A&EG | Arms and Equipment Guide | |
B&B | Bow & Blade: A Guidebook to Wood Elves | |
BDD | Blackdirge's Dungeon Denizens | |
BEA# | Bleeding Edge Adventure (#) | |
BoEM | The Book of Eldritch Might | |
BoEM2 | The Book of Eldritch Might II | |
BoEM3 | The Book of Eldritch Might III | |
BoED | The Book of Exalted Deeds | |
BoHM | The Book of Hallowed Might | |
BoIM | The Book of Iron Might | |
BoRL | The Book of Roguish Luck | |
BoVD | The Book of Vile Darkness | |
CAd | Complete Adventurer | |
CAr | Complete Arcane | |
CC | Creature Collection | |
CC2 | Creature Collection II: The Dark Menagerie | |
CC3 | Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary | |
CD | Complete Divine | |
CGtB | The Complete Guide to Beholders | |
CGtD | The Complete Guide to Doppelgangers | |
CGtDragons | The Complete Guide to Dragons | |
CGtDrow | The Complete Guide to Drow | |
CGtWW | The Complete Guide to Werewolves | |
CHB | The Cavalier's Handbook | |
CoFP | Creatures of Freeport | |
CoR | Champions of Ruin | |
CoSp | City of Splendors | |
CS | Complete Scoundrel | |
CW | Complete Warrior | |
D### | Dragon Magazine (issue ###) | |
DCC## | Dungeon Crawl Classics (##) | |
DD | The Divine & the Defeated | |
DF:CoL | Dawnforge: Crucible of Legend | |
DHH | Demon Hunter's Handbook | |
DL | Draconic Lore | |
DLCS | DragonLance Campaign Setting | |
DM | Drow Magic: Sorcery of Endless Night | |
DMagic | Dragon Magic | |
DMPI | Dragon Magic: Power Incarnate | |
Dragons | AEG's Dragons | |
Dungeons | AEG's Dungeons | |
ECS | Eberron Campaign Setting | |
ER | Eternal Rome: Roleplaying in the Age of Gods and Emperors | |
Evil | AEG's Evil | |
Færies | Færies | |
F&F | Fang & Fury: A Guidebook to Vampires | |
Feats | AEG's Feats | |
FB | Frostburn | |
FF | Fiend Folio | |
FitW | Fury in the Wastelands: The Orcs of Tellene | |
FM | Fey Magic: Dreaming the Reverie | |
FPT | The Freeport Trilogy | |
GL | Giant Lore | |
Gods | AEG's Gods | |
H:EA | Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures | |
H&H | Hammer & Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves | |
HO | Hollowfaust: The City of Necromancers | |
LM | Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead | |
Magic | AEG's Magic | |
M:AtS | Midnight: Against the Shadow | |
M | Midnight | |
MM | Monster Manual | |
MM2 | Monster Manual II | |
MM3 | Monster Manual III | |
MM4 | Monster Manual IV | |
MM5 | Monster Manual V | |
MoE | Magic of Eberron | |
MosF | Monsters of Færûn | |
MotP | Manual of the Planes | |
N:AA | Nyambe: African Adventures | |
N:BtG | Necromancy: Beyond the Grave | |
NHB | The Noble's Handbook | |
OA | Oriental Adventures | |
OfB | Out for Blood | |
P&P | Portals & Planes | |
PGtCD | The Player's Guide to Clerics and Druids | |
PGtFB | The Player's Guide to Fighters and Barbarians | |
PGtRR | The Player's Guide to Rangers and Rogues | |
PGtWBS | The Player's Guide to Wizards, Bards, and Sorcerers | |
PHB | Player's Handbook | |
PHB2 | Player's Handbook II | |
PoF | Path of Faith | |
PoM | Path of Magic | |
PoS | Path of Shadow | |
PotS | Path of the Sword | |
PP | The Penumbral Pentagon | |
PRPG | Pathfinder Roleplaying Game | |
QF | The Quintessential Fighter | |
RoE | Races of Eberron | |
RoF | Races of Færûn | |
RR | Relics & Rituals | |
RR2 | Relics & Rituals II | |
RR:E | Relics & Rituals: Excalibur | |
SB | SpirosBlaak: A Campaign Setting for the d20 System | |
SC | Spell Compendium | |
SK | Serpent Kingdoms | |
SS | Sandstorm | |
S&S | Spells & Spellcraft | |
SFHB | The Seafarer's Handbook | |
SHB | The Shaman's Handbook | |
Shamans | Shamans: Call of the Wild | |
ShSo | Shining South | |
SoE | School of Evocation | |
SoI | School of Illusion | |
So&St | Sorcery & Steam | |
SW | Stormwrack | |
T&B | Tome & Blood | |
T:BE | Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era | |
TL | Twisted Lore | |
TWPM | Thieves' World Player's Manual | |
UHB | The Unholy Warrior's Handbook | |
Undead | AEG's Undead | |
VW:SA | Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi | |
VW:WR | Vigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen | |
W&R | Wrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs | |
War | AEG's War | |
WQ | White Wolf Quarterly | |
WS | Wildscape | |
WHB | The Witch's Handbook | |
WW | The Wise and the Wicked |
These are all of the sourcebooks I have used abbreviations for thus far. As I add new sourcebook material to this blog, I will expand this list whenever I use an abbreviation for new sourcebook.
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