Assault Formation [General] (from Mercenaries)
You have learned how to fight alongside your comrades in close combat, taking advantage of special formations. You form the point, and you can lead your comrades with a particularly effective charge.
Prerequisite: BAB +4, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush.
Benefit: To gain the benefit of this feat, you must form a wedge-shaped formation with at least two other characters, with yourself at the point of the wedge. Each of the characters adjacent to you must stand 5 feet behind you to either side. Other characters may form to the left or right of those and 5 feet behind, so that your formation is an inverted "V". Each character must charge in the same round, and the charge must begin with your turn. Each character in the formation must either delay or ready his action such that you charge first, followed by the characters immediately to your left or right (your choice), followed by the characters on their left or right, and so on, until every character in the formation has charged. For the charge and until they next act afterwards, every character in the formation gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their attack rolls and their Armor Class, no character in the formation can be flanked, and they do not provoke attacks of opportunity by moving through an enemy's reach. After each character in the formation completes their attack, they may attempt to push their target back 5 feet, as per the rules for an Improved Bull Rush.
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