Saturday, January 1, 2011

General Rules - Cleric Domains

Cleric Domains

Several domains contain spells from a variety of sourcebooks other than the Player's Handbook or Spell Compendium. For such spells, their source is noted in the domain entry with a notation by the spells in question. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these notated abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

Some of these domains are themselves derived from source other than the Player's Handbook or Spell Compendium. In those cases, the origin of these domains has been noted on this list. In addition, some of these domains have added material from such sources. Those domains also have a notation for that as well.

In most cases in which the domains are drawn from multiple sources, I simply listed all spells and granted domain powers from the various sources. This means that there are instances in which there are multiple domain spells available at some levels. For the purposes of the Three Worlds campaign setting, all of these spells are available to clerics with those domains. I figure that because a cleric is only able to prepare one domain spell at a time at each level, having multiple options for some domains at some levels would not be unbalancing. For those cleric domains with multiple domain powers listed, for the Three Worlds campaign setting, the clerics with those domains have access to all listed powers. In most cases, domain powers are modest enough and come up rarely enough that I figure having multiple powers is also not unbalancing.

Some domains give the granted power "add (a particular skill or skills) to your list of cleric skills". because the Three Worlds campaign setting uses the Skills by Character house rule, this is not a particularly beneficial perk. For the purposes of the Three Worlds campaign, I have changed this to "add (a particular skill or skills) to your list of character skills for free". This means that the character may add that skill to their list of character skills in addition to the twenty skill slots they normally have, in effect giving that character twenty-one, twenty-two, or twenty-three slots. Further, in cases in which this is the only granted power for that domain, I have added the benefit that those domains also grant either the Skill Focus or Skill Augmentation feat as a bonus feat. The added feats are listed in the domain descriptions.

DomainPowerSource and Notes
AbyssCult of IlkeasSpell Compendium
AirÞunorPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Spells & Spellcraft
AlterationLódurDragonLance Campaign Setting
AlvarWodaSpell Compendium; originally the Elf domain
AncestorsMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves, Oriental Adventures, and Thieves' World Player's Manual
AngerNoneDragon 323
AnimalSyfaPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Spells & Spellcraft
ArboreaYngSpell Compendium
Arm of LugLugGods; originally Arm of Garastus
ArmorHœnirHammer & Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves
ArmyNoneDragon Magazine #317
ArtCult of the DragonShamans: Call of the Wild
ArtificeHœnirEberron Campaign Setting as modified by the Thieves' World Player's Manual
AvariceNoneDragon 323
BåtorCult of IlkeasSpell Compendium
BalanceTiwasSpell Compendium
BarbarianMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
BardMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
BeautyBridBook of the Righteous
BestialOxoßiBook of Vile Darkness
BetrayalIshiGods and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
BirdsYngNyambe: African Adventures
Blessing of AbondeAbondeGods; originally Blessing of Umtala
BlightSirchadeWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
BlightbringerNoneUnapproachable East
BreedingAbondeWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
CanineOxoßiThe Complete Guide to Werewolves
CatastropheBålThieves' World Player's Manual
CavernBålSpell Compendium
CeleritySyfaSpell Compendium
CelestiaForsetiSpell Compendium
CelestialHeimBook of Exalted Deeds and Oriental Adventures
ChaosKalmaPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Secrets
CharmSeþraSpell Compendium as modified by Eternal Rome: Roleplaying in the Age of Gods and Emperors and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
CityLódurRaces of Destiny
ClericMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
ColdIku-TyrmaSpell Compendium as modified by Secrets
CombatDarmasThe Complete Guide to Drow
CommandDarmasWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
CommerceAíneEberron Campaign Setting
CommunityEiurSpell Compendium as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
CompetitionDarmasSpell Compendium
ConfusionLyßaNyambe: African Adventures
ConquestDarmasGods, the Thieves' World Player's Manual, and War
ConstructsHœnirThe Divine and the Defeated, Hammer & Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves, and Relics & Rituals II
CorruptionNinkurraBook of Vile Darkness and Gods
CourageForsetiSpell Compendium as modified by SpirosBlaak
CraftWündSpell Compendium as modified by Shamans: Call of the Wild and SpirosBlaak
CreationHœnirSpell Compendium as modified by Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures and War
CrusadeForseti, Heim, Rúadan, and TiwasCrusades of Valor
CrusaderForsetiSpirosBlaak; originally Lavayne Domain
CurseKalmaWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
DanceBridNyambe: African Adventures
DarknessTuniSpell Compendium as modified by Evil, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, Nyambe: African Adventures, SpirosBlaak, and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
The DeadRúadanBook of the Righteous
DeathTuniPlayer's Handbook as modified by Evil, Gods, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, Hollowfaust: The City of Necromancers, Relics & Rituals II, and White Wolf Quarterly/Sword & Sorcery Insider: Vol. 2.4 (Fall 2004))
DeathboundTunarSpell Compendium
DeathlessCult of the DragonEberron Campaign Setting
DecaySirchadeEberron Campaign Setting
DemonicIshiBook of Vile Darkness
DesertHalpasTestament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era
DestinyFüllarRaces of Destiny as modified by SpirosBlaak
DestructionLugPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
DesperationChurch of ArrioGods and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
DiabolicNinkurraBook of Vile Darkness
DiseaseKivutarEvil and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
DivinationFüllarOriental Adventures
DominationBelialSpell Compendium as modified by Gods, The Divine and the Defeated, and Relics & Rituals II
DoorwaysCaireHamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures
DragonCult of the DragonSpell Compendium as modified by the Complete Guide to Dragons
Dragon BelowCult of the DragonEberron Campaign Setting
DreamFüllarSpell Compendium as modified by Færies and Relics & Rituals II
DrowCult of IlkeasSpell Compendium as modified by the Complete Guide to Drow
DruidMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
DwarfWündSpell Compendium as modified by SpirosBlaak
EarthBålPlayer's Handbook as modified by Gods and Relics & Rituals II
EloquenceAíneThieves' World Player's Manual
ElysiumHlínSpell Compendium
EnchantmentSeþraFæries and SpirosBlaak
EnduranceLugBook of Exalted Deeds
EntrancementSeþraThe Divine and the Defeated and Relics & Rituals II
EnvyTunarSpell Compendium
EvilBelialPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II, Secrets, Spells & Spellcraft, and Undead
ExileKalmaNyambe: African Adventures
ExorcismForsetiEberron Campaign Setting
FæyBridBook of Exalted Deeds as modified by the The Divine and the Defeated, Færies, Fey Magic: Dreaming the Reverie, and Relics & Rituals II
Fæy RoadsCaireFæries
FamilyEiurSpell Compendium
FateFüllarSpell Compendium as modified by Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures
FeastÞunorEberron Campaign Setting
FertilityEiurNyambe: African Adventures and Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era
FighterMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
FireSurtanPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
FishHlerNyambe: African Adventures
FlameSurtanOriental Adventures
FleshAbondeNyambe: African Adventures
The ForgeWündBook of the Righteous and the DragonLance Campaign Setting
ForceKhilSpell Compendium
FortitudeChurch of ArrioHammer & Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves
FortuneLódurBook of Roguish Luck and Oriental Adventures
FuryKhilGods and Oriental Adventures
GatewaysCult of the DragonRelics & Rituals II
GestaltLódurThe Complete Guide to Doppelgangers
GloryYngSpell Compendium and the Book of Exalted Deeds
GluttonyBålSpell Compendium as modified by Gods
GnomeFüllarSpell Compendium
GoblinNinkurraSpirosBlaak; originally Humanoid Domain
GoodEiurPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II, Secrets, and Undead
GraveTuniOriental Adventures
GreedSurtanSpell Compendium as modified by Fang & Fury: A Guidebook to Vampires and Nyambe: African Adventures
GuardianHeimOriental Adventures
HadesCult of IlkeasSpell Compendium
HagAbondeGods, originally the Ancestry: Troll Domain
HalflingAíneSpell Compendium as modified by SpirosBlaak
HatredLugSpell Compendium as modified by Gods and Secrets
HauntingKalmaShamans: Call of the Wild
HealingEiurPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
HeroCult of the DragonOriental Adventures
HearthHlínCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Eternal Rome: Roleplaying the Age of Gods and Emperors
HeavenBridTestament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era
HeraldAíneBook of Exalted Deeds
HeraldryHeimRelics & Rituals: Excalibur
HomeHlínBook of the Righteous and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
HungerHalpasSpell Compendium
HuntingOxoßiGods and Nyambe: African Adventures
IllusionGangynSpell Compendium as modified by Færies
InquisitionChurch of ArrioSpell Compendium
InsanityLyßaSecrets and SpirosBlaak
InsightBelialDragonLance Campaign Setting
InspirationWündBook of the Righteous and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
IronBålNyambe: African Adventures
JoyBridBook of Exalted Deeds as modified by the Book of the Righteous
JudgmentTiwasThe Divine and the Defeated, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, and Relics & Rituals II
JusticeTiwasBook of the Righteous, Gods, and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
KnowledgeWodaPlayer's Handbook as modified by Gods, Relics & Rituals II, and Spells & Spellcraft
LawTiwasPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Secrets
LiberationCaireSpell Compendium as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
LifeHlínEberron Campaign Setting as modified by Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures
LightEiurBook of Hallowed Might and Secrets
LightningÞunorNyambe; African Adventures
LimboLyßaSpell Compendium
LoveBridNyambe: African Adventures
LuckLódurPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
LustKivutarSpell Compendium as modified by Evil and SpirosBlaak
LycanthropyValiWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
MadnessLyßaSpell Compendium as modified by the Thieves' World Player's Manual
MagicWodaPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & RitualsRelics & Rituals II, and Shamans: Call of the Wild
ManiaLyßaFang & Fury; A Guidebook to Vampires
MechanusHœnirSpell Compendium
MeditationChurch of ArrioEberron Campaign Setting
MemoryWodaShamans: Call of the Wild
MentalismIshiSpell Compendium as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting
MetalWündSpell Compendium
MindIshiSpell Compendium
MissionaryChurch of ArrioRelics & Rituals
MoonValiSpell Compendium as modified by the Book of the Righteous
MurderTuniWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
MysticismTunarSpell Compendium
NatureSyfaGods and Oriental Adventures
NecromancyTuniEberron Campaign Setting as modified by SpirosBlaak
NightAbondeBook of the Righteous, Gods, and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
NobilityTiwasSpell Compendium as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting and SpirosBlaak
NourishmentEiurShamans: Call of the Wild
OceanHlerSpell Compendium
OozeZuggtmoyFiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
OracleFüllarSpell Compendium as modified by the Book of the Righteous
OrcKhilSpell Compendium as modified by SpirosBlaak
PactSurtanSpell Compendium
PainNinkurraBook of Vile Darkness and Evil
PaladinMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
PassionSurtanEberron Campaign Setting as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting
PestilenceKivutarSpell Compendium as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting and Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era
PlagueKivutarEvil, Nyambe: African Adventures, and Undead
PlanningRúadanSpell Compendium
PlantSyfaPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
PleasureBridBook of Exalted Deeds as modified by the Thieves' World Player's Manual
PoisonGangynThe Complete Guide to Drow and Wrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
PortalCaireSpell Compendium
PredatorOxoßiShamans: Call of the Wild
PrideIshiSpell Compendium
ProphecyFüllarHamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures
ProtectionHeimPlayer's Handbook as modified by Gods, the Player's Guide to Clerics and Druids, Relics & Rituals II, and Spells & Spellcraft
PurificationHeimSpell Compendium
PurityChurch of ArrioThe Complete Guide to Beholders
RainbowYngThe Divine and the Defeated and Relics & Rituals II
RangerMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
RenewalCaireSpell Compendium
ReposeValiFaiths and Pantheons
RestorationHlínDragonLance Campaign Setting
RetributionLugSpell Compendium as modified by Secrets
RiverHlerOriental Adventures
RogueMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
RotSirchadeEvil and Undead
RuneWodaSpell Compendium
SavageryKhilWrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
ScalykindBelialSpell Compendium
SecretsVaßatarThe Divine and the Defeated, Gods, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, and Relics & Rituals II
SerpentSeþraNyambe: African Adventures
ShadowGangynThe Complete Guide to Drow, Eberron Campaign Setting, Relics & Rituals II, and Secrets
SkyYngRaces of the Wild
SlimeSirchadeSpell Compendium
SlothIku-TyrmaSpell Compendium as modified by Gods
SnaresVaßatarThieves' World Player Manual
SolaceHlínGods and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
SorcererMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
SpellIshiSpell Compendium
SpiderGangynSpell Compendium and the Complete Guide to Drow
SpiritKalmaCorwyl: Village of the Wood ElvesShamans: Call of the Wild, the Shaman's Handbook, the Thieves' World Player's Manual and Undead
StoneWündOriental Adventures
StonehearthWündHammer & Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves
StormÞunorSpell Compendium as modified by the DragonLance Campaign Setting, Gods, and Shamans: Call of the Wild
StrengthÞunorPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Spells & Spellcraft
SubterfugeGangynThieves' World Player's Manual
SufferingSirchadeSpell Compendium
SummonerNinkurraSpell Compendium
SunYngPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
SurvivalValiHamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures
SwiftnessSyfaThieves' World Player's Manual
SwordTiwasHammer & Helm: A Guidebook to Dwarves
TemptationKivutarEvil; originally the Corruption domain
ThunderÞunoras modified by Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era
TimeHœnirSpell Compendium as modified by Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures and SpirosBlaak
TradeAíneSpell Compendium
TransformationLódurRaces of Eberron
TravelCairePlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Spells & Spellcraft
TreacheryIshiDragonLance Campaign Setting and Wrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs
TrickeryVaßatarPlayer's Handbook as modified by Gods, Relics & Rituals II, Spells & Spellcraft, and The Wise and the Wicked
TruthRúadanBook of the Righteous, Races of Eberron, and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
TyrannyDarmasSpell Compendium as modified by War
UndeadTunarThe Complete Guide to Drow
UndeathTuniSpell Compendium as modified by Undead
UnderseaHlerThe Seafarer's Handbook
VampireTunarFang & Fury: A Guidebook to Vampires and Out for Blood; originally Blood Domain
VengeanceHalpasThe Divine and the Defeated, Gods, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, and Relics & Rituals II
WarValiPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II
WaterHlerPlayer's Handbook as modified by Relics & Rituals II and Spells & Spellcraft
Watery DeathIku-Tyrma-
WealthAíneSpell Compendium
WeatherSyfaEberron Campaign Setting as modified by Eternal Rome: Roleplaying in the Age of Gods and Emperors, Gods, and the Thieves' World Player's Manual
WildValiBow & Blade: A Guidebook to Wood Elves
WindstormHlerSpell Compendium
WisdomWodaNyambe: African Adventures
WizardMinzoku SosereihaiCorwyl: Village of the Wood Elves and Shamans: Call of the Wild
WoodSyfaBow & Blade: A Guidebook to Wood Elves and Oriental Adventures
WrathÞunorSpell Compendium

Prestige DomainPowerSource and Notes

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