Sunday, January 2, 2011

Campaign Design - Spells: Echoing Call I

Echoing Call I (Conjuration: By Bell, Book, and Candle)
Conjuration (Summoning, Hanging)

Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: Special
Range: Special
Target, Effect, or Area: See below
Duration: 3 rounds (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The word that activates this hanging spell is added when you cast summon monster I, summon monster II, or summon monster III. This does not alter the spell's casting time. The summon spell occurs normally, summoning what you desire from the appropriate list of summonable creatures. Echoing call does not do anything until your turn comes up in the round after you complete the summon monster spell. Then, the same type of creature or creatures appear anywhere you wish within 30 feet of the original summoned creatures. The same thing happens in the next round, and again in the round after that, essentially quadrupling the power of the original summon monster spell.

The echoning call remains active until its three additional summons finish. If you are dispelled during this time, all the monsters summoned by the call instantly vanish and no further summonings occur. Once all three summoning echoes occur, the spell ends and is not vulnerable to dispel attempts any longer. All of the extra creatures brought about by this call disappear if, for any reason, the original creatures from the summon monster do, including the end of the summon's duration.

Experience point cost: Casting echoing call I costs 100 experience points, but these are pnly paid when the spell first activates. If the spell is dispelled before being used, is not cast, or is lost because its slot gets refilled, the 100 experience points are not spent.

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