Saturday, January 1, 2011

Campaign Design - Clerical Domains: Holy

Holy Domain
Divine Power: None.
Granted Power: Choose one from Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law depending on your alignment (e.g. lawful good may choose either Law or Good). This choice applies to the domain spell for each level when there are different versions depending on alignment. You cast all Holy domain spells at +1 caster level. Characters of the neutral alignment cannot choose this domain.

Holy Domain Spells
1st: Protection from chaos protection from evil, protection from good, protection from law
2nd: Spiritual weapon
3rd: Magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic circle against good, magic circle against law
4th: Divine storm
5th: Dispel chaos dispel evil, dispel good, dispel law
6th: Aspect of the deity
7th: Dictum, holy word, unholy word, word of chaos
8th: Righteous wrath of the faithful
9th: Greater aspect of the deity

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