Tuesday, October 31, 2017

House Rules - Magical Wards

Magical Wards (from Spells & Spellcraft)

A magical ward is a location-based enchantment that, when used in conjunction with a hand-held ward token, may be used to cast pre-determined spells much like a staff. An active ward might repel evil creatures or it might allows a token bearer to shrug off the effects of a fireball. While many common wards have been streamlined into everyday spells such as arcane lock and glyph of warding, others require extensive preparation and expensive components.

Wards are activated and controlled via ward tokens, small magical devices that are crafted at the time of a ward's creation. By holding a token forth, its bearer may discharge the ward's spells. Ward spells may be used by more than one person at a time, so long as each is holding a token.

There are two types of ward tokens. Keystones channel low-level spells (up to 2nd level). They may be used by anyone bearing the token, but the bearer must spend at least one hour within the ward to attune himself to a particular keystone. After attuning himself he may leave the ward without having to reattune when he reenters the ward. The bearer may choose up to three spells that he will be able to activate when he first attunes himself to a particular ward. He may reattune himself to a ward at any time, allowing him to change his available spells.

Master keystones, the second type of ward token, are more potent and allow their bearers to fully access all of a ward's powers. Only arcane spellcasters may use a master keystone.

Physical Description
Wards may be visible or invisible at the weaver's pleasure. Visible wards appear as complex and colorful runes and icons painted on a wall, floor, or other feature of the target location. Ward tokens may be fashioned from stone, wood, metal, or whatever other material appeals to the caster. Sword pommels are popular choices for guards protecting a warded gate. Tokens are covered in runes, but they do not reveal a particular ward's capabilities.

Identifying Wards
Any spellcaster with the Weave Ward feat may readily discern the function of any ward he can see. He must make a Spellcraft check to do so, and for each point by which he exceeds 20 on the check, he can identify one stored spell, starting with the least powerful and moving up. Wards may also be studied by means of the detect ward spell. Other means must be used to determine the function of invisible wards. Rendering them visible by spells such as reveal ward, dispel magic, or true seeing is the most straightforward method. An identify spell allows the caster to determine one spell per caster level. A detect magic spell indicates the presence of an invisible ward, but reveals neither its form nor its function. Ward tokens may likewise be identified and linked to specific wards.

Wards use the command word activation method, so activating a ward's spell is usually a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the spell being cast has a casting time longer than 1 standard action, it takes that long to cast the spell from a ward. To activate a ward, the individual must be holding the appropriate ward token and within the ward's radius, usually 30 feet from the anchor stone. Spells are cast at the level of the original weaver of the ward.

Weaving Wards
To weave a magical ward, the caster needs to have the Weave Ward feat plus a supply of special arcane inks and dyes, brushes, and scribing tools, as well as relevant spell components. The cost for such materials is subsumed into the cost of creating the ward. Weaving a ward costs 100 shillings per level of the highest-level spell in the ward times the level of the caster, plus 75% of the cost of he value of the next most costly ability, plus 50% of the value of any other abilities. Zero-level spells count as ½ level spells when figuring costs based on spell level. Wards have 50 charges when created.

The spellcaster can reduce the cost of creating a ward by having powers drain two charges whenever they are used. For each power that uses two charges instead of one, reduce that power's cost by 50%. A single function can cost no more than two charges. The caster level of all spells in a ward must be the same.

The ward weaver must prepare the spells to be stored in the ward each day, or must know the spell in the case of a spontaneous spellcaster. He must also provide 50 of each component necessary for each spell. If casting the spell would reduce the caster's experience point total, he pays the cost (multiplied by 50) upon beginning the ritual in addition to the experience point cost for weaving the ward. Material components thus used are consumed when he begins weaving the ward. The act of weaving the ward triggers the prepared spells just as if they had been cast, making them unavailable for that day.

Weaving a ward requires one day for each 1,000 shilling value of the completed ward. It takes a minimum of one day to weave a ward.

The ward must be inscribed on an arcane anchor point, an immovable object or feature of a structure or the landscape such as walls, pillars, flagstones, and cave entrances. Living objects such as trees may not serve as an anchor point nor may a surface or object already bearing some enchantment. If an anchor point is moved, its ward fails immediately; bearers of its ward tokens are immediately aware of a ward's destruction.

Wards extend 30 feet in all directions from the anchor point and pass through all nonmagically shielded materials and barriers without impediment. Activating a ward from an upper or lower floor is therefore possible. This range may be extended in increments of 10 feet, but every extension adds 20% to the cost of the ward, calculated separately.

A caster may create a number of keystones equal to his spellcaster level, one of which may be a master keystone for every three levels of spellcasting ability. At least one master keystone must be created. Each token of either type costs 15 experience points and 50 shillings in materials to create. These costs in money and experience are in addition to the costs incurred during the ward's creation. It adds one day to the ward's creation time for every four ward tokens created.

Like most charged magic items, wards fade away into nothingness when their charges are expended. Intelligent wards are the only exception. However, as long as a ward retains at least one charge, it may be renewed by a spellcaster of equal or greater power than the one who created it. The weaver must possess a master keystone for the ward in order to undertake this task.

Recharging a ward requires the spellcaster to go through the entire creation process again, except this time the process costs only a fraction of the original ward's cost. This cost is equal to the percentage of charges that are being restored. Both the shilling and experience point cost must be paid again. The caster must restore the ward fully each time, no matter how many charges remain. Material components are required for every charge to be restored. New ward tokens may not be created in the renewing process; if the caster desires more tokens, his only option is fully discharging the existing ward and weaving a new one with the desired number of tokens in its place, at full cost.

Intelligent Wards
Unlike most magic items imbued with charges, wards may be enchanted as intelligence magic items just like swords and rings, using the rules found in the Dungeon Master's Guide on pages 268-271. An intelligent ward can communicate telepathically with someone holding one of its tokens, and the communications options presented on page 269 of the Dungeon Master's Guide apply to the ward's ability to speak to passers by.

Intelligent wards may activate their own spells at will, but require spellcasters to restore charges. A sentient ward with spent charges cannot use its spells or allow token bearers to do so, but it does remain active and able to communicate (a speaking ward might shout warnings, even if deprived of magical abilities). It can also use any additional magical capabilities invested in it during the process of imbuing it with intelligence.

Ward Spell List
Most abjuration and divination spells are eligible for incorporation into wards. An incomplete listing of these spells including those drawn from third party materials is provided below. Spells are marked with a notation indicating the sourcebook they were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these notated abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations:

Detect Magic (PHB)
Detect Poison (PHB)
Read Magic (PHB)
Resistance (PHB)

1th Level
Alarm (PHB)
Comprehend Languages (PHB)
Detect Undead (PHB)
Endure Elements (PHB)
Hold Portal (PHB)
Identify (PHB)
Protection from Chaos (PHB)
Protection from Evil (PHB)
Protection from Good (PHB)
Protection from Law (PHB)
Shield (PHB)
True Strike (PHB)

2th Level
Arcane Lock (PHB)
Detect Thoughts (PHB)
Protection from Arrows (PHB)
Resist Elements (PHB)
See Invisibility (PHB)

3th Level
Dispel Magic (PHB)
Magic Circle against Chaos (PHB)
Magic Circle against Evil (PHB)
Magic Circle against Good (PHB)
Magic Circle against Law (PHB)
Protection from Elements (PHB)
Shadow Sight (S&S)
Tongues (PHB)
Zone of Visibility (S&S)

4th Level
Break Enchantment (PHB)
Detect Scrying (PHB)
Flickering Fate (BoRL)
Minor Globe of Invulnerability (PHB)
Privacy (S&S)
Repel Undead (S&S)
Stoneskin (PHB)

5th Level
Dismissal (PHB)
Eiur's Telepathic Bond (PHB)

6th Level
Analyze Dweomer (PHB)
Antimagic Field (PHB)
Globe of Invulnerability (PHB)
Greater Dispelling (PHB)
Heim's Spell Inhibitor (RR)
Repulsion (PHB)
True Seeing (PHB)

7th Level
Banishment (PHB)
Spell Turning (PHB)

8th Level
Prismatic Wall (PHB)
Protection from Spells (PHB)

9th Level
Prismatic Sphere (PHB)

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

General Rules - Familiar Feats

Familiar Feats

This is a list of familiar feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Bonded Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYour bond with your familiar grants it special abilities
Combat Familiar
Arcane caster level 1st+, must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar is skilled in delivering attack spells
Construct Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar is a construct rather than a living being
Energy Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class feature, arcane caster level 12th+, ability to cast three arcane spells from the energy construct disciplineYour familiar is made of force energy
Enhanced Companion
D&D Wiki
Handle Animal 1+ ranksYour animal companion, dark ally, familiar, fiendish servant, or special mount gains enhanced AC
Enhanced Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar is more powerful than usual for your level
Enspell Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYou can cast spells on your familiar over a distance
Extra Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYou have an additional familiar
Improved Familiar
Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high levelYou can acquire a new familiar from the improved familiar list
Lurking Familiar
Combat Familiar, arcane caster level 6th+, must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar hides within the folds of your robe or takes cover behind you
Obtain Familiar
Arcane caster level 3rd+, Knowledge: Arcane 4+ ranksYou gain a familiar
Shadow Familiar
Arcane caster level 1sy+, must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar gains the ability to shadow walk three times per day
Spell-Linked Familiar
Arcane caster level 9th+, must have a familiar as a class featureYou can grant your familiar the ability to cast some of your spells
Superior Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar gains a feat
Undead Familiar
Must have a familiar as a class featureYour familiar is an undead creature

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General Rules - Special Feats

Special Feats

This is a list of special feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Additional Spell
Spellcaster level 1st+You are able to cast one additional spell per day
Arcane Expertise
Bardic music ability, ability to spontaneously cast arcane spellsYou can use unfamiliar weapons skillfully by channeling your arcane energy
Arcane Trinity
Wizard level 3rd+You can prepare three spells in one spell slot and use any one of them
Bardic Chanting
Bardic music ability, Perform: Chant or Perform: Poetry 1+ ranksYou can create mystical performances via chants
Bardic Dancing
Bardic music ability, Perform: Dance 1+ ranksYou can create mystical performances via dance
Bardic Instrumentals
Bardic music ability, Perform: any musical instrument 1+ ranksYou can create mystical performances by playing musical instruments
Bardic Singing
Bardic music ability, Perform: Singing 1+ ranksYou can create mystical performances by singing
Divine Perception
Wis 15+, must have the same alignment as your divine patron.You can make Concentration checks to perceive outsiders, incorporeal creatures, or ethereal creatures
Eiur's Grace
Divine grace ability, turn undead ability, patron EiurYou can channel energy to calm to your companions
Elemental Focus
-You cast spells with one elemental descriptor more effectively
Entrancing Performance
Bardic music ability, Perform: Acting or Singing 12+ ranksYou can use your bardic music ability to enthrall an audience
Expert Bardic Knowledge
Perform 6+ ranks, and any two of Bardic Chanting, Bardic Dancing, Bardic Instrumentals, or Bardic SingingYou can use your bardic knowledge to determine the properties of magic items
Hand of Warding
Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, patron HeimYou gain bonuses when defending a portal or passageway
Improved Spell Critical
Spell CriticalOne type of weaponlike spell has its critical damage multiplier increased when you cast it
Legacy of the Djinn
Bardic Music ability, Perform: Acting, Dancing, Oratory, or any percussion instrument 9+ ranks, Knowledge: Arcana 5+ ranks, ability to cast summon monster III or any higher level summon monster spellYou can expend uses of your bardic music ability to enhance summoned elemental creatures
Wizard level 1st, must describe where your mentor and contacts come fromYou gain two additional spells in your spellbook each time you advance in level as a wizard
Mirror Sight
Charisma 19+, spellcaster level 1st+ or racial spell-like abilityYou gain the ability to scry through mirrors
Operatorio Troupe
Bardic Music ability, Entrancing Performance, Leadership, Perform: Acting or Singing 12+ ranksSome of your followers are operatorios who can grant bonuses to your Perform skill checks to use your Bardic Music abilities
Divine grace ability, patron EiurYou can use your Wisdom bonus for your paladin class abilities
Silver-String Initiate
Bardic Music ability, Craft: Alchemy 5+ ranks, Perform: any stringed instrument 6+ ranksYou can use your bardic music to provide damage bonuses against lycanthropes
Silver-String Master
Bardic Music ability, Silver-String Initiate, Craft: Alchemy 10+ ranks, Perform: any stringed instrument 8+ ranksYou can use your bardic music to force lycanthropes to change form
Sorcerous Pact
Sorcerer level 1st, must take an oath to a patron, and describe your patronYou gain a +4 bonus to the save DC of one spell per level, but must fulfill an oath of service when called upon by your patron
Spell Critical
BAB +4, Weapon Focus: missile spells, ray spells, or touch spellsYour critical threat range for one type of weapon-like spell is doubled
Spellbook Mastery
Intelligence 15+, Spellcraft 5+ ranks, must prepare spells from a spellbookYou learn more spells upon achieving a new level
Star Singing
Bardic Music Ability, Knowledge: Astrology 6+ ranks, Perform: Singing 6+ ranksYou can attune yourself to the stars and gain bonuses to casting divination spells when you do so
Tattoo Focus
Constitution 11+You can cast spells without material components, which makes them harder for other spellcasters to identify
Thrifty Wizard
Intelligence 13+, must prepare spells from a spellbookYour spells take up fewer pages in your spellbook than normal
Tiwas' Smite
Smite evil, patron Tiwas, member of the Order of the ScalesYou can smite chaos
U'pesuristean Script
-You can write using the ancient and arcane U'pesturistean script
Voice of Iron
Bardic Music ability, Knowledge: Fæy 4+ ranks, Perform: Singing, percussion instruments, string instruments, or wind instruments 9+ ranksYou can use your bardic music ability to stun fæy creatures
War Song
Bardic Music ability, Enlarge Spell, Perform: Singing, oratory, percussion instruments, string instruments, or wind instruments 9+ ranks, ability to cast 2nd level arcane spellsYou can use your bardic music ability over large areas of a battlefield

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Servant of Bål

Servant of BÃ¥l (adapted from the Book of Vile Darkness)

The servant of BÃ¥l is a warlike agent of evil. He is defensive minded and eager to have others fight for him. When he must fight, he does so on his terms and on his chosen battleground. Servants of BÃ¥l verge on paranoia and are thus distrustful of everyone. As the servants of the Evil Prince of Earth, they have a mystical power over iron that allows them to grant themselves even greater abilities in battle. Many servants of BÃ¥l are slitherin ratmen, using the powers of their patron Lord of Hell to wreak havoc on good folk

Hit Die: d10.
Luck Die: d4.

To become a servant of BÃ¥l, one must meet the following criteria:
  • Alignment: Any evil.
  • Base Attack Bonus: +6.
  • Feats: Combat Expertise, Power Attack, and Servant of Darkness.
  • Special: Must have BÃ¥l as their patron deity.
  • Special: BÃ¥l's sect initiates new disciples in a terrible ritual that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being atop an altar made of iron. The ritual must take place in the presence of a maurezhi demon, who reports back to BÃ¥l afterwards.
Class Skills
  • The servant of BÃ¥l's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Religion (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession: Any (all skills taken individually) (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), and Spot (Wis).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the servant of BÃ¥l prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Good. A servant of BÃ¥l gains +1 base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Good. A servant of BÃ¥l gains a +½ base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Good. A servant of BÃ¥l gains a +½ base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Good. A servant of BÃ¥l gains a +½ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Servants of BÃ¥l are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armors, and all shields.

  • Device Lore (Ex): A servant of BÃ¥l can find traps made mostly of metal just as a rogue can. Furthermore, he gains a +2 competency bonus on Disable Device checks against devices made mostly of metal.

  • Iron Hews (Su): Once per day per point of Constitution bonus, a 2nd level servant of BÃ¥l may add a +3 divine bonus on damage from attacks made that round.

  • Rusting Grasp (Sp): Once per day, a 3rd level servant of BÃ¥l can produce an effect identical to that of a rusting grasp spell cast by a 15th level caster.

  • Iron Power (Su): When using an iron or steel weapon, a 4th level servant of BÃ¥l gains a +1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls. Furthermore, his threat range is doubled as if he were using a keen weapon. At 8th level, the insight bonus improves to +2 and the threat range triples. This ability does not stack with the keen weapon quality, not does it stack with the Improved Critical feat.

  • Summon Maurezhi (Sp): A 5th level servant of BÃ¥l can summon 1 maurezhi per day. This functions as a summon monster spell cast by a 15th level caster. A 9th level servant of BBÃ¥l can summon 1d4 maurezhi once per day.

  • Greater Iron Hews (Sp): Once per day per point of Constitution bonus, a 6th level servant of BÃ¥l can add a +6 divine bonus on damage from attacks made that round. This bonus does not stack with the iron hews ability; the abilities are separate. A servant of BÃ¥l can use each ability once per day per point of Constitution bonus (i.e. a servant of BÃ¥l with a +3 Constitution bonus could use iron hews three times per day and greater iron hews three times per day).

  • Ironskin (Sp): Once per day, a 7th level servant of BÃ¥l can produce an effect identical to that of a stoneskin spell cast by a 15th level caster upon himself only.

  • Iron Body (Sp): Once per day, a 10th servant of BÃ¥l can produce an effect identical to that of an iron body spell cast by an 18th level caster.
Servant of BÃ¥l

1stDevice Lore
2ndIron Hews
3rdRusting Grasp
4thIron Power +1
5thSummon Maurezhi
6thGreater Iron Hews
8thIron Power +1
10thIron Body

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Servant of Seþra

Servant of Seþra (adapted from the Book of Vile Darkness)

The servant of Seþra is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. She is more likely to kill a paladin while he sleeps than face him in direct combat. She uses deceit and trickery to get what she was, betraying even her family or closest friends to achieve her goals. Her abilities make her an astute prevaricator and and a sneaky backstabber, but she can wield her mistresses powerful influence with everything from demons to snakes if she needs to.

Hit Die: d6.
Luck Die: d6.

To become a servant of Seþra, one must meet the following criteria:
  • Alignment: Any evil.
  • Skills: Bluff 10+ ranks, Diplomacy 4+ ranks, Gather Information 4+ ranks.
  • Feats: Servant of Darkness.
  • Special: Must have Seþra as their patron deity.
  • Special: The sect of Seþra initiates new servants in a terrible ritual that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being. The ritual must take place in the home of the sacrificial being.
Class Skills
  • The servant of Seþra's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge: Religion (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession; Any (all skills taken individually) (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 6 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the servant of Seþra prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Average. A servant of Seþra gains +¾ base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Poor. A servant of Seþra gains +13 base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Good. A servant of Seþra gains a +½ base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Good. A servant of Seþra gains a +½ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Servants of Seþra are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all light armors, but not shields.

  • Tongue of Demons (Ex): A servant of Seþra can speak with eloquence and believability, even when telling bald faced lies, by using her cunning as well as her charm. When making Bluff checks, a servant of Seþra adds her Intelligence modifier as well as her Charisma modifier to determine her check result.

  • Sneak Attack: If a servant of Seþra of 2nd level of higher can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

    The servant’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the servant flanks her target. This extra damage is +1d6 at 2nd level, and it increases by +1d6 every three servant levels thereafter. Should the servant score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

    Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

    With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a servant can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

    A servant can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies - undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The servant must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A servant cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

    If a servant of Seþra gets a sneak attack bonus from another source (such as rogue levels) the bonuses to damage stack.

  • Suggestion (Sp): Once per day, a 3rd level servant of Seþra can produce an effect identical to that of a suggestion spell. The save DC to resist the servant's entreaties is 10 + the servant's class level + the servant's Charisma bonus.

  • Summon Vrock (Sp): A 5th level servant of Seþra can summon one vrock demon once per day. This functions as a summon monster spell cast by a 15th level caster.

  • Gutsnake (Sp): Once per day a 6th level servant of Seþra can produce an effect identical to that of a gutsnake spell cast by a 15th level sorcerer.

  • Beguiling Nature (Sp): Every other day, a 7th level servant of Seþra can produce an effect identical to the mass charm spell, with a Will save DC of 10 + the servant's class level + the servant's Charisma bonus.

  • Summon Marilith (Sp): A 9th level servant of Seþra can summon one marilith demon once per day. This functions as a summon monster spell cast by a 15th level caster.

  • Queen of Lies (Ex): A 10th level servant of Seþra gains a +4 inherent bonus to Charisma.
Servant of Seþra

1stTongue of demons
2ndSneak attack +1d6
4thSummon vrock
5thSneak attack +2d6
7thBeguiling nature
8thSneak attack +3d6
9thSummon marilith
10thQueen of lies

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Campaign Design - Prestige Class: Servant of Ishi

Servant of Ishi (adapted from the Book of Vile Darkness)

The servant of Ishi is a lordly, domineering sort who craves unlimited power. He is ruthless in his pursuits and uncaring of any who might get in his way. He uses his power and influence to learn secrets, which in turn grant him more power, manipulate and command others, and enhance his own physical aspect. Spellcaster often make the best disciples of Ishi

Servants of Ishi are a part of a large but secretive organization that crisscrosses most of civilized society. Their hierarchy is rigid, with power-hungry members continually moving up and down the ranks. The servants of Ishi seek nothing less than world domination. as such, their dread master often rewards them with the service of some minor devils or undead.

Hit Die: d6.
Luck Die: d3.

To become a servant of Ishi, one must meet the following criteria:
  • Alignment: Neutral evil or lawful evil.
  • Skills: Bluff 4+ ranks, Diplomacy 5+ ranks, Sense Motive 4+ ranks.
  • Feats: Evil Brand, Leadership, and Servant of Darkness.
  • Special: Must have Ishi as their patron deity.
  • Special: The sect of Ishi initiates its disciples in a horrific rite that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being. The sacrifice must be someone with royal blood or of similar political significance.
Class Skills
  • The servant of Ishi's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge: Any (all skills taken individually)(Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).
  • Note: Because the Three Worlds campaign uses the Skills by Character house rule, the list of class skills given here is only included for the sake of completeness, and is not used by characters in the campaign setting.
  • Skill Points at each level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the servant of Ishi prestige class.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Average. A servant of Ishi gains +¾ base attack bonus per class level.

  • Base Fortitude Save Bonus: Poor. A servant of Ishi gains +⅓ base Fortitude save bonus per class level.

  • Base Reflex Save Bonus: Poor. A servant of Ishi gains +⅓ base Reflex save bonus per class level.

  • Base Will Save Bonus: Good. A servant of Ishi gains a +½ base Will save bonus per class level.

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Servants of Ishi gain no new proficiency with any arms or armor.

  • Spellcasting: When a servant of Ishi attains 1st level, and at every other level after that as well as one final time at 10th level, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained such as an improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a servant of Ishi, he must decide to which class he adds each level of servant of Ishi for purposes of determining spells per day when he adds the new level.

  • Charm (Sp): Once per day, a servant of Ishi can produce an effect identical to that of a charm person spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective caster level.

  • Learn Secret (Ex): Through trickery, deceit, and sometimes even intimidation, a servant of ishi can learn secrets otherwise unattainable. At 1st level, the servant can make a Gather Information check once per week with a +10 competency bonus. For every two levels beyond 1st level the servant of Ishi can use this ability one more time per week. (twice at 3rd level, three times at 5th level, and so on) until 9th level, when the servant of Ishi can use the ability once per day.

  • Command (Sp): Once per day, a 2nd level servant of Ishi can produce an effect identical to that of a command spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective caster level.

  • Summon Hellcat (Sp): A 4th level servant of Ishi can summon 1 hellcat once per day. This functions as a summon monster spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective caster level. A 9th level servant of Ishi gains the ability to summon 1d4 hellcats once per day.

  • Evil Authority (Sp): Once per day, at the command of a servant of Ishi of 6th level or higher, all evil-aligned creatures within 50 feet that have fewer Hit Dice than the servant must succeed at a Will saving throw (Dc 10 + the servant's class level + the servant's Charisma bonus) or recognize the servant as their superior. Affected creatures do not attack the servant of Ishi and do as he commands as though affected by a mass suggestion spell. This mind-affecting ability lasts for 24 hours.

  • Summon Major Devil (Sp): Once per week, an 8th level servant of Ishi can produce an effect identical to that of a greater planar ally spell to call a devil and work out a bargain for aid.

  • Greater Command (Sp): Once per day, a th level servant of Ishi can produce an effect identical to that of a greater command spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective caster level.

  • Dread Might (Ex): Drawing some of Ishi's power into himself, the servant gains a permanent +2 divine bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and attack rolls.
Servant of Ishi

1stCharm, learn secret once per week+1 level of existing class
3rdLearn secret twice per week+1 level of existing class
4thSummon hellcat-
5thLearn secret three times per week+1 level of existing class
6thEvil authority-
7thLearn secret four times per week+1 level of existing class
8thSummon major devil-
9thGreater command, learn secret once per day+1 level of existing class
10thDread might+1 level of existing class

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Campaign Design - Dark Speech

Dark Speech (from the Book of Vile Darkness)

The Dark Speech is extremely difficult to master. The Dark Speech feat is required for mortals to speak even a single word of it correctly, for mortal tongues were not designed to utter these words of pure evil. Some evil outsiders know smatterings (or more) of the Dark Speech and need no feat to master it. The safest way to use the Dark Speech is through spells such as dread word.

To actually communicate by means of the Dark Speech - that is, for a knowledgeable speaker to convey some information to a knowledgeable listener - the speaker must take great care, or both the listener and speaker will be harmed. There are no words in the Dark Speech for good concepts such as kindness, mercy, and purity. Evil characters can speak of misery, anguish, hate, and betrayal with an accuracy impossible in any other tongue.

The Dark Speech has no known written form. It cannot be transliterated into another language's written form without losing all of its meaning and power.

Besides communicating in the language itself, there are four ways that a speaker can use the Dark Speech:

Dread: The words spoken cause fear, loathing, and dread in all who hear them. Speaking words of dread is draining to the speaker, dealing 1d4 points of Charisma damage each round the Dark Speech is spoken. When dread words of the Dark Speech are uttered, all within 30 feet of the speaker must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the speaker's Hit Dice + the speaker's Charisma modifier). Listeners who know the Dark Speech by possessing the Dark Speech feat gain a +4 circumstance bonus on this saving throw. If a listener fails its saving throw, it suffers the following effects depending on its Hit Dice or level and alignment:
  • Levels 1 -4, Nonevil: Characters are shaken by the intoned Dark Speech, and they flee from the source of their fear as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight. Once out of sight and hearing of the source of their fear, characters can act as they want. Characters unable to flee can fight, although they are still shaken for 1d10 rounds.
  • Levels 5 - 10, Nonevil: Characters are shaken, taking a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, saves, and checks for 1d10 rounds.
  • Levels 11+, Nonevil: Characters are filled with loathing for the speaker and must attack him on their next action.
  • Levels 1 -4, Evil: Characters cower and are frozen in fear. They lose their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) and can take no actions for 1d10 rounds. Foes gain a +2 bonus to his cowering characters.
  • Levels 5 - 10, Evil: Characters are mastered by the Dark Speech, acting as if charmed (as described in the charm person spell) for 1d10 minutes.
  • Levels 11+, Evil: Characters are impressed, reacting to the speaker with more respect and wariness. This adds a +2 competence bonus on subsequent attempts to change their attitude (see page 128 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
Power: The words of the Dark Speech help energize evil magic items and spells. Again, this is draining to the speaker, dealing 1d4 points of Charisma damage each time the words of power are uttered. If used in conjunction with an evil spell that has a verbal component, the Dark Speech increases the spell's effective caster level by +1. If used when creating an evil magic item, the Dark Speech increases the item's caster level by +1 without increasing the cost. Both caster level increases are considered profane bonuses. The Dark Speech is a requirement for many evil artifacts.

Corruption: The words of the Dark Speech, whispered softly, can weaken physical objects. As a full-round action, the speaker can whisper vile words of corruption and destruction at an inanimate object such as a door or a wall, reducing its hardness by half. This minor use of the Dark Speech is not draining to the speaker. It cannot be used more than once on a single object.

Dark Unity: The words of the Dark Speech can create a hivemind. Up to one hundred vermin or animals (none of which can have more than 1 Hit Die) form an evil hivemind, as described below. The united consciousness of the creatures will take one command from the Dark Speech speaker, as if from the suggestion spell. Pulling creatures under the sway of evil is draining to the speaker, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage each time words of dark unity are uttered.


As a side effect of some evil spiritual presence or dark blessing, vermin and certain animals can take on a sort of evil consciousness shared among a large group, though each individual member retains little or no intellect. When a hivemind forms, each individual creature becomes just a tiny part of a much larger, much greater intelligence. But even the most craven sages do not understand how or why hiveminds develop.

if at least 50 vermin or animals of the same species are arranged so that no one individual is no more than 10 feet from another individual, the hivemind may come into effect. all the creatures operate with an Intelligence of 5, even if they previously had no Intelligence score (as with vermin). The creature's Intelligence score increases by +1 for every additional 20 individuals (beyond the first 50) in the hivemind, up to an Intelligence of 10 for a hivemind of 150 creatures. Beyond the 150-creature threshold, Intelligence increases by +1 for every 50 additional individuals. For every point of Intelligence bonus possessed by the hivemind, award each individual creature 1 feat and 1 skill point per Hit Die.

The increase to Intelligence gained for each creature in the hivemind over 50 also applies to Charisma.

If the hivemind attains a Charisma score of 18 or higher, it gains the ability to cast spells as a sorcerer. For every point of Charisma over 17, the hivemind has one level of sorcerer. Any single creature can cast one of the hivemind's spells, but those spell slots are then lost to other creatures in the hivemind. Creatures in a hivemind have no need of somatic or material components, and their squeaks, screeches, or clicks serve as verbal components.

When creatures in a hivemind attack, they all gain a +1 insight bonus on their attack roll and a +1 insight bonus on their Armor Class. Each creature knows the actions of every other member of the hivemind. The entire hivemind is aware of what every individual is experiencing.

A hivemind's Challenge Rating is greater than the Challenge Rating of one of the individual creatures. If the CR of an individual creature is less than ½ the CR of the hivemind is ½. If the creature has a CR of ½, the hivemind CR is 1. If the creature has a CR of 1 or higher, the hivemind's CR is 1 greater than that of the creature.

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General Rules - Metamagic Feats

Metamagic Feats

This is a list of metamagic feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. Players should note the existence of the Highly Experimental Metamagic Rule and check how it applies to the feats described here. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Arcane Shaper
Quicken SpellYou can replace a prepared spell with a lower level spell that you know
Blood of Magic
Ability to spontaneously cast arcane spells, any two metamagic feats, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedYou can call upon your sûlic heritage to apply metamagic feats to your spells more quickly
Chain Spell
-You can cast spells that arc to secondary targets
Conjuror's Last Defense
Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spellcraft 8+ ranksSummoned or called creatures you lose control of immediately return to their home plane
Concentrate Spell
Arcane spellcaster level 1st+, ability to cast at least one spell from the evocation spellYou can raise the level of your spells to bypass energy resistance
Corrupt Spell
Evil alignmentAdds evil descriptor to a spell and transforms some of its damage to unholy damage
Counterspell Riposte
Arcane spellcaster 1st+You can follow-up a successful counterspell with a spell of your own
Deflection to Attraction
Skill Augmentation (Knowledge: Arcana and Spellcraft), Charisma 19+, Dexterity 15+th+You can suppress your foes' deflection bonuses and turn them to your advantage
Forceful Magic
-Metamagic is easier for you to use than it is for other casters
Ghost Spell
-You can cast spells into the Ethereal Plane
Hide Spell
-You can cast evocation spells that are invisible and inaudible
Imbued Spell
Any four metamagic featsYou can cast one spell and have it affect the targets of your next spell
Infuse Reality
Arcane spellcaster level 1st+, ability to cast at least one illusion spellYou can make spells quasi-real by infusing shadow energy into them
Infuse Truth
Arcane spellcaster level 1st+, ability to cast at least one illusion spellYour illusion spells can affect undead and other creatures normally immune to them
Precise Touch
-You can convert area spells to single-target touch spells
Restrain Spell
Spellcraft 8+ ranksYou can inflict nonlethal damage with your spells
Shunt Focus
-You can cast personal spells on others as touch spells
Specialist Dispelling
Specialist wizard level 1st+You can counterspell using prepared spells from your specialty school
Spell Chain
Quicken SpellYou can chain two or more spells together into one powerful arcane casting
Strafing Spell
-You can expand the range of creatures affected by a cone or line spell
Violate Spell
Evil alignmentAdds evil descriptor to a spell and transforms some of its damage to vile damage

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Friday, October 20, 2017

General Rules - Vile Feats

Vile Feats

This is a list of vile and otherwise evil-oriented feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. Most of these feats require that the character be evil, which makes them unusable for player characters. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Beloved Dictator
Charisma 13+, Leadership, evil alignmentYour leadership score is not reduced due to cruelty, aloofness, or failure
Ability to channel negative energyYou are skilled at defeating other clerics' ability to channel positive energy
Boost Spell Resistance
Evil alignmentYour innate spell resistance improves
Brimstone Death
Charisma 19+, Damned by Dæmons, Servant of Darkness, evil alignmentWhen you die a horde of fiends is summoned to avenge you
Your chosen disease must have infected you at one time. In addition, you must have fully recovered from the disease's effects without the benefit of magical healingYou are immune to a particular disease, but you are also a carrier of it and can infect others
Corrupt Spell-Like Ability
Evil alignmentYour spell-like abilities gain the evil descriptor and deal unholy damage
Damned by Dæmons
Evil alignmentYour type changes to outsider and you gain bonuses to fear spells
Damned by Demons
Evil alignmentYour type changes to outsider and you gain bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks
Dark Speech
Base Will save bonus +5, Intelligence 15+, Charisma 15+You can use Dark Speech
Deformity (Clawed Hands)
Willing DeformityYou gain a claw attack
Deformity (Eye)
Willing DeformityYou gain the ability to use see invisibility
Deformity (Face)
Willing DeformityYou gain a bonus to Intimidate checks and some Diplomacy checks
Deformity (Gaunt)
Willing DeformityYou gain a bonus to Dexterity as well as to Escape Artist and Intimidate checks, but suffer a penalty to Constitution
Deformity (Obese)
Willing DeformityYou gain a bonus to Constitution as well as to Intimidate checks and saves against poison, but suffer a penalty to Dexterity
Demonic Awareness
Damned by DemonsYou extend your darkvision by 30 feet and reduce the effectiveness of opponent's concealment
Evil Brand
-You gain bonuses to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against evil creatures
Evil's Champion
Servant of Darkness, evil alignmentYou are immune to evil spells and gain bonuses when dealing with evil creatures
Unholy Warrior level 1st+, Intimidate 8+ ranksYour allies gain bonuses and your enemies may be shaken when you execute someone in combat
Infernal Claws
Servant of DarknessYou gain a claw attack but suffer reaction penalties
Infernal Darkvision
Servant of DarknessYou gain darkvision
Infernal Elemental Resistance
Servant of DarknessYou gain resistance to one elemental energy type
Infernal Fangs
Servant of DarknessYou gain a bite attack but suffer reaction penalties
Infernal Flight
Servant of DarknessYou gain the ability to fly, but suffer bone loss
Infernal Patron
Servant of DarknessYou are the chosen servant of a powerful infernal entity and can call upon their aid so long as you are useful to them
Must have Kivutar as your patron deityYou gain bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate when seducing someone
Brimstone Death, character level 6th+Your body hosts a number of fiends and you can access their spell-like abilities
Evil BrandYou gain a bonus to saves against mind-affecting effects, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease
Malign Spell Focus
Evil alignmentAdd +2 to the DC of all evil spells you cast
Quicken Granted Power
You must have access to an unholy warrior domain granting a power requiring a standard action to activateYou can activate one of your unholy warrior domain powers as a free action
Rotting Touch
Damned by Dæmons, CarrierYou can use a smite attack to inflict Constitution damage by rotting your foe's flesh
Sacrificial Mastery
Wisdom 15+You gain a profane bonus to Knowledge: Religion checks when making sacrifices
Servant of Darkness
Must have one of the Lords of Hell as a patron deityOnce per day, you gain a +1 luck bonus to a roll while performing an evil act
Song of Seþra
Bardic Music ability, Dark Speech, Perform: Dancing, Singing, or wind instruments 9+ ranks, Survival 4+ ranksYou can use your bardic music ability to communicate with and control snakes
Tongue of Flame
Bardic Music ability, Dark Speech, Knowledge: Religion 4+ ranks, Knowledge: Surtan 4+ ranks, Perform: Singing 3+ ranksYou can use your bardic music ability to cast fire spells even if you do not know them
Wisdom 15+Vermin hesitate to attack you
Vestigial Twin
Damned by Dæmons, character level 6th+You host a latent twin who is fully intelligent, aware, and resentful of its subordinate level within your body
Vile Ki Strike
Charisma 15+, Improved Unarmed StrikeYour unarmed strikes deal an additional point of vile damage
Vile Martial Strike
Charisma 15+, Weapon Focus with the specified weaponWhen you strike with the chosen type of weapon, you deal an additional point of vile damage
Vile Natural Attack
Natural attack that deals at least 1d8 points of damage, BAB +5When you strike with your natural attacks, you deal an additional point of vile damage
Violate Spell-Like Ability
-One spell-like ability gains the evil descriptor and your spell-like abilities can inflict vile damage
Violating Strike
BAB +8, evil alignmentYou can inflict Charisma damage with your attacks and may stun and demoralize your targets
Willing Deformity
-You have inflicted a deformity upon yourself and gain a bonus to Intimidate checks

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