Sunday, December 29, 2019

Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Embermage

Embermage (adapted from the Book of Eldritch Might)

Although there are others who claim to be fire wizards, these devotees of Tuliherra's cult may the the truest sort of fire mage. Fire smolders within them: Their blood literally burns. This fire makes them tough - they have to be, for their dread master requires that they access their powers by releasing the fire within.

Many sorcerers and wizards become embermages, other arcanists less often. All embermages have suffered greatly by fire and internalized the power within the flame. Embermages often gather thogether in small cabals. They use their power to achieve a set end, although the specific goals of every embermage are different, they all serve Tuliherra in the end.

Hit Die: d6.
Luck Die: d3.

To become an embermage, one must meet the following criteria:
  • Skills: Knowledge: Arcana 10+ ranks.
  • Feats: Endurance, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Penetration.
  • Alignment: Nongood.
  • Special: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells including at least five spells of the fire type and no spells of the cold type.
  • Special: You must have been reduced to negative hit points entirely through damage by fire or have been killed by a fire attack.
  • Special: You can use no spell or item that provides protection against fire. Doing so prevents the use of embermage abilities until the protection ends.
  • Special: Must join the cult of Tuliherra.
Class Skills
  • The embermage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft: Any (all skills taken individually)(Int), Knowledge: Any (all skills taken individually)(Int), Profession: Any (all skills taken individually)(Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the embermage prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Poor. An embermage gains +½ base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Good. An embermage gains +½ base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Poor. An embermage gains +⅓ base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Good. An embermage gains a +½ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Embermages gain no new proficiency with any arms or armor.

  • Spellcasting: When an odd-numbered embermage level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit of a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of embermage to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became an embermage, he must decide to which arcane spellcasting class he adds each level of embermage for the purpose of determining spells per day.

  • Burning Touch (Sp): The embermage can call flames to the tips of his fingers as a free action, inflicting 1d4 + 1 point per class level of fire damage (maximum +5) if touched to a foe. The touch attack is handled normally. The flames can set flammable objects like paper alight. The flames last for 1 round. These flames come from within the character, inflicting 1 point of damage upon him each time he uses this ability.

  • Burning Blood (Sp): The embermage can cut himself as a standard action, inflicting 1 to 5 points of damage upon himself as he chooses. His gflaming blood gushes from the wound, causing everyone within 5 feet 1d6 points of damage for each point of damage the embermage suffered.

  • Fingers of Fire (Sp): Calling fire to the tips of his fingers, the embermage can launch one to five spurts of flame in a single round at targets up to 30 feet away. If firing multiple spurts, the embermage can target different foes, but no two can be more than 10 feet apart. Each spurt requires a ranged touch attack and inflicts 2d6 points of damage. Each spurt inflicts 2 points of damage to the embermage as well.

  • Burning Blood Backlash (Su): Whenever the 6th level embermage suffers damage from a slashing or piercing attack, the resulting spurt of inner fire and burning blood inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage upon the attacker if he is within 5 feet.

  • Tongue of Fire (Sp): Once per day, the 8th level embermage can spit two gouts of flame as a standard action. One forms a flaming shield that provides a +3 armor bonus with no armor check penalty or spell failure chance. The other forms a flame blade, as a spell of the same name. The shield and blade last for 10 minutes.

  • Eyes of Fire (Sp): Once per day, the embermage can shoot from his eyes a blast of fire 5 feet wide and 100 + 10 feet per class level log. All within this area must make Reflex saving throws (DC 10 + the embermage's Intelligence modifier + the embermage's class level) or suffer 1d6 points of fire damage per embermage class level (maximum 10d6). This fire is so hot that even creatures immune to fire suffer half damage and characters with fire resistance only get half their normal resistance.

  • Internal Explosion (Sp): Once per day, at 10th level, the embermage can call upon his most dreaded power. He can temporarily transfer the ultra-hot flame within himself to some other victim or victims. This works exactly like the spell implosion, except that the target explodes in flame. The save DC is equal to 10 + the embermage's Intelligence modifier + the embermage's class level. Creatures immune to fire suffer no damage. but characters with fire resistance have no special protection.

1stBurning Touch+1 level of existing class
2ndBurning Blood-
3rd-+1 level of existing class
4thFingers of Fire-
5th-+1 level of existing class
6thBurning Blood Backlash-
7th-+1 level of existing class
8thTongue of Fire-
9thEyes of Fire+1 level of existing class
10thInternal Explosion-

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Saturday, December 28, 2019

House Rules - Mirror Master Spell List

This is a spell list of all the bonus spells for Mirror Masters that includes all of the spells drawn from the various sourcebooks that I own. Mirror Masters also gain spells according to the spell list of the arcane spellcasting classes they were members of before becoming Mirror Masters. In some cases, I have added particular spells from third party sourcebooks that I thought were thematically appropriate as expansions to the spell list for this class. For the most part, this list does not include spells that appear in either the Player's Handbook or the Spell Compendium, although I may get around to including them at some point. Spells drawn from sources other than those two volumes are marked with a notation by the spells in question. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these notated abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

1st Level

Command (PHB)*
Hypnotism (PHB)*
Message (PHB)*

2nd Level

Mirror Image (PHB)
See Invisibility (PHB)*
Shatter (PHB)

3rd Level

Daylight (PHB)
Mirror Shield (BoEM)
Searing Light (PHB)*

4th Level

Lesser Mirror Calling (BoEM)*
Mirror Safe (RR)
Rainbow Pattern (PHB)
Scrying (PHB)

5th Level

Mirror Blast (BoEM)*
Mirror Theft (BoEM)*
True Seeing (PHB)

6th Level

Eyebite (PHB)*
Mirror Calling (BoEM)*
Mirror Truth (BoEM)*

7th Level

Mirror Portal (BoEM)*
Simulacrum (PHB)
Spell Turning (PHB)

Spells drawn from this list cast by Mirror Masters that are marked with a "*" require that the target, area, or effect be viewed in a mirror - either normally or through the Mirror Sight feat.

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Graven One

Graven One (adapted from the Book of Eldritch Might)

Tales tell of arcanists with skin like leather or maybe even like stone. Every inch of these mages' skins are covered in tattoos, sigils, runes, and other markings. They have, quite literally, transformed themselves into living magic items. To do so, they undergo painful rituals that strengthen their flesh and make them hardier individuals.

Wizards and sorcerers become graven ones most frequently, but occasionally other arcanists do as well. Graven ones usually wander alone, though sometimes their abilities are seen as such a book that they become military leaders or enforcers for powerful masters. Dwarven spellcasters are the most common individuals to follow the path of the graven one, but külen and kell often take up this class as well.

Hit Die: d4.
Luck Die: d2.

To become a graven one, one must meet the following criteria:
  • Skills: Knowledge: Arcana 5+ ranks.
  • Feats: Etch Object Rune, Inscribe Magic Tattoo, Scribe Scroll, Toughness.
  • Special: Ability to cast 4th level arcane spells including at least three spells with the word "mark" in the title, erase, explosive runes, and sepia snake sigil.
  • Languages: Must be able to speak Celestial, Infernal, and Sûlic.
  • Special: You must find a third party who can cast permanency and will partake in a ritual that lasts an entire day. You lose 4 hit points permanently, but when it is over you bear a tough, almost stone-like skin with an inherent +1 natural armor bonus.
Class Skills
  • The graven one's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft: Any (all skills taken individually)(Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge: Arcana (Int), Knowledge: the Planes (Int), Profession: Any (all skills taken individually)(Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the graven one prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Average. A graven one gains +¾ base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Good. A graven one gains +½ base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Poor. A graven one gains +⅓ base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Poor. A graven one gains a +⅓ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Graven ones gain no new proficiency with any arms or armor.

  • Spellcasting: When an odd-numbered graven one level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit of a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of graven one to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became a graven one, he must decide to which arcane spellcasting class he adds each level of graven one for the purpose of determining spells per day.

  • Flesh Rune (Sp): The graven one gains the ability to etch runes into her own flesh using the Etch Object Rune feat. The graven one's body can bear as many as four runes at once, no matter her size. In cultures where skin markings are strange, or among those who fear or distrust magic, these obvious runes - as well as tattoos of power and the graven images detailed below - give the graven one a -2 circumstance penalty to all Charisma-based skill checks except Intimidate checks, which gain a +2 circumstance bonus.

  • Tattoo of Power (Su): A graven one can inscribe a tattoo on her body that lasts for 24 hours. It requires 10 minutes to inscribe it, and she can bear only one tattoo of power at a time. This in no way interacts with any flesh runes she might have. When she gains this ability at 2nd level, she chooses a tattoo of power inscription that she knows from the table below. The graven one's level plus her Intelligence modifier determines which of the tattoos she can learn. When she gains this ability again at 3rd level and at alternating levels after that, she can learn how to inscribe another tattoo.

  • Graven Image (Su): The graven one can inscribe one or more images of animals or magical beasts on her flesh. This in no way interacts with any flesh runes or tattoos of power she might have. Inscribing this image takes 10 minutes, and it can be activated at any time afterward as a free action. When activated, the image leaps from the graven one's body and becomes a real version of that creature. It remains for one minute per level, or until slain, obeying the graven one's commands which are issued as free actions. As the graven one goes up in levels, she can make more and more Hit Dice worth of creatures into images.
Graven One

1stFlesh Rune+1 level of existing class
2ndTattoo of Power-
3rdTattoo of Power+1 level of existing class
4thGraven Image (5 Hit Dice)-
5thTattoo of Power+1 level of existing class
6thGraven Image (10 Hit Dice)-
7thTattoo of Power+1 level of existing class
8thGraven Image (15 Hit Dice)-
9thTattoo of Power+1 level of existing class
10thGraven Image (20 hit Dice)-

Tattoos of Power
Level + Intelligence Modifier
+2 enhancement bonus to Constitution
+2 enhancement bonus to Strength
+2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity
+3 natural armor bonus to Armor Class (this stacks with the natural armor bonus granted by the graven one class)
Silent Shadow
+10 enhancement bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks
25% chance to negate all critical hits or sneak attacks inflicted upon the graven one
Change Self
As the spell change self
All attacks dealing damage, including spells, made by the graven one inflict a wound that bleeds 1 point of damage per round as a weapon with the wounding special ability
Holy or Unholy
All attacks dealing damage, including spells, made by the graven one inflict +2d6 points of damage to all creatures of evil alignment (if holy is chosen) or good alignment (if unholy is chosen)
Anarchic or Axiomatic
All attacks dealing damage, including spells, made by the graven one inflict +2d6 points of damage to all creatures of lawful alignment (if anarchic is chosen) or chaotic alignment (if axiomatic is chosen)
Spell Resistance
The graven one gains spell resistance of 11 + her class levels
Damage Reduction
The graven one gains damage resistance 10/+2

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Mirror Master

Mirror Master (adapted from the Book of Eldritch Might)

Mirror masters are usually born with a gift that allows them to see things in mirrors that others do not see. Occasionally, this gift is bestowed through ritual as well. Mirror masters are quiet, mysterious folk whose gazes teem transfixed elsewhere.

Wizards and sorcerers become mirror masters most frequently, but other arcane spellcasters sometimes do as well. Mirror masters rarely work together. Sometimes one will operate within a guild of other mages, but most often these spellcasters work alone.

Hit Die: d4.
Luck Die: d2.

To become a mirror master, one must meet the following criteria:
Class Skills
  • The mirror master's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft: Any (all skills taken individually)(Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge: Arcana (Int), Knowledge: the Planes (Int), Profession: Any (all skills taken individually)(Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the mirror master prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Poor. A mirror master gains +½ base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Poor. A mirror master gains +⅓ base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Poor. A mirror master gains +⅓ base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Good. A mirror master gains a +½ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Mirror masters gain no new proficiency with any arms or armor.

  • Spellcasting: When an odd-numbered mirror master level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit of a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of mirror master to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became a mirror master, he must decide to which arcane spellcasting class he adds each level of mirror master for the purpose of determining spells per day.

  • Mirror Thoughts (Sp): Once per day, a mirror master can use a mirror to detect and learn the thoughts of anyone reflected in its surface. In all other respects, this ability works like the spell detect thoughts.

  • Mirrored Eyes (Su): A mirror master gains an additional saving throw against all gaze attacks. If either save succeeds, treat the situation as if the mirror master made the save.

  • Bonus Spells (Ex): The mirror master gains bonus spells as she studies mirrors and mirror lore drawn from the Mirror Master Spell List. These spells are either added automatically to her spellbook (if she is a wizard or other spellcaster that uses spellbooks), or one of each level is added to the spells the caster knows (if she is a sorcerer or similar spontaneous spellcaster).

  • Piercing Gaze (Ex): The mirror master gains a +2 competence bonus to Spot, Search, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks.

  • Mirror Step (Sp): Once per day, a mirror master can step into one mirror and out another. At 6th level, treat this ability as dimension door in all ways other than the requirement that the starting and destination point must be a mirror. At 8th level, treat this ability in all other ways as teleport. At 10th level, treat this ability in all other ways as plane shift. Each time a mirror master gains a new version of this ability, it brings with it a new use per day. This ability can be used in conjunction with Mirror Sight.
Mirror Master

1stMirror Thoughts+1 level of existing class
2ndMirrored Eyes, Bonus Spells (1st and 2nd)-
3rd-+1 level of existing class
4thPiercing Gaze, Bonus Spells (3rd and 4th)-
5th-+1 level of existing class
6thMirror Step (Dimension Door), Bonus Spells (5th)-
7th-+1 level of existing class
8thMirror Step (Teleport), Bonus Spells (6th)-
9th-+1 level of existing class
10thMirror Step (Plane Shift), Bonus Spells (7th)-

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