Feat Name |
| Prerequisites | Benefit |
Ability Focus |
| Must have a special attack form | One of your special attacks becomes more potent |
Adept of the Living Mysteries |
| Wisdom 13+, Skill Focus | You gain more benefit from Skill Focus when applied to Wisdom-based skills |
All or Nothing |
| BAB +4 | You can make an additional attack at your highest BAB, but lose your next action and suffer AC penalties until you can act |
Ambush |
| Sneak attack ability | You deal more sneak attack damage with a light weapon |
Amphibious Assault |
| - | You ignore uneven terrain penalties for fighting in deep water or onboard a ship |
Artisan |
| At least 1 rank in three different Craft skills | You gain a competence bonus to three Craft skills |
Aspect of Command |
| Charisma 14+, Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | Enchantment spells you cast are more powerful than normal and you gain a bonus to your leadership score |
Aspect of Fear |
| Charisma 16+, Aspect of Command, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You can call upon your sûlic heritage to radiate fear |
Assault Formation |
| BAB +4, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush | You can charge in formation with allies, granting you and your allies bonuses when doing so |
Astonishing Reflexes |
| Lightning Reflexes | You gain a +2 bonus to Reflex saves |
Avoid Critical Hit |
| Dexterity 13+, Dodge, Skill Focus: Tumble, BAB +8, Tumble 1+ ranks | You can tumble away from critical hits |
Back-to-Back |
| BAB +1 | If you fight alongside an ally who also has this feat, you cannot be flanked |
Backstabber |
| Skill Augmentation (Listen and Spot), Hide 6+ ranks, Sneak Attack +2d6 | You are especially good at attacking from hiding |
Badge of Bondage |
| Your body must bear some obvious sign of your former bondage | Misery has made you stronger |
Barroom Brawler |
PotS and SFHB
| Toughness, Constitution 13+ | You are better able to deal out and resist nonlethal damage |
Battle Caster |
| Dexterity 15+ | You can make multiple attacks when you cast a touch spell |
Battle Cry |
| Charisma 13+, BAB +4 | You can inspire allies with a battle cry |
Battle Cry |
| - | You can intimidate enemies with a shout |
Battlefield Triage |
| Heal 6+ ranks | You can quickly assess the health of nearby creatures |
Berserk Charge |
| Power Attack | You gain a bonus to trip attacks made as part of an overrun attempt |
Bigger Hammer |
| Improved Sunder | You can use your Strength modifier on Disable Device checks |
Blind Casting |
| Blind-Fight | You can reroll miss chances for your attacks against opponents you cannot see and gain other benefits against invisible attackers |
Blinding Strike |
| Dexterity 13+, Improved Sunder | You can blind foes with your melee attacks |
Blood Frenzy |
| Blood Lust | You can gain a natural armor bonus and damage reduction for a short time, but take damage and are fatigued afterwards |
Blood Lust |
| BAB +4, Iron Will, Toughness | You can gain a bonus to Strength and Constitution for a short time, but suffer penalties to your defenses |
Blood of Fire |
| Fire subtype | You can grant metal objects the flaming ability. |
Blood of Winter |
| Cold subtype | You can grant metal objects the frost ability. |
Boar's Charge |
| Strength 13+ | You can make overrun attempts without moving first |
Body Tackle |
| Dexterity 13+, Power Attack | You gain bonuses to trip attacks and opposed Strength checks to trip a foe, and cannot be tripped if your own trip attempt fails |
Boost Spell-Like Ability |
| - | Your spell-like abilities are harder to resist |
Border Watch |
| Membership in the Wardens of the Council | You are trained in the basic ways of the Wardens of the Council |
Born Follower |
| - | You gain bonuses when near a leader |
Break Charge |
| BAB +4 | You gain an attack of opportunity against charging foes and do not have to set a weapon to gain the set weapon bonuses against a charge |
Bulwark of Life |
| - | You are more resistant than normal to ability damage |
Cast-Iron Stomach |
| Constitution 13+ | You can subsist on spoiled food and saltwater if necessary |
Career Change |
| Character level 5th+, multiclassed | You can convert one feat to skill points |
Charm Immunity |
| Racial bonus to saving throws against charm effects, Charm Resistance | You are immune to charm effects |
Charm Resistance |
| Racial bonus to saving throws against charm effects | You gain a bonus to saves against charm effects |
Child of the Sea |
| - | You can hold your breath for hours |
Choke Hold |
| BAB +4, Improved Unarmed Strike | You gain a bonus on grapple checks, inflicts double damage with grapple checks, and can inflict lethal or nonlethal damage without penalty |
Church Education |
| Wisdom 13+ | You add Diplomacy, Knowledge: Arcana, and Knowlegde: Religion to your skill list and treat the cleric class as an additional favored class |
Clever Wrestling |
| Small of Medium size, Improved Unarmed Strike | You gain bonuses when grappling larger foes |
Combat Agility |
| Dodge, Lightning Reflexes | You have a knack for dodging non-melee attacks made by adjacent foes |
Combat Tutor |
| BAB +1 | You grant allies higher bonuses when you use the Aid Another action |
Controlled Breathing |
| - | You gain a bonus to avoid suffocation, smoke inhalation, drowning, and gas attacks |
Controlled Mutation |
| Knight of Bedlam 3rd+ level | You have limited control over your mutations |
Craft Clockworks |
| Intelligence 13+ | You can craft clockwork devices |
Craft Steamworks |
| Intelligence 13+ | You can craft steamwork devices |
Crowd Slipping |
| Dexterity 13+ | You can move quickly through crowds |
Cup-Ward |
| Scent | You can detect poisons with your keen sense of smell |
Deathwalker |
| BAB +1, ability to rage | You gain a bonus to saves against magical fear and to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks |
Defender of the Wilds |
| Animal companion | You become enraged if you see your animal companion get wounded |
Depths of Strength |
| - | You do not die until you reach a hit point total -5 points lower than normal |
Desperate Defense |
| - | You can damage yourself to gain a defensive bonus |
Desperate Interrupt |
| Dexterity 13+, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes | You can sacrifice your normal action to interrupt someone with a partial action |
Dirty Fighting |
| BAB +2 | You can deal extra damage as a full-round action |
Distracting Shot |
| Point Blank Shot, Wisdom 13+ | Your readied ranged attacks are particularly distracting to spellcasters |
Divine Channeler |
| God Touched, patron deity | You can channel some divine energy to turn or rebuke undead |
Divine Conduit |
| Charisma 13+, Divine Channeler, patron deity | You can lend your own divine power to a divine spell caster of your faith |
Divine Fervor |
| God Touched, patron deity | You can use divine energy to gain a temporary boost to an ability score |
Divine Fortification |
| Divine Fervor, God Touched, patron deity | You can use divine energy to gain temporary defensive bonuses |
Divine Fury |
| Divine Fervor, God Touched, patron deity | You can use divine energy to gain temporary offensive bonuses |
Dodge |
| Dexterity 13+ | You gain a dodge bonus to AC |
Double-Team |
| Combat Reflexes, Dual Strike, BAB +6 | You can more effectively coordinate your attacks with your allies |
Dragon Eyes |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You can see four times as well as a normal human |
Dragon Hearing |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You gain a bonus to Listen checks and a penalty to saves against Sonic attacks |
Dragon Nose |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You gain the scent special ability |
Dragon Senses |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon Nose, Dragon Hearing, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | Your senses are so sharp you gain blindsight with a range of 30 feet |
Dreamchild |
| Oath of Dreams and Khülen or Fæy-blooded or sorcerer with the Fæy heritage | You are immune to magical compulsions |
Dwarven Trained |
| BAB +1 | You can learn feats that require dwarven blood even if you are not a dwarf |
Eidetic Memory |
| - | You gain a bonus to Intelligence checks to remember details, and can remember things with photographic accuracy |
Eldritch Defense |
| Spellcaster level 3rd+ | You can expend spell slots to avoid death |
Empower Spell-Like Ability |
| - | The creature can use a spell-like ability with greater effect |
Endurance Swimmer |
| Strength 13+, Endurance | You are better able to carry armor and equipment while swimming |
Enhanced Resistance |
| Must have one or more energy resistances of at least 1 | One of your existing energy resistances increases in power |
Expert Dungeoneer |
| - | You gain bonus to saves against traps |
Expert Swimmer |
| Endurance, Swim 4+ ranks | You can hold your breath for longer and swim faster than others of your race |
Extra Mutation |
| Knight of Bedlam 1st+ level | You gain an extra mutation |
Fast Armor |
| Dexterity 13+ | You can don or remove armor quickly |
Fast Rider |
| Handle Animal 1+ ranks, Ride 1+ ranks | You are able to get better performance from animals you ride |
Flying Fish Leap |
| Jump 8+ ranks, Swim 4+ ranks | You ignore the normal penalties for jumping out of water |
Forest Ambusher |
| - | You are skilled at hiding and sniping in the forest |
Forge of the Mind |
| Caster level 9th+ | You can use minor creation and major creation without craft checks; at high skill ranks you can make masterwork or permanent items |
Friend of the Wild |
| Nature Sense | Your druid spells are harder to resist when you are in familiar terrain |
Gifted General |
| - | You gain a bonus to Initiative checks and Fortitude saves |
God Touched |
| Patron deity | You can call on your deity once per day to gain a bonus to a die roll |
Good Neighbor |
| Charisma 12+ | You are well-liked in your chosen city and its citizens will help you out |
Grace Under Pressure |
| - | You gain a bonus to saves against fear and confusion |
Grasshopper Strike |
| Dexterity 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Tumble 5+ ranks, Jump 5+ ranks, BAB +5 | You can always Take 10 on Jump and Tumble checks |
Great Fervor |
| Patron deity | Your devotion allows you to reroll one saving throw per day |
Great Lungs |
| Constitution 13+, Endurance | You can hold your breath for twice as long as normal |
Hamstring |
| Sneak attack ability, BAB +5 | You can hamstring your foes, reducing their movement and reducing their Dexterity |
Heat Endurance |
| Base Fortitude save +2 | You gain a bonus to saves against fire and your heat protection increases |
Hidden Strength |
| Great Fortitude or Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded or Improved Control Shape | You can retain your Strength and Dexterity scores when you transform into an alternate form |
Hill Fighter |
| BAB +2 | You are skilled at fighting from higher ground |
Hometown Advantage |
| - | You know one city like the back of your hand |
Horselore |
| - | You are good with horses |
Idiot Savant |
| Intelligence 9- | You gain a bonus to Knowledge skill checks |
Improved Alertness |
| Skill Augmentation (Listen and Spot) | You can react more quickly when threatened by foes |
Improved Dirty Fighting |
| Dirty Fighting, BAB +6 | You are an expert in dirty fighting |
Improved Heat Endurance |
| Base Fortitude save +6, Heat Endurance | You gain fire resistance and improved protection from heat |
Improved Track |
| Track, Survival 6+ | You can gain information about your quarry while you are tracking them |
Improvised Trip Attack |
| Improvised Weapon Proficiency, BAB +4 | You can trip foes with thrown improvised weapons |
Improvised Weapon Proficiency |
| Dexterity 15+, Wisdom 13+, BAB +3 | You are skilled at using any object as a weapon |
Increased Carrying Capacity |
| - | You can carry more than someone of your strength normally could |
Intimidating Sneak Attack |
| Sneak attack ability, Intimidate 5+ ranks | Your sneak attacks can demoralize your foes |
Karmic Healing |
| Ki power | You may expend a use of your ki power to heal yourself or remove fatigue |
Keymaster |
| Open Locks 8+ ranks, member of a criminal organization such as the Sang Frere | You pick locks faster than anyone else |
Ki Smite |
| Ki power, sudden strike +2d6 | You may expend a use of your ki power to gain melee combat bonuses |
Knowledgeable |
| Intelligence 13+ | You may make untrained Knowledge skill checks as Intelligence checks |
Landless Nobility |
| - | Your noble heritage grants you more starting wealth |
Leaper |
| Run | Your long jump distance is not limited by your height |
Line of Credit |
| Charisma 12+, Good Neighbor | Members of your community are willing to sell you goods and services on credit |
Lookout |
| - | You are better at Spot checks than normal so long as you have an elevated position to view from |
Maim |
| Wisdom 15+, Weapon Specialization, BAB +6 | Your attacks can cause your opponents to suffer a penalty to their own attacks |
Master Tracker |
| Wisdom 15+, Track | You gain a bonus to Search and Survival when tracking |
Minor Divine Spell Caster |
| Charisma 13+, Divine Channeler, patron deity | You gain the ability to cast a small number of orisons |
Mortalbane |
| - | You can make a spell-like ability deadly to mortals |
Mutable Body |
| Shapechanger subtype | Transmutation spells can be more effective when cast upon you. |
Naval Heritage |
| - | You gain a bonus to Charisma-based checks with other naval oriented individuals and a +2 circumstance bonus on all naval related skill checks. |
Necrotic Shield |
| Dexterity 13+, Combat Reflexes | An undead servant withstands the worst of ranged attacks against you |
Nerves of Steel |
| Constitution 16+, Concentration 1+ ranks | Your spells are harder to disrupt in combat |
Night Fighter |
| Blind-Fight | You gain combat bonuses in dim lighting |
Noble Soul |
| - | You gain a bonus to Will saves and Diplomacy checks |
Notorious |
| - | You gain a bonus to Intimidate checks against people who know of your nefarious nature |
One with Earth and Water |
| Ki power | You may use your Wisdom bonus instead of your Strength bonus on Climb and Swim checks |
Peripheral Blow |
| Dexterity 15+, BAB +5 | You can ignore some of an opponent's armor when you flank them |
Poison Immunity |
| - | You gain immunity to a single poison |
Port Savvy |
| - | You gain a bonus to Gather Information checks while in port towns |
Positional Advantage |
| Swim 1+ ranks, BAB +4 | You are skilled at gaining combat advantages over opponents while in the water |
Predict Outcome |
| Charisma 13+, Wisdom 13+ | You can cast augury once per day |
Predict Path |
| Wisdom 13+ | You gain bonuses to track a target creature |
Quick Death Attack |
| Death attack ability, BAB +8 | You can make a death attack after studying your opponent for only two rounds |
Quick Leap |
| Dexterity 13+ | You can stand from prone as a free action |
Quick Learner |
| Intelligence 15+, 1st level only | You gain a bonus skill point every level |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability |
| - | You can use a spell-like ability as a free action |
Quickshape |
| Ability to wild shape into a Large creature | You can use wild shape with a standard action |
Reckless Attack |
| Power Attack | You may sacrifice defenses in favor of an increased chance to hit your opponent |
Resourceful |
| - | You do not suffer circumstance penalties from unfavorable conditions |
Rising Strike |
| Dexterity 15+, Quick Leap, BAB +5 | You may sacrifice defenses in favor of an increased chance to hit your opponent |
Rugged |
| Great Fortitude | You gain a bonus to Fortitude saves and Constitution checks to resist natural dangers |
Runt |
| Humanoid | You are one size smaller normal for your race |
Sandskimmer |
| - | Sandy terrain hampers your movement less than normal |
Sanguar |
| Dodge or Lizardfolk or Snake-Blooded (Käälapsi, Serpent Person, or Yuan-ti Blooded), or native of the Tozlu Desert | You gain a dodge bonus to Armor Class based on your base attack bonus and armor worn |
Scurvy Dog |
| Constitution 13+ | You gain a bonus to all saves against disease |
Sea Brother |
| - | You gain a bonus to Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with an aquatic race |
Seer |
| Charisma 13+, Divine Channeler, patron deity | You gain a luck bonus to some skills and limited ability to see into the future |
Shadow Cloak |
| Member of a criminal organization such as the Sang Frere | You can help others to hide |
Silent Kill |
| Sneak attack ability, Move Silently 6+ ranks, BAB +3 | You can silently sneak attack opponents you surprise |
Silver Tongue |
| Charisma 14+ | You gain bonuses with Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate |
Skill Augmentation |
| - | You gain a +2 bonus to two skills |
Slashing Strike |
| Sneak attack ability +2d6 | Some of your sneak attack dice become d8s with a slashing weapon |
Slippery |
| Dexterity 13+ | You can escape a grapple as a free action |
Smooth Talk |
| - | You can make Diplomacy checks more quickly than others |
Social Graces |
| Charisma 13+ | You gain a bonus to social skills in polite company |
Spoilsport |
| Combat Reflexes | You can prevent opponents from tumbling through your threatened area |
Stalker of Prey |
| Favored Enemy class ability | You gain bonuses to Hide and Move Silently checks against your favored enemies |
Steadfast |
| - | You gain bonuses to resist bull rush and trip attempts |
Stealth Mastery |
| Rogue 5th+ level, Hide 1+ ranks, Move Silently 1+ ranks | Opponents suffer penalties to Spot and Listen checks to locate you |
Strafing Breath |
| Breath weapon | You can include more creatures than normal in the area of your breath weapon |
Stunning Blow |
| Strength 13+, Improved Critical (Unarmed or any bludgeoning weapon), Power Attack, Heal 3+ ranks | You can stun opponents with your attacks |
Stoic Composure |
| Constitution 13+, Endurance, Toughness | You automatically make saves against death from massive damage |
Street Fighter |
| BAB +2 | You gain bonuses to trip and disarm checks |
Surge Step |
| - | You can charge 5 feet further than normal |
Syfa's Way |
| Patron Syfa | You gain combat bonuses in the woodlands |
Take It Like a Man |
| Endurance | You can shrug off poisons and spells to delay their effects for a round |
Toughness |
| - | You gain an additional hit point for every hit die you have |
Track by Hearing |
| Wisdom 13+, Track, Listen 5+ ranks | You can track creatures by sound |
Track by Scent |
| Wisdom 15+, Track | You can track creatures by scent |
Truth of Unity |
| - | You gain synergy bonuses to Heal checks from a wide range of skills |
Unbalance |
| Intelligence 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, BAB +5 | Your attacks make opponent's more susceptible to trip attacks |
Unbalancing Blow |
| Wisdom 13+, Balance 5+ ranks | You can use Dexterity to trip opponents |
Unpredictable Blow |
| BAB +3 | You can make difficult to defend blows at the cost of damage potential |
Urban Track |
| - | You can track creatures through urban environments |
Verisimilitude |
| - | You gain bonuses to Bluff and Diplomacy that may change depending on circumstances |
Wall Breaker |
| Strength 13+, Power Attack | You gain a bonus to destroy inanimate objects |
Weapon Crew Veteran |
| Profession: Siege Engineer 5+ ranks | You are skilled at crewing siege weapons and can fire them faster and more accurately than normal |
Weapons of Opportunity |
| BAB +4 | You can use almost any mundane object as an improvised weapon |
Worldly Knowledge |
| Bardic Knowledge, bard level 1st | You gain a bonus to bardic knowledge and Gather Information checks |
Home General Rules
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