Sunday, December 14, 2014

General Rules - Fighter Feats

Fighter Feats

This is a list of fighter feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. All of these feats can be taken by a fighter as fighter bonus feats, and most of them can be taken as general feats as well. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Advanced Military Training
Military Training, BAB +3You can grant better bonuses to allies with the Aid Another action
Agile Riposte
Dexterity 13+, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, BAB +1You can attack those who attack you and miss
Aquatic Shot
Point Blank ShotYou can use ranged weapons in water with reduced penalties
Armor Focus (Heavy)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)You gain a dodge bonus to AC when wearing heavy armor; armor check penalties for heavy armor are reduced for you
Armor Focus (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Light)You gain a dodge bonus to AC when wearing light armor; armor check penalties for light armor are reduced for you
Armor Focus (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)You gain a dodge bonus to AC when wearing medium armor; armor check penalties for medium armor are reduced for you
Armor Penetration
BAB +6You gain a bonus to melee attacks against armored foes
Armored Fencer (Heavy)
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armored Fencer (Medium), Combat Expertise, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou may make parry attempts while wearing heavy armor.
Armored Fencer (Medium)
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Expertise, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou may make parry attempts while wearing medium armor
Battle Shout
Charisma 13+Your battle cries can strike fear into opponents and spur on your allies
BAB +1, proficient with a flexible weaponYou can entangle your opponents with a flexible weapon such as a whip
Formation Combat, Military TrainingYou can make extra attacks of opportunity with a reach weapon against foes who do not threaten you
Bowl Over
Strength 15+, Heft, Rout, WindupYour attacks with thrown weapons can knock opponents off their feet
Brutish Trip
Large size or larger, Str 20+, Power AttackYou can trip foes with your weapon and make a follow-up attack
Bull Strike
Dexterity 13+, Improved Bull Rush, BAB +6You can attack after throwing yourself into an opponent
Caudal Lure
Intelligence 13+, Dexterity 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, flexible tailYou gain a bonus to Armor Class and can use your Dexterity to enhance your combat feints
Close-Quarter Defense
Combat ReflexesYou are unusually effective at defending your space
Cloth Dancing
Dodge, native of the Minzoku Republic or Tozlu DesertYou can use your flowing clothes to gain a dodge bonus to AC
Combat Caster Defense
Fighter level 1st+, Dexterity 13+, Lightning Reflexes, BAB +5You impose penalties upon the Concentration checks of enemy spellcasters in melee
Fighter level 12th+You can sacrifice your extra attacks in order to be able to attack foes when they attack you in melee
Strength 15+, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (any bludgeoning weapon)Your blows use your opponent’s armor against him
Crushing Defense
Strength 13+, Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, BAB +4, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou parry with great force
Curling Wave Strike
Dexterity 13+, Improved TripIf you trip an opponent you may attempt to trip a second opponent
Dead Eye
Dexterity 13+, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), BAB +1Your precision with ranged weapons translates into more telling strikes
Deceptive Dodge
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Dodge, Combat Expertise, BAB +4You can assume a defensive posture that allows you to redirect melee attacks made against you
Defensive Expert
-You excel at fighting while entrenched
Deflect Ranged Attack
Dexterity 13+, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged Disarm, BAB +5You can attempt to deflect ranged weapons that are already in flight
Disarm Riposte
Combat Expertise, Improved DisarmYou can attempt to disarm opponents who miss you in combat
Fighter level 1st+, Charisma 13+You can distract your foes so that their actions are hampered
Dexterity 13+You gain a dodge bonus to AC
Donning Armor
Fighter level 1st+You can don and remove armor more quickly than normal
Double Swing
Dexterity 13+, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +9You can attack with two weapons in a single attack
Double Weapon Disarm
Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved DisarmYou are practiced at disarming opponents that wield double weapons
Elusive Attack
Fighter level 6th+You can sacrifice your additional attacks during a full-round action to increase your AC
Exact Blow
Dexterity 15+, Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon SpecializationYou can make precise blows that deny you foe his Dex bonus to AC and improve your chance of scoring a critical hit
Expert Grappler
Strength 13+, Dexterity 15+, Improved Unarmed StrikeYou can add your Dexterity bonus in addition to your Strength bonus to grapple checks
Expert Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Parry, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslandsYou may parry multiple attacks by the same creature
False Is the Blademaster
Intelligence 13+, Bluff 6+ ranks, This Is a Lie, BAB +7, and Savage Humanoid or Changeling or Fighter level 1st +You can disappear entirely from your foe's perception
Fearsome Display
BAB +3, Intimidate 6+ ranksYou can impose combat penalties on your foe with a display of martial prowess
Find Hole
Improved Critical, BAB +8You gain a bonus to confirm critical hits with a single weapon
Finishing Strike
Cleave, BAB +3You can use the coup de grace action as a standard action
Formation Combat
Military TrainingYou gain bonuses when fighting alongside allies
Guarded Defense
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Parry, BAB +4, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou do not provoke disarm attempts with your parries
Strength 15+, WindupYou do more damage with thrown weapons
Improved Leverage
Improved TripYou gain a bonus on trip and grapple checks
Improved Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can make multiple parry attempts in a single round
Improved Shield Snare
Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency, Shield SnareYou can make an immediate attack against an opponent you have disarmed with your shield snare
Improvised Weapon Proficiency
Dexterity 15+, Wisdom 13+, BAB +3You are skilled at using any object as a weapon
Incredible Endurance
Constitution 15+, EnduranceYou gain an additional +4 bonus to perform feats of endurance
Incredible Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, BAB +6, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can parry larger weapons than normal
Light Armor Mastery
Light Armor Specialization, BAB +9When you wear light armor, its maximum Dexterity bonus is increased and its armor check penalty is reduced
Light Armor Specialization
Light Armor Proficiency, BAB +3When you wear light armor, its armor bonus is increased
Medium Armor Mastery
Medium Armor Specialization, BAB +9When you wear medium armor, its maximum Dexterity bonus is increased and its armor check penalty is reduced and you treat medium armor as light armor for some purposes
Medium Armor Specialization
Medium Armor Proficiency, BAB +3When you wear medium armor, you move faster than normal
Merciful Strike
BAB +1You do not suffer penalties when using a lethal weapon to inflict nonlethal damage
Mighty Are Fallen
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Dodge, MobilityYou gain a bonus to your AC against Power Attacks
Military Training
BAB +1You can use Aid Another for others with Military Training as a move action
Mountain Fighter
-You gain a bonus to your AC in the mountains
Off-Hand Weapon Expert
Dexterity 13+, BAB +4You can add your full strength bonus to damage rolls made with your off-hand weapon
Overpowering Attack
Fighter level 16th+You can sacrifice your additional attacks to make a single attack that deals double damage
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou are skilled at deflecting the attacks of your enemies
Phalanx Formation
Blindside, Formation Combat, Military TrainingYou can use reach weapons in close melee combat, and may gain cover bonuses to your AC when fighting in formation
Polearm Trip
-You can make trip attacks with any long-hafted two-handed weapon
Power Charge
Fighter level 1st+, Strength 15+, Power AttackYou gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll when charging
Pressing Attack
Combat ReflexesYou can follow opponents to keep them in your threatened area
Prone Combat
-You suffer reduced penalties when fighting while prone
Protective Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, native to Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can parry attacks directed at your allies
Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, BAB +5, native of Enselm, the Gorovlic Isles, or the Minzoku RepublicYou are skilled at retaliating against opponents that attack you
EnduranceYou do not die until your reach a negative hit point total equal to your Constitution score + 2
Strength 13+, WindupYour thrown weapons can drive opponents back
Shield Snare
Improved Shield Bash, Shield ProficiencyYou can disarm an opponent with your shield
Side by Side
BAB +3You can grant an ally the benefit of the Aid Another action without a die roll
Single Blade Style
Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus (any one-handed weapon)You wield a single weapon well
Spinning Blow
Two-Weapon FightingYou can attack with both ends of a double weapon with a single roll
Spear Elite
Weapon Focus (any spear), BAB +3You gain combat bonuses when you set your weapon against a charge
EnduranceYour chance to stabilize when dying improves
Steel Skin
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Unarmed Strike, Parry, BAB +4, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can parry with your open hand
Strength to Weakness
Large size or larger, Int 10+, BAB +6 or higherYou gain a damage bonus against dodging opponents
Strike of the Viper
BAB +5, Quick Draw, proficient with weaponYou can make a blindingly fast first strike that increases your weapon's threat range
Superior Mounted Archery
Mounted Archery, native of the At'viras SteppesYour archery penalties when riding are reduced
Swat the Flea
Large size or larger, Dex 13+, Combat ReflexesYou can attack smaller foes that try to tumble through your threatened squares
Swat the Gnat
Large size or larger, Str 18+, Power AttackYou can bull rush foes that draw attacks of opportunity
Sweep Attack
Large size or larger, Str 25+, Brutish Trip, Power AttackYou can use a full-attack action to attack and trip all nearby foes
Trick Shot
Precise Shot, Weapon FocusYou gain a bonus when making difficult shots with a ranged weapon
Two-Weapon Warding
Dexterity 13+, Combat Expertise, Two-Weapon FightingYou can take a -2 penalty to attacks to improve your AC by +4
Warden Training
Proficient with the longsword or shortsword, the leaf spear, and the longbow, shortbow, composite longbow, or composite shortbow; BAB +4, member of the Warders of the CouncilYou gain bonuses with weapons commonly used by the Wardens of the Council
Weapon Trip
Weapon FocusYou have trained to be able to trip foes with your melee weapon
Whirling Defense
Cloth Dancing, Combat ExpertiseYou can reduce your attack bonus to increase your AC
Strength 13+You can deal more damage with thrown weapons at the cost of accuracy

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General Rules - Item Creation Feats

Item Creation Feats

This is a list of item creation feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Bind Celestial
One item creation feat, any non-good alignmentYou can bind celestials into items and tap into their power
Craft Eldritch Staff
Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spellsYou can craft an eldritch staff
Craft Glyph Egg
Spellcaster level 3rd+You can create a glyph egg containing spells of 3rd-level or lower
Craft Greater Glyph Egg
Craft Glyph Egg, spellcaster level 9th+You can create a glyph egg containing spells of greater than 3rd-level
Create Gris-Gris Bag
Spellcaster level 1st+You can create a gris-gris bag
Create Manikin
Spellcaster level 12th+You can create manikins
Create Portal
Craft Wondrous ItemYou can create magical portals
Create Soul Magic Spell
Knowledge: Arcana 10+ ranks, spellcaster level 9th+You can create soul magic spells
Culinary Ashe
Ability to cast divine spells, spellcaster level 3rd+You can create magical food
Discreet Poisoner
Craft: Alchemy 4+ ranks, Craft: Poison 8+ ranks, Sleight of Hand 4+ ranksYou can craft multi=part poisons
Economical Charge
Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Culinary Ashe, or Forge RingYou can more easily craft expendable spell foci
Etch Object Rune
Spellcaster level 5th+You can etch magical runes onto object
Focus Mastery
Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Culinary Ashe, or Forge RingYou can more easily craft expendable spell foci
Implant Gambit
Spellcaster level 12th+, any one item creation featYou can put "gambits" into magic items you create
Inscribe Magical Tattoo
Spellcaster level 3rd+, Craft: Tattoo 1+ ranksYou can inscribe magical tattoos
Life to the Inaminate
Spellcaster level 10th+You can imbue magic items with intelligence
Manufacture Magic Poison
Spellcaster level 5th+You can craft magical poisons
Rapid Scribing
Scribe ScrollYou may scribe scrolls more quickly than normal, but at an increased experience point cost
Weave Ward
Intelligence 13+, arcane spellcaster level 5th+You can weave magical wards

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General Rules - Regional Feats

Regional Feats

This is a list of regional feats available to characters from a particular region in the Three Worlds. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Agile Riposte
Dexterity 13+, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, BAB +1, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can attack those who attack you and miss
Rope Climber
Halfling or native of the Gorovlic IslesYou are skilled at climbing ropes and rigging
Armored Fencer (Heavy)
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armored Fencer (Medium), Combat Expertise, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou may make parry attempts while wearing heavy armor.
Armored Fencer (Medium)
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Expertise, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou may make parry attempts while wearing medium armor
Bareback Soul
Native of the At'viras Steppes, Ride 1+ ranksYou can ride bareback without penalty and gain a bonus to attacks while mounted
Clinging Combat
Dexterity 13+, native of the Dekkulde Islands, the Gorovlic Isles, the Rhadynnic Isles. or the Sjorover IslesYou don't lose your Dexterity bonus to AC when climbing
Cloth Dancing
Dodge, native of the Minzoku Republic or Tozlu DesertYou can use your flowing clothes to gain a dodge bonus to AC
Native of the Kansattu Empire, Kreikka, Ranska, or SaksaYou gain proficiency with the halberd and heavy crossbow and start play with additional equipment
Crushing Defense
Strength 13+, Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, BAB +4, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou parry with great force
Native of Elizon, Langjord, Midtenjord, Kysthjem, the Dekkulde Islands, or the Sjorover IslesYou suffer no movement penalties in snow and do not leave tracks
Expert Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Parry, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslandsYou may parry multiple attacks by the same creature
Native of the FreeholdsYou are trained as a member of the Fyrd
Guarded Defense
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Parry, BAB +4, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou do not provoke disarm attempts with your parries
Horse Nomad
Native of the At'viras Steppes or Tozlu DesertYou gain proficiency in weapons commonly used by steppe and desert tribes
Improved Mounted Archery
Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Ride 1+ ranks, native of the At'viras Steppes or Tozlu DesertYour penalties for mounted archery are reduced
Improved Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Parry, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can make multiple parry attempts in a single round
Incredible Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, BAB +6, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can parry larger weapons than normal
Initiate of the Spirit Ways
Charisma 13+, Khülen or native of Elizon or MenæviaYou gain a bonus to social skills when dealing with spirits and may take any number of totem feats
Legendary Tracker
Native of ElizonYour movement penalties in snow are reduced and you gain a bonus to track in snow
Mountain Hunter
Native of Elizon or SteinigreichYou gain a bonus to grapple checks and attacks against animals
Old Salt
Profession: Sailor 5+ ranks, native of the Dekkulde Islands, the Gorovlic Isles, the Rhadynnic Isles, or the Sjorover IslesYou gain a bonus to Balance, Profession: Sailor, and Use Rope checks, and can use Profession: Sailor checks to predict the weather
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou are skilled at deflecting the attacks of your enemies
Polar Bear Skin
Native of the Dekkulde Islands, Elizon, Langjord, Midtenjord, Kysthjem, or the Sjorover IslesYou are better able to withstand being immersed in very cold water
Protective Parry
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Parry, native to Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can parry attacks directed at your allies
Raider’s Spirit
Native of the Dekkulde Islands, the Gorovlic Isles, or the Sjorover IslesYou gain a bonus to Intimidate checks and saves against fear effects
Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, BAB +5, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou are skilled at retaliating against opponents that attack you
Rope Climber
Halfling or native of the Gorovlic IslesYou are skilled at climbing ropes and rigging
Native of the At'viras Steppes or Tozlu DesertYou can substitute Ride checks for Reflex saves while mounted
Sailor's Balance/a>
Profession: Sailor 4+ ranks, native of Langjord, Midtenjord, Kysthjem, the Dekkulde Islands, the Gorovlic Isles, the Rhadynnic Isles, or the Sjorover IslesYou gain a bonus to Balance checks on ships and can move across slippery decks faster than normal
Dodge or Lizardfolk or Snake-Blooded (Käälapsi, Serpent Person, or Yuan-ti Blooded), or native of the Tozlu DesertYou gain a dodge bonus to Armor Class based on your base attack bonus and armor worn
Seachtach Rhymes
Native of the Seachtach IslesYou gain a bonus on Knowledge: Arcana and bardic lore checks
Shanty Man
Native of the Gorovlic Isles, Perform: any one 1+ ranksYou gain a bonus on Perform checks when your audience is sailors, and a bonus on Charisma, Bluff, and Diplomacy checks if you perform well
Snatch Weapon
Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesWhen you disarm a foe, you can catch his weapon in your off hand
Speaker of the Ancestors
Druid level 1st, native of the At'viras Steppes, Elizon, Menævia, or Tozlu Desert.You can treat a weapon from your culture as a druidic weapon and gain a bonus to Knowledge: Ancient History checks
Steel Skin
Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Unarmed Strike, Parry, BAB +4, native of Enselm or the Gorovlic IslesYou can parry with your open hand
Storm Sense
Native of the Dekkulde Isles, Gorovlic Isles, or Sjorover IslesYou can sense oncoming storms
Superior Mounted Archery
Mounted Archery, native of the At'viras SteppesYour archery penalties when riding are reduced
Swing-by Attack
Halfling or native of the Gorovlic Islands, Rope Climber, Climb 1+ ranksYou can swing into combat to attack your opponents
Weathered Traveler
Toughness, native of the Dekkulde Islands, Langjord, Midtenjord, Kysthjem, or the Sjorover IslesYou gain a bonus to save against weather effects

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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Racial Feats - Human

Human Feats

The following feats may be taken by human characters in the Three Worlds. In some cases these feats have been modified from the original. In all cases the versions of the feats presented here are the feats to be used in the Three Worlds Campaign setting.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Adventurous Explorer
HumanYou can react more flexibly when you ready an action
Auspicious Destiny
HumanYou gain a bonus to Charisma when dealing with humans and can reroll stabilization checks
Blood of Þunor
Human or Khülen, ability to rageWhen you rage, you gain bonus damage points that may be applied to your attacks
Human or Khülen, Strength 13+You gain bonus skill points that can be spent on Strength-based skills
Changeling or Human, Charisma 13+You gain bonus skill points that can be spent on Charisma-based skills
Career Change
Character level 5th+, multiclassedYou can convert one feat to skill points
Human, Wisdom 13+You gain bonus skill points that can be spent on Wisdom-based skills
Favored Destiny
Human, Dexterity 13+, Lucky StarsYou can avoid damage that would kill others
Fearless Destiny
Human, Heroic Destiny, character level 6th+You can survive injuries that would kill those lacking in your destiny
Heroic Destiny
HumanYou can add 1d6 to certain rolls once per day
Gnome or Human, Intelligence 13+You gain bonus skill points that can be spent on Intelligence-based skills
Lucky Stars
HumanYou gain a luck bonus to saving throws
Magically Adept
Human, Charisma 10+You gain the ability to cast three cantrips once per day each
Mark of Eiur
Human, Auspicious DestinyThree times per day you can roll two d20s when making a saving throw and take the result of your choice
Mark of HÅ“nir
Human, Auspicious DestinyThree times per day you can roll two d20s when making a skill check and take the result of your choice
Mark of Syfa
Human, Auspicious DestinyThree times per day you can roll two d20s when making an initiative check and take the result of your choice
Mark of Vali
Human, Auspicious DestinyThree times per day you can roll two d20s when making an attack roll and take the result of your choice
Mark of Woda
Human, Auspicious DestinyThree times per day you can roll two d20s when making a caster level check and take the result of your choice
Protected Destiny
Human, Heroic Destiny, character level 3rd+Once per day you can reroll a saving throw result of a 1
Halfling or Human, Dexterity 13+You gain bonus skill points that can be spent on Dexterity-based skills
Human or Dwarf, Constitution 13+You gain bonus skill points that can be spent on Constitution-based skills

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