Weapons may have special abilities, such as the ability to flame or the ability to attack on their own. The special abilities listed here count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses (except where specifically noted). A single weapon cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalent) higher than +10. A weapon with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.
This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to
Sourcebook Abbreviations.
All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.
Acid: (
Quintessential Wizard) Dripping with green ichor, an acid weapon delivers acid damage to its targets. Upon command, the weapon turns into a solidified, shimmering piece of acid that burns through whatever it hits. An acid weapon deals an additional 1d4 points of acid damage on a successful strike. In addition, the target must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or suffer an additional 1d4 points of acid damage on the next round unless the acid is somehow neutralized. Spellcasters favor acid weapons for their potential to ruin an opponent's casting in later rounds.
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Melf's acid arrow;
Cost: +2 bonus.
Acidic: (
Magic Item Creation) On command, an
acidic weapon is sheathed in a viscous, dripping sheet of acid. The acid does not harm the wielder. An
acidic weapon deals an extra 1d4 points of acid damage on a successful hit and half that amount (minimum 1 point) on the following round. Missile weapons bestow this property on their ammunition when used.
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Melf's acid arrow;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Acid Flare: (
Magic Item Creation) An
acid flare weapon functions as an
acidic weapon but it also explodes with acid on a successful critical hit. The acid does not harm thew wielder. In addition to the extra acid damage from the
acidic ability, an
acid flare weapon deals an extra 1d6 acid damage on the following round, and half that damage (minimum 1 point) on the round immediately following. If the weapon's critical multiplier is x3, add an additional 2d6 (plus half on the following round) damage instead, and if the multiplier is x4, add an extra 3d6 (plus half on the following round) instead. Missile weapons bestow this property on their ammunition when used. Even if the
acidic ability is not active, the weapon still deals its extra acid damage on a critical hit.
Caster Level: 12
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Melf's acid arrow;
Cost: +2 bonus.
Ancient: (
Mercenaries) An
ancient weapon refers to a lost master secret to weaponsmithing in which the weapon itself is treated with rare strengthening oils and reforged under magical flame. A weapon treated thus has its hardness and hit points doubled.
Caster Level: 6
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
magic weapon;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Bonding: (
Mercenaries) A
bonding weapon has a mystical hilt whose wrappings writhe to wrap themselves firmly around the wielder's hand, making it effectively impossible to perform a disarm maneuver on the wielder. The wielder may choose to cancel this ability at any time.
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Bigby's grasping hand;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Ceremonial: (
Mercenaries) A
ceremonial weapon is outfitted with many false gems and senseless runes. It also appears to be made of gold or bronze and does not detect as magical. These types of weapons are commonly allowed in court halls or banquets where normal weapons are not allowed. In combat, it also adds a +5 circumstance bonus to any Bluff or Diplomacy check.
Caster Level: 4
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
alter self;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Cunning: (
Magic Item Creation) A weapon with the
cunning ability is strongest when wielded in secrecy, shadow, and silence. When a critical hit is scored against a flat-footed opponent or against an opponent who is denied his Dexterity bonus for whatever reason, the weapon's critical hit multiplier is increased by one step (for example, from x2 to x3). Only melee weapons can be enhanced with this special ability.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
darkness or
Cost: +1 bonus.
Destructive: (
Magic Item Creation) A weapon with the destructive special ability is especially good at sundering weapons and overcoming hardness. Its enhancement bonus to damage is doubled when sundering or when attacking an object. This confers no special ability to damage non-living creatures such as constructs. Only melee weapons can possess this special ability.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Cost: +1 bonus.
Explosive: (
Magic Item Creation) On a successful critical hit, a magic item with this special ability erupts in concussive force, dealing 1d6 fire damage to every being within a 5-foot radius of the target (including the wielder if they are within 5 feet). If the critical hit multiplier of the weapon is x3, the damage is increased to 2d6, and if the critical multiplier is x4, then the damage is increased to 3d6. The
explosive special ability can only be added to ranged weapons. Missile weapons bestow this property on their ammunition when used.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
fireball or
flame strike;
Cost: +2 bonus.
Focused: (
Mercenaries) This weapon doubles as a magical focus for touch spells. A spellcaster wielding this weapon in battle may first cast a touch spell on it, which it holds for a number of rounds equal to the caster's level, awaiting discharge. On the first successful attack with the weapon thereafter, the spell discharges into the target along with any normal damage the weapon would normally inflict.
Caster Level: 6
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
magic weapon;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Force: (
Mercenaries) A weapon of
force releases a magical, unseen blast of force when it successsfully strikes a target. The weapon immediately initiates a bull rush as a free action as if the wielder initiated it. Any additional bonus to attacks or damage can be added to the wielder's Strength in this bull rush. The wielder can suppress this ability at will.
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
bull's strength,
gust of wind;
Cost: +3 bonus.
Hammering: (
Magic Item Creation) Charge attacks made using a weapon with this special ability are resolved at touch attacks. The
hammering weapon ignores armor bonuses, shield bonuses, and natural armor bonuses when determining whether an attack is successful. Only non-light blunt and piercing melee weapons can be enhanced with this special ability.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
bull's strength;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Healing: (
Mercenaries) A weapon of
healing fills the wielder with positive energy. So long as the wielder holds the weapon, he regenerates 1 hit point per round to a maximum of 25 hit points per day.
Caster Level: 18
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Cost: +5 bonus.
Heaven's Wrath: (
Magic Item Creation) Ranged weapons imbued with this ability are soaked in powerful emanations from the eternal heavens. When launched, a bright flare of sacred energy sp[rings up around them, in the shape of delicate, spectral swan's wings. If targeted against a being of evil alignment, the missile strikes unerringly, always hitting the target. An attack roll is still made as normal - if it results in a successful critical hit, the missile strikes for an additional 1d6 points of holy damage, or 2d6 if the critical multiplier is x3, or 3d6 if it is x4.
Heaven's wrath missiles can also strike non-evil beings, but do not inflict additional damage and do not strike unerringly. Only ranged weapons can benefit from this special ability. Missile weapons bestow this ability on their ammunition when used.
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
detect evil,
true strike;
Cost: +2 bonus.
Invisible: (
Mercenaries) This weapon has been empowered to be permanently invisible, as the spell
greater invisibility. Spotting an invisible weapon on someone requires a DC 20 Spot check. Striking with an invisible weapon makes defense against it difficult and the wielder gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls with the weapon.
Caster Level: 6
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
greater invisibility;
Cost: +2 bonus.
Invisible (
Quintessential Wizard) This weapon quality may only be applied to ammunition such as arrows, bolts, or sling bullets. Ammunition imbued with this enhancement is renered invisible, allowing it to strike a target unawares. Invisible ammunition is extremely difficult to dodge, but they are also difficult to aim precisely. The user of invisible ammunition suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls. The target of invisible ammunition loses their Dexterity bonus to armor Class and all dodge bonuses against the attack. After being attacked with invisible arrows in a surprise round resulting from an ambush, the target and their allies may still be caught by surprise, allowing the attacker to take another partial action.
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Cost: +1 bonus.
Karmic: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) This weapon gains a +2 attack and damage bonus when it successfully strikes a foe in legitimate combat (striking an inanimate object out of battle does not count). The bonus is good for one attack, which - if successful - confers that same bonus on the next attack. The next attack after a miss, however, carries a penalty of -1 to attack, but not damage.
Aura: Faint enchantment;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
magic weapon;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Knockback: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) This quality can apply only to ranged weapons. Any creature struck by this weapon must make a Strength check with a DC of 20. Those who fail are knocked back 5 feet.
Aura: Moderate transmutation;
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Cost: +1 bonus.
Phantom: (
Quintessential Wizard) A phantom weapon is cloaked under a dweomer to appear as a walking stick, wand, or other harmless item normally carried by a noble or arcane spellcaster. In any encounter against an opponent who is not aware of the weapon's true qualities, the attacker's first strike made with a
phantom weapon catches the target flat-footed. The target does not expect the attack to be effective, weacking his guard and allowing the attacker to make a devastating strike. The
phantom quality may not be applied to ammunition.
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
major image;
Cost: +2 bonus.
Proficient: (
Mercenaries) A
proficient weapon is imbued with a master wielder's skill, imparting the ability onto whoever currently hlds it forth in battle. Any type of melee weapon may benefit and the wielder may use it as if they had the appropriate Simple, Martial, or Exotic weapon skill with that particular weapon while holding it.
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
divine power,
true strike;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Reach: (
Mercenaries) A weapon of
reach contains dimensional magic to project an astral blade or head 5 feet in front of itself. Any Small or Medium weapon without reach may benefit from this effect. The
reach weapon is then considered to have a reach of 10 feet even though the actual size of the weapon does not change. On command, the weapon may be used to strike at creatures up to 10 feet away from the wielder.
Caster Level: 12
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
astral projection;
Cost: +3 bonus.
Reusable: Reusable is a special ability that can be added to any magic consumable ammunition, such as sling stones, arrows, or bolts.
Reusable magic ammunition is not consumed when it strikes or misses a target. If recovered, it can be used again.
Aura: Moderate evocation;
Caster Level: 7
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
major creation,
Cost: +1 bonus.
Shattering: (
Mercenaries) A
shattering weapon is mercilessly dense and powerful. It deals double damage to any nonliving object it strikes. An object must have no movement of it's own, and must have a hardness rating to be subject to this ability.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Cost: +1 bonus.
Spellbreaker: (
Quinessential Wizard) Imbued with a strong anti-magical aura, a spellbraker cleaves through magical proections with ease. When a
spellbreaker hits a target, there is a chance it destroys spells such as
mage armor,
Shield, or
stoneskin. When making anattack with a
spellbreaker, its special ability activates on one of two conditions. First, if the attack misses, but would have hit if not for a magical spell that improves the target's Armor Class, that spell immediately becomes the target of a
dispel magic cast by a 5
th-level wizard. If more than one spell improves the target's Armor Class, randomly determine which spell is affected. Second, it the
spellbreaker hits, but a spell reduces the damage it causes, such as
stoneskin, the weapon's ability activates against that enchantment.
Caster Level: 11
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Forge Ring,
dispel magic,
antimagic field;
Cost: +3 bonus.
Skill: (
Quintessential Wizard) A weapon imbued with the
skill property grants its wielder proficiency with the weapon.
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
cat's grace;
Cost: +1 bonus.
Wizard Hammer: (
Quintessential Wizard) A wizard hammer destroys prepared spells before a spellcaster has a chance to cast them. If a spellcaster who must prepare spells is struck by this weapon, he must make a DC 20 Will save of lose his highest level spell from those he has currently prepared. If the spellcaster has more than one spell prepared at his highest level, randomly determine which one he loses.
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
greater dispelling,
insanity; Cost: +4 bonus.
Home House Rules
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