New Wondrous Items
Item |
| Weight |
Anklet of Translocation |
1,400 shillings
- lbs.
Arcanist's Gloves |
500 shillings
- lbs.
Banner of Allegiance |
12,500 shillings
1 lb.
Bracelet of Foe Charms |
19,500 shillings
- lbs.
Belt of One Mighty Blow |
1,500 shillings
1 lb.
Boots of Agile Leaping |
600 shillings
2 lbs.
Boots of Landing |
500 shillings
1 lb.
Bracers of Quick Strike |
1,400 shillings
1 lb.
Brooch of Stability |
1,000 shillings
- lbs.
Brute Gauntlets |
500 shillings
- lbs.
Chain of Supernatural Might |
30,000 shillings
15 lbs.
Candle, Exorcism |
100 shillings
- lbs.
Candle, Greater Revelation |
300 shillings
- lbs.
Candle, Revelation |
150 shillings
- lbs.
Cloak of the Living |
100,000 shillings
1 lb.
Cloak of Predatory Vigor |
1,400 shillings
2 lbs.
Crucible of Conjuration |
52,000 shillings
2 lbs.
Essence Crystal |
91,000 shillings
- lbs.
Food, Communion |
200 shillings
- lbs.
Headband of Reflected Arrows |
7,800 shillings
- lbs.
Helm of Alacrity +1 |
4,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Helm of Alacrity +2 |
16,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Helm of Alacrity +3 |
36,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Helm of Alacrity +4 |
64,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Helm of Alacrity +5 |
100,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Horn of Echoes |
27,500 shillings
- lbs.
Horn of Khil |
29,000 shillings
- lbs.
Incense, Faith Shield |
300 shillings
- lbs.
Incense, Oblivion |
800 shillings
- lbs.
Lens of Focus |
20,000 shillings
- lbs.
Lute of Charms |
6,000 shillings
2 lbs.
Mantle of Mastery |
25,000 shillings
1 lb.
Mantle of Sanctuary |
2,500 shillings
1 lb.
Oil, Annointment |
200 shillings
- lbs.
Orb of the Damned |
150,000 shillings
1 lb.
Orb of the Heavens |
150,000 shillings
1 lb.
Pipes of Protection |
35,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Raptor's Mask |
3,500 shillings
- lbs.
Robe of Retaliation |
6,500 shillings
2 lbs.
Slate of Remembrance |
42,000 shillings
1 lb.
Slave Bore |
3,500 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Ash |
2,500 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Birch |
900 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Elder |
2,000 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Hawthorn |
4,000 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Ironwood |
3,500 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Mistletoe |
3,000 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Oak |
800 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Rowan |
2,000 shillings
- lbs.
Theurgical Talisman, Willow |
800 shillings
- lbs.
Vestments of Tzuggtmoy |
1,000 shillings
1 lb.
Vile Token |
27,500 shillings
- lbs.
Wink Brooch |
600 shillings
- lbs.
This is a listing of wondrous items that may appear in my campaigns.
This list may use abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to
Sourcebook Abbreviations.
All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.
Anklet of Translocation: (
Magic Item Compendium) An
anklet of translocation allows you to make short dimensional hops. When it is activated, you ca instantly teleport (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect. You can't use the
anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can you teleport into a solid object; if you attempt to do so, the anklet's activation of wasted. You can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can't bring another creature with you. An
anklet of translocation functions two times per day. Activating the
anklet is a swift action.
Aura: Moderate conjuration;
Caster Level: 7
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
dimension door;
Cost: 1,400 shillings;
Cost to Create: 700 shillings + 56 experience points.
Weight: -.
Arcanist's Gloves: (
Magic Item Compendium) When you activate
arcanist's gloves, you add 2 to the caster level of the next 1
st-level arcane spell you cast before the end of your turn.
Arcanist's gloves require a swift action to use and function two times per day.
Aura: Faint transmutation;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
fox's cunning;
Cost: 500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 250 shillings + 20 experience points.
Weight: -.
Banner of Allegiance: (
Conjuration) A silver staff with a crossbar on one end, the
banner of allegiance has a long silk pennant attached to the crossbar. By silent act of will, the holder can change the pennant to bear his personal sigil or family crest. If the bearer does not have one, the
banner will not function, but this is easily rectified by simply creating one for use. The
banner does not care if the crest it shows if official or not, merely that the bearer identifies with it personally.
When the bearer of the pennant casts a
summon spell that conjures multiple creatures, the magic of the banner activates. Each summoned creature appears with the summoner's crest displayed upon it. The glowing mark is clearly visible and fills the creatures with a sense of camaraderie. For the duration of the summoning, all creatures summoned have a +1 morale bonus to attacks and saving throws. The
banner of allegiance can affect multiple summoned groups at once, so long as they all originate from the same bearer. If the bearer loses contact with the banner, the marks all vanish and the bonus ends immediately. EVen if contact is regained, the mark does not return to existing creatures.
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
bless or Inspire Confidence as a class ability;
Cost: 12,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 6,250 shillings + 500 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Bracelet of Foe Charms: (
Conjuration) Appearing as agolden chain-link bracelet with seven hoops for charms, this item strongly resembles a
bracelet of friends. This item is made with no charms on it to begin with. When commanded to do so by an arcane spellcaster as a standard action, the
bracelet of foe charms surrounds the hand that wears it in a golden glow. This glow can be used once as a touch attack and forces any Huge or smaller living creature struck to make an immediate DC 18 Will save. Failure causes the target to vanish and a tiny golden stauette of them appears in one of the charm hoops.
Targets can remain indefinitely as charms, but only seven charms can exist at one time. A charm can be pulled from the bracelet and used to conjure the creature that it represents in the same way as a
bracelet of friends. Once used in this way, the hoop for that charm disappears and cannot be regained. When a target reappears by the use of its charm, it is considered to be a summoned creature and remains under the
bracelet wearer's control for 7 rounds. After that time, the creature becomes free-willed again and loses the summoned status. It does not, however, return anywhere, and may be remarkably annoyed with the wearer.
Caster Level: 15
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
planar binding,
polymorph any object;
Cost: 19,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 9,750 shillings + 780 experience points.
Weight: -
Belt of One Mighty Blow: (
Magic Item Compendium) Activating a
belt of one mighty blow is a swift action and grants extra damage on your next melee attack made before the end of your turn. A light weapon deals an extra 1d8 points of damage, a one-handed weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage, and a two-handed weapon deals an extra 3d6 points of damage. A
belt of one mighty blow functions once per day.
Aura: Faint transmutation;
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
bull's strength;
Cost: 1,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 750 shillings + 60 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Boots of Agile Leaping: (
Magic Item Compendium) While wearing
boots of agile leaping, you can add your Dexterity modifier (instead of your Strength modifier) to Jump checks. If you have at least 5 ranks in Balance, you can stand from prone as a swift action. When standing from prone, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Aura: Faint transmutation;
Caster Level: 3rd;
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
cat's grace;
Cost: 600 shillings;
Cost to Create: 300 shillings + 24 experience points.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Boots of Landing: (
Magic Item Compendium) While wearing
boots of landing, you land on your feet, no matter how far you fall, and you take 2 fewer dice of damage from the fall than normal (thus, a fall of 20 feet or less deals you no damage).
Aura: Faint transmutation;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
feather fall or
Cost: 500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 250 shillings + 20 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Bracers of Quick Strike: (
Magic Item Compendium) When you activate
bracers of quick strike, you can make one extra attack with any weapon you are holding if you already made a full attack action on this turn. This attack is made at your full base attack bonus plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. This effect is not cumulative with any other effect that grants you an extra attack when making a full attack such as the Rapid Shot feat, a speed weapon, or the
haste spell.
Bracers of quick strike function once per day and are activated as a swift action. You must wear
bracers of quick strike for 24 hours before you can access their abilities. if you take them off, they become inactive until worn for an additional 24 hours.
Aura: Moderate transmutation;
Caster Level: 5th;
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Cost: 1,400 shillings;
Cost to Create: 700 shillings + 56 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Brooch of Stability: (
Magic Item Compendium) This brooch is useful in dangerous battles. When your hit points are reduced to -1 or lower, you automatically become stable (assuming the damage was not enough to kill you). A
brooch of stability functions once per day.
Aura: Faint conjuration;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
cure light wounds;
Cost: 1,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 275 shillings + 22 experience points.
Weight: -.
Brute Gauntlets: (
Magic Item Compendium) Brute gauntlets allow you to temporarily increase your physical might. These gauntlets have 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges grants you a morale bonus on Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks, and melee weapon damage for 1 round.
- 1 charge: +2 morale bonus.
- 2 charges: +3 morale bonus.
- 3 charges: +4 morale bonus.
Aura: Faint transmutation;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
bull's strength;
Cost: 500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 250 shillings + 20 experience points.
Weight: -.
Chain of Supernatural Might: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) This heavy iron chain wraps around the hand and arm. It confers a +2 armor bonus to Armor Class and increases damage inflicted by unarmed or natural attacks with the arm it wraps by +2. Most importantly, it increases by +2 the saving throw DCs of all the user's supernatural abilities.
Aura: Moderate conjuration and transmutation;
Caster Level: 7
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
greater magical flow enhancement,
mage armor,
magic fang;
Cost: 30,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 15,000 shillings + 1,200 experience points.
Weight: 15 lbs.
Candle, Exorcism: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook)
Exorcism candles are sacred candles made from a combination of bee's wax and fat taken from the corpse of an intelligent being.
Exorcism candles are, as the name might imply, used in conjunction with the prayers and rituals required to successfully perform an exorcism. When an
exorcism candle is burned for a minimum of 1 hour during the performance of an exorcism, it adds a +2 sacred or profane bonus to the next Knowledge: Religion check the presiding demon hunter performs. The benefits from multiple
exorcism candles do not stack, but exorcism candles can be used multiple times during the performance of an exorcism. A single
exorcism candle can only be used once, with the benefits fading if not used within a day.
Aura: Moderate conjuration;
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
protection from evil or
protection from good;
Cost: 100 shillings;
Cost to Create: 50 shillings + 2 experience points.
Weight: -.
Candle, Greater Revelation: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook)
Greater revelation candles are sacred candles made from a combination of bee's wax and animal fat taken from celestial or fiendish animals that have been soaked in rare and expensive oils and herbs. When burned for an hour is provides the user the ability to
commune with an upper plane exactly as if they had cast the spell themselves. Using a
greater revelation candle to cast
commune does not require the expenditure of experience points. A
greater revelation candle can be used only once and must be burned for a full hour before casting
commune. The benefits of multiple
greater revelation candles do not stack and are lost if the user does not cast
commune within a day of burning.
Aura: Moderate transmutation;
Caster Level: 12
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Cost: 600 shillings;
Cost to Create: 300 shillings + 24 experience points.
Weight: -.
Candle, Revelation: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook)
Revelation candles are sacred candles made from a combination of bee's wax and animal fat taken from celestial or fiendish animals that have been soaked in rare and expensive oils and herbs. Incredibly expensive and used only in conjunction with the casting of
commune spells, a
revelation candle provides three benefits. First, it adds an effective +1 caster level when casting
commune. Second, it opens the caster;s mind to better understand the divine language of their god, so answers given by the deity can be up to 10 words long. Finally, it reduces the experience point cost of casting
commune to 50. A
revelation candle can be used only once and must be burned for a full hour before casting
commune. The benefits of multiple
revelation candles do not stack and are lost if the user does not cast
commune within a day of burning.
Aura: Moderate transmutation;
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
owl's widsom;
Cost: 300 shillings;
Cost to Create: 150 shillings + 12 experience points.
Weight: -.
Cloak of the Living: (
Book of Eldrtitch Might II) This gray cloak, when worn by an undead humanoid, makes it appear to th senses as an average, living humanoid of the appropriate type (a vampiric dwarf appears to be a dwarf, a human skeleton appears human, and so on). This illusion proves effective not only against all normal senses, but also against all divinations. The undead creature does not registaer under a
detect undead spell, for example. A
cloak of the living even foils
true seeing. Undead wearing this cloak can still be turned.
Aura: Strong illusion;
Caster Level: 15
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
mind blank,
permanent image;
Cost: 100,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 50,000 shillings + 4,000 experience points.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Cloak of Predatory Vigor: (
Magic Item Compendium) A
cloak of predatory vigor helps you channel the power of your combat frenzy into rejuvenating energy. While in a rage or frenzy, you can activate this cloak as a swift action to heal damage to yourself equal to your Hit Dice. This effect functions two times per day.
Aura: Faint conjuration;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
cure moderate wounds;
Cost: 1,400 shillings;
Cost to Create: 700 shillings + 56 experience points.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Crucible of Conjuration: (
Conjuration) This magical tool, resembling a small cauldron and mathcing stand, holds a heating or cooling source as the user requires.
Crucibles of conjuration are usually made of fine steel or mithral, with jewels inset around the rim of the cauldron and the stand. The
crucible's stand holds a large quartz crystal hat generates extacly as much heat or cold as commanded and maintains that temperature for any length of time stipulated. As such, it is an excellent tool for any alchemy, and adds a +2 circumstance bonus to any Craft: Alchemy checks.
The true power of the
crucible becomes evident when used by a spellcaster with the Brew Potion or Craft Wondrous Item feat. Once per day, the
crucible of conjuration can be used to create a special oil. This oil is imbued with the power of a
summon monster spell the user wishes to cast into the
crucible. This process takes one full hour and costs 500 shillings per spell level of the
summon. The creator must also pay 50 experience points per level of the
summon spell.
The oil created by the
crucible is bottled immediately after being and can be used as a grenade-like missile in the same manner as holy water. Any creature or creatures that could be summoned by imbued spell appear as close to the point of impact as possible. If the oil strikes an appropriate target, the creature can take afree grapple attack upon appearing.
Caster Level: 17
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
summon monster IX;
Cost: 52,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 26,000 shillings + 2,080 experience points.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Essence Crystal: (
Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi) This platinum chain is set with a blue-white crystal, used in the
life transfer spell to store the souls of sentient creatures. The stone grows darker in color the more souls are placed into the crystal, and drains in color as each soul's life force is drained to ignore the natural effects of aging in the wearer. An
essence crystal is usually found uncharged. When the wearer casts
life transfer, the crystal gains a number of charges equal to the Hit Dice of the victim of the spell. By expending a charge, the wearer is immune to the effects of natural aging for a full year. The wearer resumes aging as normal if the essence crystal is removed. The crystal has hardness 5 and 25 hit points.
Aura: Strong necromancy;
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
life transfer;
Cost: 91,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 45,500 shillings + 3,640 experience points;
Weight: -.
Food, Communion: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook) Communion food is used when a former demon worshiper or demon-possessed mortal wishes to repent their deeds. The exact form of the communion food depends upon the nature of the deity the clergy serve. Communion food is given to the one seeking atonement, and if eaten during the performance of an
atonement spell, the cost of casting is reduced to 200 experience points. Communion food can also be used by a caster seeking their own
atonement and reduces the costs as above. Though it is food, the magical nature of
communion food preserves it, so that it endures centuries without spoiling.
Aura: Moderate divination;
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Cost: 200 shillings;
Cost to Create: 100 shillings + 8 experience points;
Weight: -.
Headband of Reflected Arrows: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) This headband of woven gold threads bears small crossed arrow symbols all around the outside. Three times per day it causes an arrow, crossbow bolt, or other ranged weapon directed at the wearer to turn around and go after the attacker. The same bonuses used to attack the wearer apply against the attacker. Thus, if an archer looses an arrow with a +13 bonus at the wearer, resolve a +13 attack against the archer instead, with damage inflicted normally upon a successful hit. The wearer need not be aware of the assault and cannot decide when to reflect an attack - the headband simply functions against the first three ranged weapon attacks made towards the wearer.
Aura: Strong abjuration;
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
protection from arrows,
spell turning;
Cost: 7,800 shillings;
Cost to Create: 3,900 shillings + 312 experience points;
Weight: -.
Helm of Alacrity: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) These golden helms give wearers a fraction of a second's warning when a blow is coming, aiding their ability to defend themselves. Each helm adds an insight bonus to the wearer's Armor Class.
Aura: Moderate abjuration;
Caster Level: 7
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
freedom of action, the caster must have a caster level equal to or greater than four times the helm's bonus;
Cost: 4,000 shillings (
+1 helm), 16,000 shillings (
+2 helm), 36,000 shillings (
+3 helm), 64,000 shillings (
+4 helm), or 100,000 shillings (
+5 helm);
Cost to Create: 2,000 shillings + 160 experience points (
+1 helm), 8,000 shillings + 640 experience points (
+2 helm), 18,000 shillings + 1,440 experience points (
+3 helm), 32,000 shillings + 2,560 experience points (
+4 helm), or 50,000 shillings + 4,000 experience points (
+5 helm);
Weight: 3 lbs.
Horn of Echoes: (
Conjuration) A silver horn chease in gold, the
horn of echoes is blown for two full rounds just before casting a
summon monster III spell. The spell is affected as if the epll
echoing call I had been cast. Unlike the spell of the same name, this
call cannot be dispelled once it begins. Using a
horn of echoes does not require a Perform check, but if the user wishes to, success at a DC 20 Perform check after one round of blowing the horn obviates the need for a second round. A
horn of echoes can be used as often as desired, but every use after the first during the same day carries a cumulative 10% chance that it will shatter and become useless.
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
echoling call I, creator must have 5+ ranks in Perform;
Cost: 27,500 shillings.;
Cost to Create: 13,750 shillings + 1,100 experience points;
Weight: -.
Horn of Khil: (
Fury in the Wastelands: The Orcs of Tellene) Carved from the horn of a fell beast, this standard size signal horn is crudely engraved with scenes of violence and death. Sacred ot Khil, the horn instills frenzy into all orcs that hear its deep, booming call. When blown, all orcs within 50 feet immediately rage, with the sole exception of the horn blower. This is identical to the 1st level barbarian brutal strikes class ability except that the rage lasts for 5 rounds. This rage counts against the daily uses of the rage ability for a barbarian character. The horn can be blown as many times per day as the owner wishes, but any given orc can be affected no more than once in a 24-hour period.
Aura: Moderate transmutation;
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
bear's endurance,
bull's strength;
Cost: 29,000 shillings.;
Cost to Create: 14,500 shillings + 1,160 experience points;
Weight: -.
Incense, Faith Shield: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook) This powerful, magical incense is infused with sacred energies and made from powdered angel's wings. When burned, it provides all within its radius of a effect with a +2 sacred bonus to all saving throws to resist the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of evil outsiders. A single package of
faith shield incense burns for 10 minutes and fills a 10-foot radius.
Aura: Moderate conjuration;
Caster Level: 7
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Cost: 300 shillings;
Cost to Create: 150 shillings + 12 experience points;
Weight: -.
Incense, Oblivion: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook)
Oblivion incense is a powerful demonic narcotic which has the ability to erase the memories of all good beings who inhale its vapors. Those of good alignment who enter its 20 foot radius of effect must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or lose all memory of the previous 24 hours, including all spells prepared during that time. Inaddition, those who fail to save will not remember any events that occur duirng the next 24 hours, meaning they cannot prepare spells during this time.
Aura: Moderate enchantment;
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Cost: 800 shillings;
Cost to Create: 400 shillings + 32 experience points;
Weight: -.
Lens of Focus: (
Book of Eldritch Might III) The small crystalline
lens of focus, held in a gold frame with a small gold handle, magnifies ray spells cast through it. When a user casts any ray spell through the lens, the spell grants a +2 bonus to its ranged touch attack roll. If the ray inflicts damage, the amount increases by 50 percent.
Aura: Strong transmutation;
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Cost: 20,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 10,000 shillings + 800 experience points.
Weight: -.
Lute of Charms: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) This magical lute allows the bearer to use
charm person at will. Further, the DC of the spell is based upon the character's Perform check:
Perform Check Result | Spell DC |
10 or less | 11 |
11 - 15 | 13 |
16 - 20 | 15 |
21 - 25 | 17 |
26 or more | 19 |
As the lute is a masterwork quality instrument, it provides a +2 bonus on all Perform: Stringed Instrument checks when played.
Aura: Faint transmutation;
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
charm person;
Cost: 6,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 3,000 shillings + 240 experience points.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Mantle of Mastery: (
Conjuration) This fine mantle, normally worn over normal clothing or robes, imparts remarkable powers over bound outsiders and summoned creatures to the spellcaster that dons it. As a full round action, the wearer can try to exert
mastery over any single summoned or called creature within 30 feet through an opposed Will save against it. The creature can be one of the wearer's own conjurations or someone else's, though he receives a +2 circumstance bonus to the save if he conjured the target in question. A failed
mastery attempt turns the creature against the wearer immediately.
If the check succeeds for the wearer, the target is considered his for the duration of the spell that conjured it. This acts as
dominate monster and can function regardless of the target type. If the creature exists for an indefinite duration (such as a creature conjured through
lesser planar binding), the
domination lasts for one hour and must be rechecked if the wearer wishes to retain control thereafter.
Caster Level: 13
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
dominate monster,
lesser planar binding;
Cost: 25,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 12,500 shillings + 1,000 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Mantle of Sanctuary: (
Conjuration) A spellcaster clad in a
mantle of sanctuary does not need to fear attack from creatures that escape from his own containment diagrams or
cagic circles. Instead of attacking the wearer, such beings are immediately empowered to return home and forced to do so through the power of the
mantle. Escaped beings get no saving throw and spell resistance does not apply to avoid this effect unless the escaped being has more Hit Dice than the wearer's caster level. If so, they may make a Will save with a DC of 20 + 1 per day of captivity. If the wearer of the
mantle attacks the creature during its escape or beforehand, he receives no protection at all and must suffer the attacks of the escaped being as normal.
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
magic circle or
Cost: 2,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 1,250 shillings + 100 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Oil, Annointment: (
Demon Hunter's Handbook)
Annointment oil is a magical oil which can be smeared across the forehead of a divine caster. When this is done, the oil grants the recipient two benefits. First, it adds a +1 sacred or profane bonus to the save DC of the next divine spell they cast. Second, it adds a +1 sacred or profane bonus to their caster level check to pierce any spell resistance the target of that spell has. Once smeared on a recipient's forehead, the oil evaporates after one hour if not used before.
Aura: Moderate divination;
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
divine favor;
Cost: 200 shillings;
Cost to Create: 100 shillings + 8 experience points;
Weight: -.
Orb of the Damned: (
Conjuration) A sphere of coalesced darkness pf glowing blood, the eight-inch-wide
orb of the damned serves as a link to a fiendish being from the lower planes. This fiend cannot manifest directly on the mortal plane except through a physical host - the holder of the
orb. The GM determines the exact personality of this fiend, but when the
orb is used it merges spiritually; this creates an amalgam of its own personality and that if the user.
Once per day for up to one round per Hit Die, the holder of the
orb can take on the half-fiend template. When this occurs, the
orb disappears into the merged being. This combination cannot be
dispelled, but a
banishment or similar effect ends the duration of the merger instantly and causes the
orb to manifest again. As a side effect of the powerful energies of the
orb, it constantly radiates a
bane effect while solid and explosed to darkness of any kind.
Regardless of form, the
orb's user always manifests wings (as described in the half-fiend template), and has their alignment shifted toward evil along that axis. This is a permanent change that only occurs the first time the
orb is used, though further exposure and willing use of the
orb may cause further alignment shifts.
Caster Level: 15
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
greater planar binding,
magic jar;
Cost: 150,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 75,000 shillings + 6,000 experience points;
Weight: 1 lb.
Orb of the Heavens: (
Conjuration) A glowing sphere of seemingly solid light, the eight-inch-wide
orb of the heavens serves as a link to a celestial being from the upper planes. This celestial cannot manifest directly on the mortal plane except through a physical host - the holder of the
orb. The GM determines the exact personality of this celestial, but when the
orb is used it merges spiritually; this creates an amalgam of its own personality and that if the user.
Once per day for up to one round per Hit Die, the holder of the
orb can take on the half-celestial template. When this occurs, the
orb disappears into the merged being. This combination cannot be
dispelled, but a
banishment or similar effect ends the durationof the merger instantly and causes the
orb to manifest again. As a side effect of the powerful energies of the
orb, it constantly radiates a
bless effect while solid and explosed to light of any kind.
Regardless of form, the
orb's user always manifests wings (as described in the half-celestial template), and has their alignment shifted toward good along that axis. This is a permanent change that only occurs the first time the
orb is used, though further exposure and willing use of the
orb may cause further alignment shifts.
Caster Level: 15
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
greater planar binding,
magic jar;
Cost: 150,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 75,000 shillings + 6,000 experience points;
Weight: 1 lb.
Pipes of Protection: (
Book of Eldritch Might II) These magical pan pipes, when played, offer up a sphere of magical protection based on the player's desire. The sphere forms a 5-foot radius around the pipes' player and lasts as long as she plays. Using them properly calls for DC 15 Perform check. A new check is required every 10 minutes, with the DC increasing by +1 each time. A character can take only move-equivalent actions while playing the pipes. Each type of protection can be used once per day:
- Protection from Flame: No open flame can exist within the sphere. It hedges out fire (including beings of the fire subtype) and objects hotter than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (such as lava) from outside, as if the sphere were a wall of force.
- Protection from Frost: The temperature within the sphere remains 70 degrees Fahrenheit no matter what forces or spells are used against it. it hedges out cold and ice (like a cone of cold) and creatures of the cold subtype.
- Protection from Undead: Undead cannot exist within the sphere (they are immediately thrust out) and cannot enter.
- Protection from Poison: All poison, including poison gas, loses its potency within the sphere. Creatures within with a natural venom regain their poisonous ability once outside the sphere for 1d3 rounds.
Aura: Strong abjuration;
Caster Level: 14
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
control undead,
neutralize poison,
protection from energy;
Cost: 35,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 17,500 shillings + 1,400 experience points.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Raptor's Mask: (
Magic Item Compendium) A
raptor's mask grants you a +5 bonus on Spot checks and renders you immune to effects that would leave you blinded or dazzled. A raptor's mask is part of the
Regalia of the Phoenix.
Aura: Faint divination;
Caster Level: 5
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
glitterdust, possession of a piece of the
Regalia of the Phoenix;
Cost: 3,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 1,750 shillings + 140 experience points.
Weight: -.
Robe of Retaliation: (
Magic Item Compendium) A
robe of retaliation allows you to react to attacks with a burst of magical power. If you are struck by a creature wielding a melee weapon or a natural weapon, you can activate the robe as an immediate action and sacrifice an arcane spell of 1
st-level or higher to deal damage to your attacker equal to 1d6 points per level of the spell sacrificed. This ability functions three times per day.
Aura: Moderate evocation;
Caster Level: 7
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
fire shield;
Cost: 6,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 3,250 shillings + 260 experience points.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Slate of Remembrance: (
Conjuration) Created originally by a mage with a serious tendency to hold grudges, thos one-square-foot black slate board is bound in a frame with ash wood and silver corners. When any outsider successfully damages the person carrying the
slate with a weapon, unarmed attack, or spell, the
slate records the being's most commonly used name in indelible ink using very elaborate handwriting. There is only room on the
slate for one name, and if another outsider does the bearer damage, the previous name is erased in favor of the new one.
By holding the
slate and speaking the name on it, the bearer can cast whichever version of
planar binding it takes to summon that outsider to him. As this is a calling spell, the bearer would be prudent to have a
magic circle and containment diagram ready. Once the name on the
slate is used, it erases itself completely and is ready to be used again.
Caster Level: 15
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
greater planar binding,
true seeing;
Cost: 42,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 21,000 shillings + 1,680 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Slave Bore: (
Vigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen) The
slave bore resembles a small corkscrew, crafted of silver and iron and dipped in the blood of the victim's potential master. The target of this device's foul magic usually is trussed up with a scarlet cord and made to wear a black velvet hood with a small forehead opening. A gag prevents the victim from biting his tongue during the painful ritual to come. The wielder then screws the
bore into the victim's head.
When the
bore is put into place, the victim immediately loses 2d4 Intelligence and 2d4 Wisdom and will lose 1d6 Constitution if he fails a DC 12 Fortitude save. While the
bore is in place, the victim must make a Will save each day. The first day, the DC is 15, and it increases by +1 every day thereafter. Each day the victim resists successfully, his Constitution score drops by 1. If this score reaches 0, the victim dies. Should the victim fail his Will save, he becomes the slave of the individual whose blood is on the
bore; the victim must obey his master's every command without question. These verbal commands may be delivered only by the slave's master, and must be comprehensible to the victim. The unfortunate slave has no chance to resist, remaining a slave until rescued or slain. So complete is the master's control, the slave will not even eat or drink unless commanded to do so. The Intelligence, Wisdom, and Constitution losses are permanent as long as the
bore remains in place.
Another individual can remove the
bore with a
limited wish,
miracle, or
wish spell, or someone can physically remove it from the victim's head. This latter procedure is extremely hazardous and requires a DC 25 Heal check. If the Heal check fails, the victim loses 1d6 points of Constitution and the healer may try again. If the
bore is removed without killing the victim, his abilities slowly return to normal per the normal rules for ability damage. If the victim dies, the
bore may be removed and the victim brought back to life with
resurrection or similar spells.
Aura: Moderate enchantment;
Caster Level: 12
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
dominate person;
Cost: 3,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 1,750 shillings + 140 experience points;
Weight: -.
Theurgical Talisman: (
Conjuration) These tiny wooden objects were originally created by druidic ritual, but arcane spellcasters have learned the art of their construction as well. Crafted to augment summoning spells,
theurgic talismans can be very potent when used wisely, but they have the potential to disrupt arcane spellcasting if not handled carefully. Perhaps owing to their original intent, these
talismans do not disrupt divine summoning spells at all.
To use a
theurgical talisman, the caster holds it firmly in one hand and casts any
summon monster or
summon nature's ally spell. The
talisman vanishes upon completion of the spell and its effects imbue the monsters that arrive with a spell effect or special ability. In all cases, this effect ends when the duration of the
summon spell ends. The entries for each particular talisman show different types of
talismans, the effects they have, and the DC of the Concentration check required to keep from losing an arcane
summon spell. If the Concentration check fails, the
talisman is not lost unless the roll was a one.
- Ash: All creatures summoned gain undead bane on all of their natural and weapon attacks, gaining a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against undead, and dealing an extra +2d6 damage on each successful attack. Concentration DC 20.
- Birch: All creatures summoned gain the ability to smite evil once, adding extra damage equal to their Hit Dice (maximum +20) to their damage roll. This talisman cannot be used if the summoning is an evil spell. Concentration DC 18.
- Elder: All creatures summoned gain Fast Healing 5. Concentration DC 20.
- Hawthorn: All creatures summoned gain Improved Sunder as a bonus feat, and gain a +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. If the use of this talisman fails, the creatures are summoned, but turn on the caster and his allies. Concentration DC 25.
- Ironwood: All creatures summoned gain stoneskin as if cast by a 9th level caster. Concentration DC 25
- Mistletoe: The summoning spell summons one additional creature. Concentration DC 22.
- Oak: All creatures summoned gain a +4 enhancement bonus to their Strength, as per the spell bull's strength. Concentration DC 15.
- Rowan: All creatures summoned gain energy resistance 12 against one energy type (acid, col, electricity, fire, or sonic). The energy type is chosen by the caster when the talisman is used. Concentration DC 18.
- Willow: All creatures summoned gain a +4 enhancement bonus to their Dexterity, as per the spell cat's grace. Concentration DC 15.
Caster Level: 9
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
summon monster V or
summon nature's ally V;
Cost: 2,500 shillings (
ash), 500 shillings (
birch), 2,000 shillings (
elder), 4,000 shillings (
hawthorn), 3,500 shillings (
ironwood), 3,000 shillings (
mistletoe), 800 shillings (
oak), 2,000 shillings (
rowan), 800 shillings (
Cost to Create: 1,250 shillings + 100 experience points (
ash), 250 shillings + 20 experience points (
birch), 1,000 shillings + 80 experience points (
elder), 2,000 shillings + 160 experience points (
hawthorn), 1,750 shillings + 140 experience points (
ironwood), 1,500 shillings + 120 shillings (
mistletoe), 400 shillings + 32 experience points (
oak), 1,000 shillings + 80 experience points (
rowan), 400 shillings + 32 experience points (
Weight: -.
Vestments of Zuggtmoy: (
Hive of Villainy) These
vestments appear as nothing more than a rotting, moth-eaten, mildewed cloak that has no appreciable value. Close inspection uncovers arcane symbols threaded into the fabric. There is a slight stench to the cloak, and those wearing it suffer a -1 penalty to all actions due to dizziness, stomach cramps, and nausea. Worshipers of Zuggtmoy are immune to this effect.
vestments provide immunity to any spore attack and a +1 natural armor bonus. The wearer can cast
speak with plants (mushrooms and fungi only) once per day, cast at 10
th level.
Caster Level: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
speak with plants,
tree shape;
Cost: 1,000 shillings;
Cost to Create: 500 shillings + 40 experience points.
Weight: 1 lb.
Vile Token: (
Conjuration) A small clay or wood disc engraved with foul runes of evil, the
vile token can be a terrible bane to any conjuror. If broken while in the presence of any summoned or called being, the
token inflicts a hideous curse of corruption upon it. The being targeted may make a DC 19 Reflex save to avoid this fate; success indicates that it was able to return to its home plane before the corruption could take hold. In this case, the spell that summoned or called it is instantly negated with no further effect, although the caster may still owe service to the formerly called creature.
If the creature does not make the save, it twists into a corrupted mockery of its former self, becomes chaotic evil, and immediately attacks its controller. The corrupt creature is no longer under the conjuror's control and does not vanish when the duration of it's spell expires. If the summoned creature is slain or dismissed, the effects of the
token end for it. If the creature was a called being, the
token is permanent and can only be undone through the use of a
wish or similar magic.
Further effects of the corruption are up to the Dungeon Master. Generally, the powers and abilities will change the suit the new alignment as best fits the campaign world.
Caster Level: 17
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
unhallow, plus
miracle or
Cost: 27,500 shillings;
Cost to Create: 13,750 shillings + 1,100 experience points.
Weight: - lbs.
Wink Brooch: (
Magic Item Compendium) Many a diplomat wears a
wink brooch to court to gain an edge in conversation. When activated, this brooch grants you a +2 competence bonus on a single Bluff or Diplomacy check attempted before the end of your turn. This ability requires a swift action to use and functions three times per day.
Aura: Faint enchantment;
Caster Level: 3
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
charm person;
Cost: 600 shillings;
Cost to Create: 300 shillings + 24 experience points.
Weight: -.
Home House Rules
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