goblin Larva) [CR ¼] (MM2)
Prašotek (Goblin) [CR ⅓] (MM)
Pseudodragon (CR 1) [MM]
Puffin [CR ⅙] (FB)
Putrescent Flow [CR 10] (UHB)
Rabid Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (W&R)
Raccoon [CR ⅓] (D280)
Ramphor [CR ⅙] (D319)
Rat [CR ⅛] (MM)
Ratman [CR ½] (CC)
Ratman, Black Pelt [CR 2] (VW:WR)
Ratman, Brown Gorger [CR ½] (CC)
Ratman, Daywalker [CR 1] (CC2)
Ratmen, Diseased [CR ½] (CC)
Ratman, Foamer [CR 1] (CC)
Ratman, Forge Crawler Mechanician [CR 2] (VW:WR)
Ratman, Forge Crawler Pothecary [CR 2] (VW:WR)
Ratman, Mauler [CR 3] (VW:WR)
Ratman, Red Witch [CR 1] (CC)
Ratman, Stalker [CR 1] (CC2)
Ratman, Storm Chaser [CR 3] (VW:WR)
Ratman, Stricken [CR 2] (VW:WR)
Ratman, Unseeing [CR 2] (VW;WR)
Ratman, White Wraith [CR 1] (CC2)
Ratroo [CR ¼] (CC)
Raven [CR ⅙] (MM)
Razor Hawk [CR ½] (D341)
Reklero [CR 10] (UHB)
Scythe Falcon [CR 2] (CC)
Sentry Crow [CR ½] (CC)
Serpent Person, Civilized [CR ½] (FPT)
Serpent Person, Degenerate [CR ½] (FPT)
Sewerm [CR 2] (SK)
Shadow [CR 3] (MM)
Shadow Constrictor Snake [CR 4] (FPT)
Shadow Creature (Template) [CR +1] (MotP)
Shadow Raven [CR 2] (Evil)
Shadow Serpent [CR 3] (FPT)
Shark, Large [CR 2] (MM)
Shark, Medium [CR 1] (MM)
Shocker Lizard [CR 2] (MM)
Shrew [CR ⅙] (T&B)
Simpering Servant [CR 1] (UHB)
Sinthrall (Template) [CR +1] (BEA1)
Skunk [CR ¼] (D280)
Smoke Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (D347)
Smoke Paraelemental, Monolith [CR 17] (D347)
Spark Guardian [CR 3] (CW)
Snake, Dung [CR 2] (SK)
Snake, Glacier [CR 2] (SK)
Snake, Reed [CR ½] (SK)
Snake, Small Constrictor [CR ¼] (D277)
Snake, Tiny Sea [CR ⅓] (SW)
Snake, Tiny Viper [CR ⅓] (MM)
Snake, Tree Python [CR 2] (SK)
Snake, Whipsnake [CR 2] (SK)
Sohr [CR 8] (BoEM3)
Sohr, Battle [CR 7] (BoEM3)
Sparrowhawk [CR ¼] (T&B)
Spider, Hairy [CR ½] (MosF)
Spirit of the Plague [CR 4] (CC)
Squid [CR 1] (MM)
Squirrel [CR ⅛] (D280, D341)
Staroztek (Goblin Great Old One) [CR 6] (MM2)
Stone Dire Tiger [CR 13] (BoEM)
Stonestrider [CR 4] (H&H)
Storm Kin [CR 7] (CC)
Swarm Drone (Template) [CR +1] (TL)
Swarm, Bat [CR 2] (MM)
Swarm, Bone Rat [CR 3] (LM)
Swarm, Centipede [CR 4] (MM)
Swarm, Corpse Rat [CR 4] (LM)
Swarm, Ephemeral [CR 5] (MM3)
Swarm, Hellwasp [CR 8] (MM)
Swarm, Ironbiter [CR 8] (DCC30.5)
Swarm, Locust [CR 3] (MM)
Swarm, Rat [CR 2] (MM)
Swarm, Spider [CR 1] (MM)
Swarm, Swamp Strider [CR 5] (MM3)
Swarm, Viper [CR 2] (DF:CoL)
Syfa's Fox [CR ½] (CC)
Teekon [CR 5] (Mercenaries)
Tempered Creature (Template) [CR +2] (H&H)
Terran Creature (Template) [CR +0 to +2] (MotP)
Thrush [CR -] (T&B)
Toad [CR 1/10] (MM)
Tomb Viper [CR 2] (DCC45)
Tren [CR 3] (SK)
Troll-Blooded (Template) [CR +2] (GL)
Troll, Banshee [CR 6] (Mercenaries)
Troll, Dire Frost [CR 14] (GL)
Troll, Rock [CR 8] (DF:CoL)
Troll, Sentry [CR 6] (GL)
Troll, Shambling [CR 10] (GL)
Troll, Stone [CR 5] (GL)
Turtle, Sea [CR ½] (CoFP)
Unholy Riven [CR 13] (BoEM2)
Vyšotek (Hobgoblin) [CR ½] (MM)
War-Worm [CR ¼] (DCC29)
War-Worm Queen [CR 2] (DCC29)
War-Worm Zombie (Template) [CR ⅛ to CR 6] (DCC29)
Water Elemental, Small [CR 1] (MM)
Weasel [CR ¼] (MM)
Whale, Orca [CR 5] (MM)
Wrath Giant (Template) [CR +2] (GL)
Wuggle (Bullywug) [CR 1] (MosF)
Home General Rules
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