Wednesday, December 10, 2014

House Rules - Arcane Equipment

Arcane Equipment

Amber Lens
200 shillings
Amplifying Tubules
200 shillings
Arcane Oil
300 shillings
Attuned Emblem
100 shillings
1 lb.
Bertrand's Creature Foci
300 shillings
½ lb.
Calligraphy Set
10 shillings
½ lbs.
Chill Crystals
150 shillings
- lbs.
Crystalline Inkwell
200 shillings
1 lb.
Distorted Spectacles
50 shillings
- lbs.
Divination Candle
100 shillings
- lbs.
Double Scroll Case
50 shillings
1 lb.
Elemental Globe
300 shillings
1 lb.
Fíocopar Rod
1,000 shillings
Fireworks: Boomers
30 shillings
1 lb. per 20 boomers
Fireworks: Smoke Bomb
30 shillings
1 lb. per 20 smoke bombs
Fireworks: Sparkler Flare
10 shillings
1 lb. per 20 sparkler flares
Fireworks: Throwing Rockets
60 shillings
1 lb. per 5 throwing rockets
Fireworks: Tin Shriekers
20 shillings
1 lb. per 10 tin shriekers
Focusing Ring
200 shillings
- lbs.
Hypnotic Pendant
150 shillings
Improved Flare Powder
100 shillings
- lbs.
Infinite Prism
2,000 shillings
- lbs.
Ink, Gorgon's Blood
80 shillings per ounce
- lbs.
Ink, Kraken
75 shillings per ounce
- lbs.
Ink, Shadow
150 shillings per ounce
- lbs.
Ivory Hand
2,000 shillings
- lbs.
Lifewood Chest
200 shillings
25 lbs.
Magnifying Lens
150 shillings
- lbs.
10 shillings
½ lb.
Mithral Fan
200 shillings
- lbs.
Prismatic Lens
50 shillings
- lbs.
Spell Component Pouch, Masterwork
1,500 shillings
3 lbs.
Spell-Iron Gauntlet
1,000 shillings
Trance Smoke
50 shillings
1 lb.
Wizard's Robe
500 shillings
8 lbs.
This is a collection of equipment that is generally of particular interest to arcane spell casters as an aid to their abilities. Most of these items are not actually magical themselves, although several have alchemical properties. Instead, they are usually used as an adjunct to spell casting, enhancing the effects of certain spells. The listed cost is for a finished product. Most of these items require fairly difficult skill checks to manufacture, requiring a caster to either seek out a skilled artisan or master the craft needed to manufacture the item themselves. The difficulty in locating sufficiently capable craftsman to make items such as these is one of the reasons that many arcane spell casters join organizations, so as to benefit from the network of contacts provided. Although this equipment is most commonly used by arcane casters, it is by no means exclusively used by them. Members of other professions can, and frequently do, find these items useful when they can get their hands on them.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

A Note on Spell Foci

A number of items on this list are can be used as a spell focus. A spell focus can be thought of as a sort of optional auxiliary material component, something that can be held in hand as the spell is cast to amplify it in some way. Spell foci are not magical on their own. Because spell-foci are hand-held, no spell prepared or cast with the Still Spell feat may use them. To use a spell focus, the caster must make a Concentration check at a DC of 15 + spell level.

Item Descriptions

Amber Lens: (School of Evocation) The relationship of amber and electricity is well known. In many ways it is the iconic material for magical electricity. The amber lens is a piece of high quality amber, totally pure, with no imperfections or embedded particles, weighing at least 1 ounce. The focus is carved with a delicate tracery of grooves, which serve to channel and control electrical energy passing through it. If used as a spell focus, any electricity spell channeled through it has its save DC increased by 1. Each time the amber lens is used, roll a d20, on a 1, it shatters. Craft: Jeweler DC 25.

Amplifying Tubules: (School of Evocation) The study of sound is somewhat primitive, but some arcane casters with bardic tendencies have made a few useful discoveries. This is one of them. Two thin tubes of glass, crafted to exacting specifications, are intertwined around each other, touching at a few key points. A number of elemental residues are included in the sands used to make the glass, increasing the magical properties. When finished, the delicate device is a powerful sonic amplifier. When used as a spell focus, any spell with the sonic descriptor is considered to be cast with a +1 bonus to its effective caster level. The tubules are very fragile, and are considered to have hardness 1 and 1 hit point. Craft: Glassblowing DC 23.

Arcane Oil: (School of Evocation) This item is very rare, both because it is complex to make and extremely dangerous to store, transport, or use. It is a hybrid of normal lamp oil and several exotic substances, including some with an elemental fire component. In form, it resembles normal oil, though somewhat more viscous, and it seems to have a deep glow coming from within it. However, few get a chance to study its appearance for any length, for it combusts almost immediately on contact with air – no spark or flame is necessary. This has obvious advantages. As an oil grenade, it is exceptionally effective, as there is no need to light it. However, the difficulties of storing and transporting so volatile a substance keeps it out of widespread use. A few daring spell casters have found it to be useful as a spell focus. If a vial of arcane oil is opened just as a spell with the fire descriptor is being cast, it is caught by the spell energy and greatly enhances the spell, increasing the effective caster level by +1. The transportation and storage of arcane oil is risky. If anyone holding a vial of the stuff is struck in melee, roll 1d20. On a 1, the vial is shattered or cracked enough to let air in. Any kind of rough handling – being on a storm-tossed ship, having a horse carrying a container of the oil panic and bolt, and so on, will have some chance of exposing the material unless extraordinary precautions are taken (extensive packaging in soft cloth, some form of magical protection, and so on). Any vial exposed to air will do 1d6 points of fire damage to anything within a 5 foot burst, and then burns as normal oil. Craft: Alchemy DC 30.

Attuned Emblem: (Magic) This curious device, normally a nondescript steel wand of nine to twelve inches in length, acts as a spell focus for casting spells from the school that the emblem is attuned to. Each emblem is created through repeated castings of spells from the same school of magic. Much like a magnet can charge iron, so too do spells passing through the emblem alter the emblem's properties. When using the emblem to cast a spell from the appropriate school, there is a 5% chance that the spell (or spell slot) is not expended for the day. Each time this happens there is a risk that the spell also burns out the emblem: Roll a d20, if the result is equal to or less than twice the spell's level, the emblem burns out and crumbles to dust. These items are not magical, but detect magic will reveal faint traces of the school of the many spells cast through it.

Bertrand’s Creature Foci: (School of Illusion) The great gnome illusionist Bertrand was first credited with creating these items, whose use has since become widespread. Each foci is a Fine statue of extraordinary workmanship, crafted of a single element and carved so as to capture a certain iconic essence. The statues are not magical, but must still be created according to exacting specifications that owe as much to metaphysics as aesthetics. Each statue represents a broad type of creature. As a spell foci effect, the caster may add 2 to his effective caster level when casting a spell of the appropriate type (i.e. a figment, phantasm, or shadow that creates an image of the type of creature that is represented by the statue).
  • Amber Vrock: The amber vrock is perhaps the most hideous of the foci, with its translucent form seeming to distort the light passing through it, casting disturbing yellow shadows. An amber vrock will enhance any spell that creates an image of an outsider. Craft: Jeweler DC 25.

  • Bone Lich: Usually carved from cow or deer bone, the leering figure of the bone lich is usually kept shrouded until needed. When used, it enhances any spell that creates an image of undead. Craft: Scrimshaw DC 25.

  • Bronze Horse: Usually carved in a pose rearing to attack, the brass horse will enhance any spell creating the image of an animal. Craft: Bronzesmithing DC 25.

  • Clay Elemental: Usually shaped from dark red clay into the form of a fire elemental, this figurine enhances any spell that creates the image of an elemental. Craft: Pottery DC 25.

  • Copper Orc: This statue of an orc enhances any spell that creates an image of a humanoid or humanoids. Craft: Coppersmithing DC 25.

  • Crystal Dragon: This statue of a dragon (usually a silver dragon, though any dragon species will do) enhances the casting of any spells that create the image of any dragon (including dragon turtles, drakes, wyverns, as well as true dragons). Craft: Glassblowing DC 25.

  • Glass Rose: The most fragile of the foci, the glass rose is made of various thin pieces of carefully tinted glass. The item enhances any spell that creates the image of a plant. Craft: Glassblowing DC 25.

  • Granite Giant: The largest of all the icons, though still Fine in size, the granite giant shows a hill giant wielding a club. It enhances any spell that creates the image of a giant. Craft: Sculpting DC 25.

  • Jade Slime: While some would consider this the easiest of the foci to craft, it is in many ways the hardest. Not just any blob of jade will do – the carving must meet exacting specifications. Sadly, most look at the result of hours of labor and just see a green blob. The jade slime enhances any spell that creates the image of an ooze. Craft: Jeweler DC 25.

  • Jet Spider: The smallest of the figures, about the size of a human thumb, the jet spider will enhance any spell creating the image of vermin. Craft: Jeweler DC 25.

  • Marble Minotaur: Despite its small size, the marble minotaur seems to radiate ferocious strength. It enhances any spell that creates the image of a monstrous humanoid. Craft: Sculpting DC 25.

  • Onyx Beholder: A well carved, but disturbingly well done, model of a beholder, with a clear quartz crystal in the place of the central eye. It enhances any spell that creates the image of an aberration. Craft: Jeweler DC 25.

  • Silver Unicorn: The graceful an elegant figure seems to be made more of air than of silver. It enhances any spell that creates the image of a magical beast. Craft: Silversmithing DC 25.

  • Wooden Golem: Unlike all the other creature foci, the wooden golem is not a solid mass, but a well carved puppet representing an iron golem. It enhances any spell creating the image of a construct. Craft: Woodworking DC 25.
Chill Crystals: (School of Evocation) These crystals are a pale, translucent blue and bitterly cold to the touch. No crystal is larger than a quarter inch in width, and most are much smaller, causing a container of chill crystals to look as though it is full of snow mixed with tiny ice chips. The crystals melt very slowly, however, taking about ten times as long as ice to melt at room temperature, even though they are considerably colder. While early alchemists thought to use them to preserve food, they emit noxious vapors during melting, which makes any food near them – even if well wrapped – inedible. However, other uses were quickly found. The first use is as a grenade. If kept sealed in a dark clay jar, the crystals remain cold for up to two weeks. If the jar is hurled, it will usually shatter (90% chance of shattering), and all within a 5 foot radius of the impact point will be splashed with the chemicals, doing 1d4 points of cold damage. If the crystals are flung into any water being that does not have the cold subtype, they do 2d6 points of cold damage instead. The second use is as a spell focus for casters. If a jar of chill crystals is used as a spell focus when casting any spell with the cold descriptor, the effective caster level is increased by +1. Lastly, if a character has a jar of chill crystals in hand when struck by a spell with the fire descriptor, the character may attempt to fling the crystals into the oncoming spell. This requires a DC 15 Reflex save. If the save is successful, the character is considered to have fire resistance 10 against the oncoming spell. Craft: Alchemy DC: 24.

Crystalline Inkwell: (Magic) Although this seems to be a mere decorative affectation, a crystalline inkwell is actually much more useful than most would think. Ink contained in a crystalline inkwell eventually distills into its separate components. Someone using a crystalline inkwell can combine the properties of several inks with a successful Craft: Alchemy check of DC 20 + 5 per each ink to be combined.

Distorted Spectacles: (School of Illusion) One of the more unusual devices in a well-equipped illusionist’s bag of tricks, distorted spectacles are similar to normal eyeglasses in design. However, the lenses are very precisely misshapen. There are odd bulges in them, and hairline cracks cause the view through them to be fragmented and warped. Anyone wearing such lenses suffers a -4 penalty to any task requiring vision, including combat (-8 when using ranged weapons). While it might seem that the only use for this item would be to try and trick an opponent into wearing them, their precise pattern of flaws and cracks causes visual illusions to appear more unreal. Anyone wearing the spectacles gains a +4 equipment bonus to Will saves against any visual illusion and a +1 equipment bonus on Will saves against shadow spells. Most often, the spectacles are put on when an illusion is suspected, rather than being continuously worn. Craft: Jeweler DC 30.

Divination Candle: (Mercenaries) These candles are magically imbued to aid in casting divination spells. While a divination candlt is lit (a full-round action to prepare), the caster is treated as being one level higher tha normal for the purpose of casting divination spells. He does not gain any additional spells. In addition, the save DC of any divination spells is increased by 1. Once lit, a divination candle cannot be extinguished. It burns for 1 hour.

Double Scroll Case: (Dragon 304) This non-magical scroll case is popular with couriers, spell casters, and spies. A double scroll case appears much as a regular case but has an inner lining, behind which an additional scroll (or message) can be hidden. The lining can be found with a successful Search check (DC 20). Craft: Leatherworking DC 20.

Elemental Globe: (School of Evocation) These are rare items that straddle the line between mundane and magical. They lack powers of their own, but cannot be crafted without magical aid. Each is a globe about the size of a crystal ball that contains a Tiny elemental creature – the elemental equivalent of a mouse or frog. The elemental essence moves around in the globe, sometimes very actively, other times seeming to sleep or rest. It does not need to eat or breathe and cannot escape confinement – should the globe break, the creature trapped within quickly vanishes back to its home plane. The globes have no powers, but they are nice decorations for an arcane caster’s home. (The Fire elemental globe can be cast as much light as a torch, and must be covered to prevent this from occurring). The globes are potent – but risky – spell foci. They are larger than most spell foci, being about eight inches in diameter. They are also fragile. They have hardness 1 and 3 hit points. When used as a spell foci, the globes amplify any spell of the appropriate elemental type. Each is cast with a +2 bonus to the effective caster level. However, each time the globe is used in such a fashion, roll a d20. On a 3 or lower, the globe shatters. During crafting, once the containment globe is completed, a spell caster must cast summon monster I on it to call the Tiny elemental that is to power it. Craft: Glassblowing DC 28.

Fíocopar Rod: (School of Evocation) Fíocopar is a metaphysically pure form of copper, the true essence of copper in material form. This makes it extremely valuable to any arcane caster interested in electrical magics. Fíocopar is often found where veins of normal copper are exposed to powerful magical or elemental forces. A small portion of the normal copper is thus purified and becomes fíocopar, also known as truecopper. Extracting that tiny percentage from the raw ore is a delicate and complex task, and the result is only a few ounces of fíocopar for every ton of normal ore. The result, though, can be worth the effort. Fíocopar is used as a component in many magic items that deal with electricity. It is also used to make the fíocopar rod, a spell focus. The fíocopar rod is a thin wand, about a foot long, consisting of a normal copper core with a spiral of fíocopar wire wrapped around it. When used as a spell focus, any spell with the electricity descriptor is cast at +1 to its effective caster level. Craft: Jeweler DC 28.

Fireworks: (School of Illusion) There are many varieties of fireworks, each with unique effects. The harmless flare of a small explosion can lend reality to an illusionary fireball, as well as doing a small bit of harm all by itself, should the illusion be penetrated. Fireworks can be lit as a standard action. A bit of flint and steel is all that is needed to strike a spark. Under optimal conditions, this is a DC 5 Survival check. If it is raining, or the fireworks fuse is itself damp, this becomes a DC 15 check. By default, the firework has an 18 second fuse, meaning it will go off three rounds after being lit. The fuse can be cut shorter, to a minimum of 1 second, which is needed if the firework is being used to enhance a spell. Of course, the technology of explosives is not very advanced or reliable. To reflect this, roll a d20 when a fuse is lit. On a 20, the fuse burns twice as long as expected, and on a 1, the fuse burns half as long as expected. Masterwork fireworks cost five times as much as normal fireworks do, and the DC to craft them is 5 points higher than normal. Their fuses are always accurate. There may be additional benefits to masterwork fireworks, which are noted in the individual descriptions. Fireworks may be thrown, they have a range increment of 10 feet. The following are types of fireworks a spell caster might carry on him. All fireworks are considered to be Fine items:
  • Boomers: A boomer is a small parchment cylinder filled with odd powders. When detonated, it produces a very loud boom. Anyone within 10 feet who was not expecting the noise and taking precautions (such as covering their ears) will be deafened for 1d4 rounds. In addition to this, if a shadow evocation, shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, or greater shadow conjuration version of a spell with sonic effects is cast concurrent with its detonation, the DC of the Will save to disbelieve the effect is increased by 2. This is a spell foci effect. Craft: Alchemy DC 23.

  • Smoke Bomb: Similar in shape to the sparkler flare, the smoke bomb is usually colored black. It contains a mix of powders that are designed to disperse rapidly in the air, filling a small area with thick smoke. While normally this smoke dissipates quickly, it is designed to bind with other smokes, including magical mists, and increase their effectiveness. By itself, it will produce a cloud of thick smoke that will fill a 10 foot by 10 foot cube. This smoke acts as a fog cloud spell, but only within the limited area given, and it disperses in 1d4 rounds (1d6 for masterwork smoke bombs), dispersing instantly if there is a strong breeze. Additionally, if a spell that creates a fog or cloud is cast at the same time that the smoke bomb is detonated, the spell is treated as if the caster were 1 level higher. This is a spell foci effect. Craft: Alchemy DC 23.

  • Sparkler Flare: A small sphere, usually colored red, which contains a variety of special powders and minerals. When triggered, it produces an explosion of small, brightly colored particles that glisten in the air for a few seconds before fading out. This item has the following two uses. First, it can daze someone (per the spell) who is within 5 feet of the explosion unless they make a DC 11 Fortitude save (DC 13 for a masterwork sparkler flare). Second, if a dancing lights spell is cast concurrent with the firework going off, the Will save's DC is increased by 2. This is a spell foci effect. Craft: Alchemy DC 20.

  • Throwing Rockets: One of the few fireworks that are potentially damaging in themselves, throwing rockets are used primarily for entertainment purposes, launched into the air to explode in a harmless shower of sparks and noise high overhead. Nonetheless, they can be used as a crude weapon, or as an aid to illusion magic. A throwing rocket is a small cylinder filled with explosive powder. It has a tapered nose and small fins, and is usually Diminutive in size. It is designed so that the user can light the fuse and then fling the rocket – much like a dart – in the direction of its target. If all goes well, the rocket will ignite and fly rapidly in the desired direction. The rocket is considered a thrown weapon with a range increment of 5 feet (10 feet for masterwork throwing rockets). Anyone using it as a weapon without the applicable Exotic Weapon Proficiency will suffer the usual -4 non-proficiency penalty. A "natural 1" on the attack roll means that the rocket has detonated in the user's hand. If the rocket strikes a target, it will detonate, doing 1d3 points of damage. If a shadow evocation, shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, or greater shadow conjuration spell that does damage is cast concurrent with the rocket launch, and if the target of the rocket is also the target of the spell, the Will save to disbelieve the effect is made at -4. This is a spell foci effect. Craft: Alchemy DC 26.

  • Tin Shriekers: Shriekers use a shell of thin, cheap metal (usually tin) and a mix of powders and liquids that expand rapidly when triggered. The expanding gas rushes out thin vents in the shell, producing a loud, piercing noise not unlike that emitted by the shrieker fungus. The effect will last for 1d4 rounds (1d6 for masterwork tin shriekers), and the wailing noise causes all within 10 feet of the shrieker to suffer a -2 penalty to Concentration checks. Casting any spell with a verbal component within this 10 foot radius requires a DC 11 Concentration check (DC 13 for masterwork tin shriekers) when a shrieker is active. This item is favored by those who have learned the Silent Spell metamagic feat. Craft: Alchemy DC 18.
Focusing Ring: (School of Evocation) One of the simpler spell foci to craft, this ring of brass and steel contains a number of odd protrusions that can be folded back into the surface of the ring as needed to avoid having them snag on cloth. When the protrusions are extended, they serve as a form of guidance and focus for any ray spell, granting the wearer a +1 bonus on attack rolls if he can succeed in a Spellcraft check (DC 20) and take a full round action to cast the spell. If the check fails, the user suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Craft: Jeweler DC 20.

Hypnotic Pendant: (School of Illusion) This is a small bauble – usually made of gold and small gemstones – which is set on a chain in such a way as to spin and catch the light when held up. While it is useless in total darkness, even a small amount of light, such as that from a single candle, will cause it to cast sparkling reflections around the room. The pendant can be used as a spell focus when casting any fascination spells. The target or targets of the spell must be able to see to see the pendant. Anyone who chooses not to look at it may avoid doing so – however if they wish to attack the holder of the pendant, they suffer a 20% miss chance. When used as a spell foci, the pendant increases the save DC of the fascination spell by 4 for those beings who can see it. However, using it requires a bit more time, as the caster must swing it, call attention to it, and so on. Spells that require a standard action take a full round, full round spell require two rounds, and spells that could be cast as free actions require a standard action. Craft: Jeweler DC 23.

Improved Flare Powder: (School of Evocation) Creating powders that burn briefly, yet brilliantly, is one of the earliest tricks that alchemists learn. Far more complex, however, is creating a powder that flares in a controllable fashion. After long study, alchemists have come up with this creation. It is usually sold as two items, a thin cloth sack containing a yellowish-green powder that glimmers oddly, and a small clay vial containing a dull grey powder. The clay vial has tick marks on the inside. Each mark represents approximately ten seconds of time. When that much of the grey powder is mixed with the yellow-green powder, it will keep the mixture from flaring for that duration after flame has been applied. When the powder does flare, all within a 15 foot burst must make a DC 13 Reflex save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Igniting the powder, once mixed, is a standard action. Masterwork improved flare powder costs five times as much, has a craft DC that is 5 points higher than normal, and is always precisely mixed, even in combat. In addition, the flare effect covers a 20 foot burst, and blinds those within the area for 1d4+1 rounds unless they make a DC 15 Reflex save. Mixing the timing powder with the flare powder is normally error-free. If done during combat, a DC 10 Concentration check must be made, or the mix will be wrong. In that case, the DM determines exactly when the powder goes off. Improved flare powder has another use for wizards, however. When used as a spell focus, a caster can make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast flare, light, or daylight onto the powder (which must have been mixed previously). The spell will go off when the powder does, allowing the caster to create a sort of "spell bomb". Craft: Alchemy DC 25.

Infinite Prism: (School of Evocation) The study of light and its magical effects led to the creation of the infinite prism. One of the most difficult pieces of glasswork to craft, the infinite prism consists of several nested prisms, each constructed of a slightly different type of glass and each only one-eighth of an inch thick. The slight reflectiveness of the inner surfaces causes anyone looking into the item to see an effectively numberless series of reflecting panes, akin to looking into two opposing mirrors, only multiplied by a factor of three. Its beauty aside, the infinite prism is a potent spell focus for the casting of prismatic spray. When used as a spell focus, if a Spellcraft check (DC 24) is made, the caster can control the spray to an unprecedented effect. He can select one color beam to go to a single target, plus one more for each additional 3 points her made the check by. All other targets are struck randomly. Craft: Jeweler DC 30.

Ink, Gorgon's Blood: (Magic) At first glance, writing made with gorgon's blood is no different from that made with regular black ink. On closer examination, gorgon's blood ink is a deep, dark red. As an expensive ink, it adds a +4 enhancement bonus to all Craft: Calligraphy checks, but the true power of gorgon's blood is that it acts as a permanent dye or stain. Writing's in gorgon's blood do not fade, run, or smear and only the destruction of the actual parchment will eliminate the script. If used in tandem with the Scribe Scroll feat, the scroll created may be used one additional time before it is destroyed, although copying the scroll still destroys the scroll in the process.

Ink, Kraken: (Magic) Rare and difficult to obtain, kraken ink is too thin to readily take to paper, and bleeds through even the thickest parchment. When used as part of scribing scrolls or spellbooks, the resulting work appears be an inky black mess that is totally illegible. Under read magic, the letters stand out quite well.

Ink, Shadow: (Magic) Taken from the shadow realms, this rare ink is prized among spymasters as well as wizards. Virtually indistinguishable from regular black ink, shadow ink evaporates within seconds of use, seemingly without a trace. Script written in shadow ink is easily visible to darkvision.

Ivory Hand: (School of Evocation) Carved of pure ivory mixes with marble, and mounted on a small wooden rod, the ivory hand is a life-sized replica of a human hand. The fingers are oddly positioned in the pose imitating part of an arcane casting sequence, and the device can be used as a spell focus to cast Bigby’s grasping hand, Bigby’s clenched fist, Bigby’s forceful hand, Bigby’s crushing hand, and Bigby’s interposing hand. When used in this manner, the spell’s effective caster level is increased by +2. Craft: Jeweler DC 25.

Lifewood Chest: (Dragon 304). Although these chests are not magical in their own right, they are made with special living wood grown only in forests tended by khülen druids. With a hardness of 5 and 15 hit points, these chests appear much like normal, if finely crafted, wooden chests. Weapons, fire, and other attacks can damage the chest normally, but as its name suggests, it is made of special living wood that heals quickly. As a result, the chest recovers 1 hit point per round. If the chest is destroyed (brought to 0 hit points or lower), it does not recover.

Magnifying Lens: (School of Illusion) A common alchemist’s or scribe’s tool, a well-made magnifying lens can also assist an illusionist. A masterwork magnifying lens may be used as a spell focus. When used in this way, the lens can increase the area that an illusion covers. Any figment spell that crates an image and whose total area or number of targets is determined by level is considered to be cast at 2 levels higher for purposes of area only. Craft: Jeweler DC 20.

Mirrors: (School of Illusion) Mirrors often show more than a mere reflection. Some say that mirrors show a truth beyond which the viewer wishes to acknowledge; others claim the opposite, that mirrors distort and lie. Either way, mirrors and illusion magic are closely related. Creating a mirror requires a Craft: Glassblowing check at DC 15, for a small and simple mirror with progressively higher DCs for larger and higher-quality mirrors. Masterwork mirrors are exceptionally precise, and are the most useful as an aid to magical work. Masterwork mirrors cost five times as much as their mundane counterparts do. Mirrors are easily broken – if one is used as a spell focus, and the caster is hit while casting the spell, the caster must make a Reflex save at DC 10 + the amount of damage the blow dealt, or the mirror has been struck and broken. Masterwork mirrors get a +2 bonus to this save. Mirrors have many uses as spell foci. A typical hand mirror (a Fine object) can be used for any of the following purposes:
  • If the caster casts mirror image, one additional duplicate is produced.
  • If the mirror is masterwork, light-based spells are cast at +1 caster level.
  • The misdirection spell is more effective – the save DC increases by 2, and the duration increases by 1 hour.
  • If the mirror is a masterwork item, the wielder of the mirror gains a +1 bonus to any Reflex saves against rays. However, if the wielder rolls exactly what he needs to make the save, the mirror is shattered.
All are considered spell focus effects except for the Reflex save bonus. Craft: Blacksmithing DC 15.

Mithral Fan: (School of Evocation) Usually created by alvari crafstmen, the mithral fan is a large circular hand fan woven from thin threads of mithral formed into a cloth. The spokes of the fan are usually comprised of iron. Runes and sigils are carefully interlaced into the mithral weave, allowing the item to be used as a spell focus. If held and used in this manner when casting either gust of wind, or wind wall, the spell is cast as if the caster level were 2 higher. In an emergency, the fan can also be used as a buckler, being strong enough to withstand a few blows; however, this quickly damages the fan. After 3 rounds of such usage, it is no longer usable as a spell foci, and after 5 rounds, it can no longer be used as a buckler. Proficiency in shields is needed to take advantage of this feature. Craft: Blacksmithing DC 20 and Craft: Weaving DC 20.

Prismatic Lens: (School of Illusion) This lens, carved from pure crystal to exacting specifications and incorporating some additional alchemical materials derived from magical beings, is of great use to casters of pattern magic. The lens is not rounded, but composed of angled segments, though the divisions are so fine and the angles so slight that the lens appears smooth unless closely studied. When used as a spell focus, it enhances the casting of any pattern spell, adding one to the caster’s effective level and adding 1 to the save DC. Craft: Glassblowing DC 25.

Spell Component Pouch, Masterwork: (Magic) Like the common spell component pouch, this small watertight leather belt pouch contains many small compartments, each filled with a tiny common material material spell component or spell focus. A spell caster with this item has access to all spell foci or material spell components without an additional gold cost that are not to large to fit in the bag itself. Unlike lower quality bags, the material components are as fresh and pure as possible, and the foci are of exceptional quality. When using a masterwork spell component pouch, the DC to resist the spell caster's spells is increased by 1. Maintaining fresh and quality components is time-consuming and expensive, costing 500 shillings a month. If this expense is not met, the spell component pouch loses its masterwork benefits until it is restored.

Spell-Iron Gauntlet: (School of Evocation) It is rare to see a spell caster wearing a heavy iron gauntlet, since such devices would tend to interfere with the subtle gestures needed for many spells. However, spell-iron is an unusual substance. It is the product of metal refined from broken or disenchanted magical arms and armor, and as such, contains an unusually eldritch aura. A spell caster using a spell-iron gauntlet as a spell focus may make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) when casting a spell with a range of Touch (but not ranged touch). If he succeeds, the gauntlet will hold the spell until the caster wishes it to be discharged, or until 1 hour has passed, whichever comes first. A spell-iron gauntlet must include bits and pieces of magical weapons, and the craftsman must have at least 5 ranks in Spellcraft, though he does not need to be a spell caster. Craft: Armorsmithing DC 28 (craftsman must also have 5+ ranks in Spellcraft).

Trance Smoke: (Wrath & Rage: A Guidebook to Orcs and Half-Orcs) Divine spellcasters dry and preserve the sweet-smelling bark of the gallows tree, often burning it in ceremonies before major events. A dose of trance smoke allows a Wisdom-based spellcaster such as an adept or cleric (but not a wizard) within 10 feet of the burning substance to prepare one additional 0th-level, 1st-level, or 2nd-level spell for one day. Trance smoke cannot be used multiple times to gain multiple benefits. Craft: Alchemy DC 30.

Wizard’s Robe: (School of Evocation and School of Illusion) The wizard’s robe bears only a passing resemblance to a normal robe. It can be significantly thicker and heavier, and sometimes has hard leather trim about the base of the robe embossed with mystic symbols and arcane runes. Each wizard’s robe is a unique creation, and is considered to be a masterwork item. The robe is precisely fitted to the wearer, resulting in no Dexterity penalty or risk of arcane spell failure, unless specific special features are selected – see below. The base cost of the robe is 500 shillings, which includes five features from the following list. Some features may be chosen multiple times, which is noted in the feature description. The robe includes several normal pockets, which can hold most material components and can be used for this purpose in place of an ordinary spell component pouch. These are not considered special features. To craft the robe requires a DC 20 Craft: Sewing check, plus another craft check specific to each feature to be added. The robe weighs 8 pounds.
  • Clashing Colors: The robe is patterned in an explosion of bright and contrasting colors. While this makes hiding difficult (-4 penalty to Hide checks, unless the robe is reversible and the other side less gaudy), the magically discordant pattern increases the save DC of any color spray, torrent of color, or maelstrom of color spells cast by the wearer by 1. Craft: Dyeing DC 22.

  • Electrical Channeler Lining: One of the more recent creations, this feature lines the interior of the robe with fine truecopper wires that serve to channel electricity away from the wearer, providing electricity resistance 3. The lining is bulky and may hinder the careful movements needed for spell casting. The lining causes a 5% arcane spell failure chance, cumulative with the spell failure chance imposed by any other lining, and that caused by any armor worn. Craft: Coppersmithing DC: 25, and Craft: Weaving DC 20.

  • Fireproof Lining: The robe is thickened and the space between the outer and inner layers of cloth is filled with fire-retardant chemicals. In addition, the outer cloth is treated with alchemical fireproofing. This grants fire resistance 3, and also grants a +4 circumstance bonus to any Fortitude saves against environmental heat effects. The lining is bulky and may hinder the careful movements needed for spell casting. The lining causes a 5% arcane spell failure chance, cumulative with the spell failure chance imposed by any other lining, and that caused by any armor worn. Craft: Alchemy DC 25.

  • Fireproof Pocket: Ideal for storing chemicals, oil, parchment, or any other item that might be subject to flame. This pocket can hold a Diminutive object and grants objects within it a +4 circumstance bonus to all saves against fire damage. Up to three of these may be selected. Craft: Leatherworking DC 22.

  • Hood: A thick hood can be attached to the robe. When up, it provides sonic resistance 3 and a +4 circumstance bonus to saves against the other effects of spells with the sonic descriptor. It accomplishes this by protecting the ears with thick layers of sound-absorbing material. However, when the hood is up, it makes it difficult for the wearer to hear even his own voice, so that spell casting with verbal components suffers an additional 10% chance of arcane spell failure. The hood is not bulky and does not cause a chance of arcane spell failure when down. Raising or lowering the hood is a free action, but it can only be done once per turn on your turn. Craft: Sewing DC 25.

  • Inner Pocket: A small pocket on the inside of the robe. It is not hidden, but it is virtually impossible to pick-pocket – any such attempt suffers a -10 circumstance modifier. The pocket can hold 1 Diminutive item, or 25 coins. Up to three of these pockets may be selected. Craft: Sewing DC 25.

  • Insulated Lining: Rather than simply bulking the robe up with heavy furs, this feature uses specially woven and treated cloth layers which repel cold rather than trapping heat. This grants cold resistance 3, and also grants a +4 circumstance bonus to any Fortitude saves against environmental cold effects. The lining is bulky and may hinder the careful movements needed for spell casting. The lining causes a 5% arcane spell failure chance, cumulative with the spell failure chance imposed by any other lining, and that caused by any armor worn. Craft: Alchemy DC 25.

  • Reversible: The robe can be quickly (in 1 round) removed and reversed. The “inside” robe will usually be a different color than the “outside” robe, offering a small but sometimes vital penalty to attempts to track or follow the wearer on a crowded environment. Craft: Sewing DC 25.

  • Scroll Sheath: A small pouch in the upper portion of the wizard’s robe, a scroll sheath is lined with the best protective cloth money can buy and alchemy can produce. Both fire and acid are repelled by its carefully woven layers. Any scroll placed in the sheath (it can hold two typical scrolls, tightly rolled) gains a +10 circumstance bonus to saves against environmental effects. Furthermore, the sheath is positioned so that the scrolls within can be drawn quickly as a free action. Two such sheaths may be added to the robe. Craft: Alchemy DC 20 and Craft Sewing DC 25.

  • Shielded Pocket: A shielded pocket is padded well and reinforced with thin strips of boiled leather. The pocket, which can hold a single Fine item or two Diminutive items, grants those items a +4 circumstance bonus on all saves against damage, if a save is required, or an effective +2 hardness if a save is not permitted. Two shielded pockets may be placed in the robe. Craft: Leatherworking DC 25.

  • Sleeve Pocket: Located just inside the sleeve of the robe, this small pocket allows the wearer to put a Diminutive item into his hand, or hide such an item, as a free action. This can be done surreptitiously as well – the caster must make a Sleight of Hand check, the result of which is the DC of any Spot checks to notice the action. Up to two of these pockets may be selected. Craft: Sewing DC 25.

  • Smothering Cape: Both fire and lightning spells can set things ablaze and dealing with the aftereffects of such as spell without wasting another spell can be annoying. The smothering cape is a heavy cloak attached to a wizard’s robe. It is strongly fire resistant, and can be used to smother small fires. Any fire covering an area of 25 square feet or less can be smothered by this cloak in one round. This is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Craft: Sewing DC 25.

  • Tearaway Layers: The robe has a thin outer layer that is only loosely attached. By twisting and pulling at precisely the right time, the caster can cause this layer to come loose. The primary use of this is when being grappled – a robe with a tearaway layer grants a +6 circumstance bonus to escape from a grapple. This can only be used once until the robe has been repaired. This takes 1 hour and a DC 20 Craft: Sewing check. Craft: Sewing DC 25.

  • Vanishing Sigil: The personal sign or mark of the caster can be woven into the robe in such a way as to appear or disappear at the caster’s mental whim – this requires that either the caster or the robe maker be able to cast arcane mark. Making the sigil show or fade is a free action. Craft: Weaving DC 20.

  • Wand Loops: A set of small loops at waist level, designed to hold wands. Each loop has a distinctive pattern embroidered on it, allowing the wearer to quickly identify it in the dark, thus assuring that he does not grab the wrong wand. A set of wand loops can hold five wands, and this option can be chosen twice. Craft: Leatherworking DC 20 and Craft: Embroidery DC 20.

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