Wednesday, December 10, 2014

House Rules - Religious Tools and Equipment

Religious Tools and Equipment

5 shillings
3 lbs.
Aspergillum, Silver
50 shillings
3 lbs.
Athame, Ceremonial
20 shillings
1 lb.
Bell, Ceremonial
100 shillings
5 lbs.
Chalice Ceremonial
100 shillings
2 lbs.
Coroner's Kit
250 shillings
2 lbs.
Coroner's Kit, Hunter Quality
1,000 shillings
3 lbs.
Divine Geometry Kit
200 shillings
5 lbs.
Divine Symbol Flask
50 shillings
1 lb.
Dorje, Ceremonial
150 shillings
5 lbs.
Drums, Ceremonial
50 shillings
5 lbs.
Exorcist Bells
50 shillings
1 lb.
Garlic Cloves
4 bits
- lbs.
Glass, Powdered
1 penny
½ lbs.
Holly and Mistletoe
- lbs.
Holy Censer
30 shillings
2 lbs.
Holy Symbol, Angel Soul
400 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Blackthorn
200 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Bone
300 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Celestial Animal Bone
200 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Cold Forged Iron
100 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Demon Spirit
400 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Divine
25,000 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Fiendish Animal Bone
200 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Jade
100 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Ivory
300 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Masterwork
75 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Relic
500 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Rosewood
200 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Symbol, Sacred
12,500 shillings
1 lb.
Holy Writ
20 shillings
1 lb.
Horn, Ceremonial
20 shillings
3 lbs.
1+ bits
- lbs.
Incense, Sacred
35 shillings
1 lb.
Inquisitor's Kit
100 shillings
1 lb.
Kartika, Ceremonial
50 shillings
3 lbs.
Mani Wheel, Ceremonial
200 shillings
25 lbs.
Pendulum, Ceremonial
100 shillings
10 lbs.
Prayer Beads, Ceremonial
50 shillings
1 lb.
Relic Case
75 shillings
10 lbs.
Relic Treatment Tools
150 shillings
2 lbs.
Sacrificial Implements
100 shillings
10 lbs.
Saint's Blood, Flask
50 shillings
1 lb.
5 shillings
1 lb.
Salt, Blessed
25 shillings
1 lb.
Scourge, Ceremonial
30 shillings
2 lbs.
Silver, Powdered
5 shillings
1 lb.
Singing Bowls and Puja Sticks, Ceremonial
12 shillings
- lbs.
Stake, Normal
1 bit
¼ lbs.
Stake, Masterwork
10 shillings
¼ lbs.
Stake, Blessed
1,250 shillings
¼ lbs.
10 shillings
1 lb.
1 penny
1 lb.
Talcum Powder Globe
150 shillings
1 lb.
Thurible, Ceremonial
125 shillings
5 lbs.
Tingshas, Ceremonial
60 shillings
1 lb.
Vase, Ceremonial
40 shillings
2 lbs.
This is a collection of equipment that is generally of interest to religious characters or those facing undead foes. There is no armor listed here, and the only weapons are the aspergillum and stake. Rather, most of these items are gear usable by religious characters and those who seek to combat the forces of undeath.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Item Descriptions

Aspergillum: (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) This lightweight device looks like a small club or a light mace. Each contains a reservoir that can hold up to 3 pints (three flasks) of holy water. By shaking the aspergillum as a standard action, you can sprinkle one flask of holy water on a target within melee reach. This action is a ranged touch attack which does not provoke an attack of opportunity. An aspergillum does not require any proficiency to use.

Aspergillum, Silver: (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) This is an aspergillum that is made from silver. It provides no mechanical benefit, but many priests prefer having one of silver just as they prefer holy symbols made from silver.

Athame, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) This ceremonial double-edged blade is used by clerics to direct and store the energy released by their congregation while a hymn is being performed. This toll is never used to physically cut anything, so the blade is typically dulled, but polished to a mirror-like finish. The hilt of an athame is rarely crafted from metal, instead bones and gemstones are intricately carved and carefully smoothed for form an artistic hilt. If used as a weapon, a ceremonial athame deals 1d3 piercing damage and has a critical threat range of 20 and critical multiplier of x2. It can be thrown with a range increment of 5 feet. Using it as a weapon destroys its effectiveness as a religious implement.

Bell, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) Used to signal the beginning or ending of a hymn or other ceremony, bells (or any other ringing instrument such as gongs or cymbals) serve as a crucial focus in directing the energy of the congregation. The bell is often ised in conjunnction with the dorje.

Chalice, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) A large cup, usually fashioned of a precious metal, which is used to offer wine, blood, water, or other fluids to the gods during the performance of a hymn. When the hymn is completed, the congregation is often offered a drink from the chalice to seal their communion with their god.

Coroner's Kit: (Undead) This kit contains specialty knives, scalpels, clamps, separators, needles, thread, sutures, herbs, embalming fluids, tongs, forceps, vials, and various other useful implements. A coroner's kit provides a +2 alchemical bonus on all Craft: Autopsy checks, but provides no bonus to a chirurgeon's special abilities.

Coroner's Kit, Hunter Quality: (Undead) This kit contains specialty knives, scalpels, clamps, separators, needles, thread, sutures, herbs, embalming fluids, tongs, forceps, vials, and various other useful implements. A hunter quality coroner's kit provides a +4 alchemical bonus to all Craft: Autopsy checks.

Divine Geometry Kit: (Quintessential Cleric) The practice of divine geometry requires a great deal of precision and specialized tools. This kit contains the measuring devices and markers that make working with divine geometry far easier. This kit gives a +2 circumstance bonus to all Knowledge: Religion checks made when attempting divine geometry.

Divine Symbol Flask: (Quintessential Cleric) This flask is a holy symbol as well as a receptacle for one pint of holy water. A cap on the top can be dislodged with a flick of the thumb, allowing the holder to scatter the contents across the area in front of them. Popping the cap from the top of the flask is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity; sprinkling the contents is a standard action that does provoke an attack of opportunity.

Dorje, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) This short sceptre is representative of both the divine wrath that smites the wicked and the indestructible power of faith. Used in conjunction with a bell, it serves to balance feminine energies of the hymn with more masculine forces. A dorje is often made from ivory or jade, with precious metal inlays and gems set into the tips. If used as a weapon, a ceremonial dorje deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a critical threat range of 20 and critical multiplier of x2. It can be thrown with a range increment of 10 feet. Using it as a weapon destroys its effectiveness as a religious implement.

Drums, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) Priests use these simple instruments to help the congregation focus on the cadence of the hymn and to keep chants ordered and rhythmic.

Exorcist Bells: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) Exorcist bells are small, hand-sized silver bells covered in arcane and holy symbols. When rung, the holy intonations of the bells echo with subtle, sacred energy, discomforting and enraging fiends. When used as part of an exorcism ceremony, the bells grant s +2 bonus to Knowledge: Religion checks made to perform an exorcism. In addition, when used in conjunction with an Intimidate checks made to demoralize cutists or evil outsiders, the bells grants a +2 sacred bonus to the check.

Garlic Cloves: (Undead) The price given is for a single garlic clove. 20 garlic cloves weigh a pound. A pinch of powdered garlic is used in the spell halt undead.

Holy Censer: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy censer is a small lantern like device mounted on a short, sturdy chain. It contains a small brass cup that can be filled with various sorts of incense; when swung in a slow circle, the censer disperses the smoke from the incense over a wide area. Swinging a holy censer requires a move action and increases the radius of effect of any incense placed within it twofold.

Holy Symbol, Angel Soul: (Demon Hunter's Handbook A holy symbol made from the gathered essence of an angel or other powerful celestial being is a mighty weapon against the legions of the damned. When brandished during the casting of a good spell that requires a divine focus, the angel soul holy symbol increases the spell's save DC by +1.

Holy Symbol, Blackthorn: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) Blackthorn is an unholy wood that can only be harvested in the tortured, dark forests of the diabolic planes. When carried by a divine caster of evil alignment, it adds a +2 bonus to all Concentration checks

Holy Symbol, Bone: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy symbol made from bone is especially effective when used in conjunction with healing. When brandished during the casting of a cure spell, the caster can reroll a single die, but must take the new result, even if it is lower.

Holy Symbol, Celestial Animal Bone: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy symbol created from the bones of a celestial creature is especially effective when used to summon creatures. When presented in conjunction with a summon monster spell, a celestial animal bone holy symbol grants a +2 bonus to the summoned creature's Strength score, but only when used to summon a celestial creature.

Holy Symbol, Cold Forged Iron: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy symbol of cold forged iron is especially potent against spirits. When used in the performance of an exorcism, it adds a +1 circumstance bonus to Knowledge: Religion checks made to banish a possessing spirit.

Holy Symbol, Demon Spirit: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy symbol made from the coagulated essence of a lower planar being is a powerful weapon indeed. When brandished in conjunction with any planar binding spellm the holy symbol adds +1 to the DC of the Will save to resist being summoned or trapped.

Holy Symbol, Divine: (Undead) A divine holy symbol has been blessed with a protection from evil spell, bestowing a permanent protection from evil effect upon the user. In the hands of a character with the turn undead ability, it provides a +1 bonus to turn checks. Divine holy symbols cannot be used to rebuke, command, dispel, or bolster undead.

Holy Symbol, Fiendish Animal Bone: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy symbol created from the bones of a fiendish creature is especially effective when used to summon creatures. When presented in conjunction with a summon monster spell, a fiendish animal bone holy symbol grants a +2 bonus to the summoned creature's Strength score, but only when used to summon a fiendish creature.

Holy Symbol, Jade: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) A holy symbol made from jade is especially effective against undead. A priest wielding a jade holy symbol adds a +1 bonus to all Charisma checks made during attempts to turn or rebuke undead.

Holy Symbol, Ivory: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) ivory is sacred to the celestial planes. A holy symbol made of ivory adds a +2 sacred bonus to all attempts to exorcise a possessing outsider.

Holy Symbol, Masterwork: (Undead) This symbol shows the user's devotion to their deity.

Holy Symbol, Relic: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) Annointed in the blood of a saint, a relic holy symbol is a potent weapon in the war against evil outsiders. When brandished in conjunction with the casting of a spell, it adds a +1 to caster level checks made to pierce spell resistance, but only when cast against evil outsiders.

Holy Symbol, Rosewood: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) Rosewood is a sacred material that can only be harvested in the groves of the celestial planes. When carried by a divine caster of good alignment, it adds a +2 bonus to all Concentration checks.

Holy Symbol, Sacred: (Undead) A sacred holy symbol has been blessed with a consecrate spell. In the hands of a character with the turn undead ability, it provides a +3 bonus to turn checks. Sacred holy symbols cannot be used to rebuke, command, dispel, or bolster undead.

Holy Writ: A holy writ is a scroll upon which is written the holy litany of a religion dedicated to a good or neutrally aligned god and sealed with wax impressed with the holy symbol of that same church. When unrolled and read while attempting to turn evil outsiders, the holy writ adds a +2 sacred bonus to the turn check. A holy writ can only be used once; after one use, any sacred energy it possessed is burned away.

Horn, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) Typically taken from a bull, the horn is used in a manner similar to the chalice, as a tool to hold liquid offerings to a deity and for divine communions.

Incense: (Undead) Incense sticks cost between 1 bit and 1 shilling. Incense is used in spells such as atonement, commune, glyph of warding, guards and wards, hallow, and unhallow.

Incense, Sacred: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) To gain the benefits of sacred incense, a user must burn it and immerse themselves in the fumes for a minimum of ten minutes. When that is done, they gain a +2 bonus to fear saves for the next hour, a bonus that stacks with all other saves against fear. So long as the inhaler remains within the sacred incense's fumes, he gains a +4 bonus to saves against fear. A single package of sacred incense is sufficient to affect all inhalers within a 10 foot radius; multiple packages of sacred incense can be burned simultaneously, with each extending the radius of effect an additional 5 feet, to a maximum of 25 feet.

Inquisitor's Kit: (Mercenaries) This kit is filled with scalpels, nails, tongs, screwdrivers, and other implements of torture. It is used to aid interrogators during questioning. Use of an inquisitor's kit adds a +3 circumstance bonus to Intimidate and Profession: Torturer checks where the user has the opportunity to employ the tools. This bonus is reduced to +1 is the kit is damaged. Using the tools in this manner takes a minimum of 30 minutes per use.

Because the tools may be used in many other instances, the kit provides a +1 circumstance bonus to all Craft, Disable Device, and Open Lock checks 50% of the time. If used to disable a device or open a lock, the kit is damaged on any check of a 1 or 2, whether or not the kit provides a bonus.

Kartika, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) This elaborately decorated ceremonial knife has a wide, crescent-shaped blade that is mounted perpindicular to the handle. The knife is used to represent the severing of physical bonus and mortal connections, most often a kartika's presence in aritual is to spill some small amount of the cleric's blood to serve as a focus for the congregation. If used as a weapon, a ceremonial kartika deals 1d3 piercing damage and has a critical threat range of 20 and critical multiplier of x2. It can be thrown with a range increment of 5 feet. Using it as a weapon destroys its effectiveness as a religious implement.

Mani Wheel, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) These large wheels contain scrolls on which are scribed myriad mantras and prayers. During the hymn, the wheels are spun to indicate the times when responses from the congregation are required..

Pendulum, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) An ornate weight depending from a length of chain or rope, the pendulum is most often fastened to the ceiling of the sancturary. During the hymn, a cleric sets the pendulum swinging as a way to help the congregation enter a meditative or trance state.

Prayer Beads, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) Also known as malas, these smooth, highly-polished beads are strung together on wires of precious metal and used to count mantras or prayers during religious ceremonies. Their distinctive clicking becomes greatly magnified during the performance of a hymn, serving to keep the congregation coordinated and focused.

Relic Case: (Quintessential Cleric) This heavy case is lined with numerous straps and cushions that can be used to safely transport relics from one location to another. While the case was designed specifically for relics, any other item placed within will be safe from breakage unless the case itself is destroyed. The wide variety of buckles and different cushion sizes allows any item of up to 3 feet in length and 2 feet in width to be secured within.

Relic Treatment Tools: (Quintessential Cleric) The painstaking process of preparing a relic can be made somewhat simpler by using the proper tools. This toolkit holds numerous small pliers, files, scissors, scalpels, and other items useful for both retrieving a relic from a corpse and for preparing that relic for use. A cleric using these tools to prepare or retrieve a relic receives a +2 circumstance bonus on all Heal checks made while harvesting relics.

Sacrificial Implements: (Quintessential Cleric) When performing the rites of sacrifice, a cleric must ensure he has the proper tools for the job. This small collection of blades, saws, and chisels are inscrubed with the proper runes or symbols to appease the cleric's deities. The travelling versions of these tools are contained in a leather case that protects and organizes them. Any cleric using the appropriate sacrificial implements gains a +2 circumstance bonus to all Knowledge: Religion checks made while performing a sacrifice.

Saint's Blood: (Demon Hunter's Handbook) Saint's blood appears as a glowing crimson liquid shot through with motes of golden light. Saint's blood is a more powerful version of holy water, made by mixing holy water with a few drops of consecrated blood from a saint, or from a divine caster of at least 5th level. A vial of saint's blood can be thrown exactly as a vial of holy water, but it inflicts 3d4 points of damage on a successful hit, and 3 points of splash damage to all evil creatures within 5 feet of the point of impact.

Alternatively, a vial of saint's blood can be drunk. Should a good-aligned creature imbibe a vial of saint's blood, they gain a +2 sacred bonus to all saving throws against spell, spell-like effects, or supernatural abilities used by beings of evil alignment; however, they also immediately suffer 12 points of damage, exactly as though struck by a direct hit which inflicted maximum damage.

Salt: (Undead) Salt is used to bury a body so that it can never rise again. If a body is buried under salt, it grants a +2 circumstance bonus to burial rites.

Salt, Blessed: (Undead) Blessed salt is useful as a replacement material component for many spells, including spells that require garlic cloves, powdered silver, or sulphur.

Scourge, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) These short leather whips often have multiple heads and are used by a lead cleric to demonstate their physical and mental discipline. By flogging themselves with a scourge, the cleric is also able to heighten their own concentration on the task at hand while simultaneously displaying their devotion. If used as a weapon, a ceremonial scourge deals 1d2 slashing damage and has a critical threat range of 20 and critical multiplier of x2. Using it as a weapon destroys its effectiveness as a religious implement..

Silver, Powdered: (Undead) Powdered silver is used in spells such as consecrate, desecrate, magic circle against evil, protection from evil, and see invisibility It is also used to make holy water.

Singing Bowls and Puja Sticks, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) When the interior of these large, metal bowls are rubbed with the puja sticks, they produce a haunting, hypnotic pair of wavering tones. The sounds help the congregation to focus and serve as a powerful tool for meditation.

Stake, Normal: (Undead) A stake is a simple weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage. It has a critical threat range of 20 and a critical multiplier of x3.

Stake, Masterwork: (Undead) A masterwork stake is a simple weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage. It has a critical threat range of 20 and a critical multiplier of x3. It gives a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls.

Stake, Blessed: (Undead) A blessed stake is a simple weapon that deals 1d4+1 piercing damage. It has a critical threat range of 20 and a critical multiplier of x3. It gives a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls.

Sulfur: (Undead) Sulphur has a strong odor but cannot be smelled by unintelligent undead such as skeletons and zombies, making it useful for marking campsites and other locations. It is used as a component in spells like halt undead.

Talc: (Undead) Talc is most often used to provide better grip when climbing, but can be used to write messages on the ground. Talc is used as a component in the spell see invisibility.

Talcum Powder Globe: (Undead) This can be thrown as a grenade-like weapon. Upon impact, it produces an obscuring mist, as the spell cast by a 1st-level caster. In addition, it helps to reveal the location of invisible opponents that fall within the area of effect of the powder. For 1d6 rounds after the globe impacts, all invisible targets in the mist have a 30% miss chance instead of the standard 50%.

Thurible, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) Also known as a censoer, this is a metal vessel designed for the ceremonial burning of incense. The thurible is suspended on long chains, which are used to gently swing the vessel from side to side, dispersing the fragrant smoke of burning incense throughout the temple.

Tingshas, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) These small cymbals are used by junior clerics to signal the beginning and ending of different sections of a hymn. Tingshas are also used to enforce the timing if chanting during the hymns, especially when several different sections of the congregation are being led in different parts of the hymn.

Vase, Ceremonial: (Quintessential Cleric) Sanctified vases are often placed on the altar during a hymn as a receptacle for the gathering energy. At the conclusion of the hymn, the vases are shattered by the lead cleric, releasing the power and activating the hymn's effects.

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