Sunday, January 2, 2011

Campaign Design - Spells: Iron Storm

Iron Storm (from Relics & Rituals)

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per caster level)
Target, Effect, or Area: 20-foot radius emanation
Duration: 1 round per caster level
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create a whirling storm of strongly magnetized iron filings. Iron storm has three effects. First, it causes 1d10 points of damage per round to anything caught within the area of effect. A reflex save rolled each round will halve the damage for that round if it is successful.

Second, any attempts to use magnetism within the area of effect (for navigation, for example) are spoiled by the storm's intense magnetic field unless the opposed magnetic field is generated by a higher level spell than iron storm.

Third, any electrical currents (magical or otherwise) that pass within 60 feet of the iron storm are drawn into it, causing anyone within the storm to take whatever damage the electricity would normally deal.

Should a chain lightning spell be drawn into the iron storm, it causes damage to all within the iron storm equal to the damage of the strongest chain lightning bolt drawn into the storm plus 1d6 for each additional stroke drawn in (maximum +4d6 extra).

If the area of effect of a pillar of attraction/repulsion overlaps the area of an iron storm, the iron storm is dissipated.

Material component: One pound of iron fillings, which the caster flings in the direction of the spell's area of effect.

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