Wednesday, December 15, 2021

House Rules - New Specific Magic Armor

New Magic Armor

Armor of the Sun
7,800 shillings
50 lbs.
Coral Chainmail
6,450 shillings
40 lbs.
Invisible Armor
3,350 shillings
30 lbs.
Jack's Costume
45,710 shillings
10 lbs.
The following specific suits of armor usually are preconstructed with exactly the qualities desribed here.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

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Armor of the Sun: (Mercenaries) Tis shining, gleaming suit of +2 half-plate is decorated with golden raised runes and etchings, one of them usually being the symbol of Belin. Three times per day, the wearer can invoke a prayer to Belin with a command word. The suit then sheds light as bright as full daylight in a 60-foot radius. Creatures who suffer penalties in bright light suffer them while exposed to this magical light. If the armor is empowered so when brought into an area of magical darkness, it is temporarily negated, so that the otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of effect. The armor of the sun counters and dispels any dakrness spell of equal or lower level, such as darkness.
  Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, daylight; Cost: 7,800 shillings; Cost to Create: 4,275 shillings + 282 experience points.

Coral Chainmail: (Conjuration) Privateers and pirates prize this rare chainmail. It is usually crafted of coral itself and stregnthened a hundredfold by sorcery. At the same time, it has enough give to be worn comfortably as regular +2 chainmail. The moment the armor is submerged in water, it transforms into a seaweed-like suit of +2 leather armor and grants a +10 competency bonus to Swim checks.
  Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must have the Spell Focus (Transmutation) feat; Cost: 6,450 shillings; Cost to Create: 3,450 shillings + 240 experience points.

Invisible Armor: (Mercenaries) This piece of armor acts as a +1 breastplate with the exception that it is completely invisible as per the spell greater invisibility.
  Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater invisibility; Cost: 3,350 shillings; Cost to Create: 1,850 shillings + 120 experience points.

Jack's Costume: (Magic Item Creation) This armor functions are +1 nimble, improved, spring-heel padded armor and also grants the wearer the ability to make their eyes glow fiery red once per day. This effect lasts for 5 rounds, duing which the wearer can make one gaze attack as a free action every round. All those affected by this mind-affecting gaze attack must make a DC 14 Will save or cower for 1d4 rounds.
  Aura: Moderate transmutation; Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's grace, fear, jump; Cost: 45,710 shillings; Cost to Create: 22,855 shillings + 700 experience points.

Warded Armor: (Book of Eldritch Might III) This suit of +2 chainmail armor is imbued with the spell warding globes. The armor produces three globes each day. Although they add no extra protection to Armor Class, they do intercept attacks of opportunity and inflict damage on the attacker as described in the spell.
  Aura: Moderate evocation; Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, warding globes; Cost: 32,300 shillings; Cost to Create: 16,300 shillings + 1,280 experience points. Weight: 40 lbs.

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