Lesser Infusion (
Conjuration: By Bell, Book, and Candle)
Conjuration (Creation)
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 caster levels)
Target, Effect, or Area: 20-foot radius burst
Duration: One minute
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)
A pure channel of dimensional power opens between the caster and either the upper or lower planes. This channel has no immediate effect save to wreath you in either a black flickering aura or a blazing glow of pure white light. The next summoning or calling spell you cast that brings one or more creatures, assuming it is cast during the
infusion's duration, uses the ebnergy of this channel and binds it to these creatures.
If the creatures are brought forth by a summoning spell, they receive no save and spell resistance does not apply, but the effect of the spell ends when the summoning duration ends. The bodies of the summoned beings discorporate at that time as they would if they were slain and the planar energies disperse into the air. A much more permanent effect occurs if the spell is a calling one. The creatures involved may make a Fortitude save and spell resistance applies if they possess it. Failure to resist (or inability to do so) results in a drastic transformation.
This spell applies the celestial or fiendish template to the creature affected. Even summoned creatures not normally eligible for this template can be alteredm though the duration in this case is only 1 round for every two caster levels. If this special duration elapses before the summoned or called beings are rleased, they are immediately sent back to their home planes from the stress of the dimensional energies. Of course, if a summoned creature if already celestial or fiendish, there is no effect at all.
There is a risk in using this spell. As soon as the creatures appear and the template is applied, they receive an opposed Will save against you. If they succeed, the spell that summoned or called them is dispelled and they return home. In the case of a called being, this does not negate the template that remains as a permanent change. This spell can be dispelled as if it were a
polymorph other cast at your caster level.
This spell has a special effect if cast during the ritual that calls a familiar. The familiar receives the opposed Will save as mentioned previously. If the familiar succeeds at the save, it does not transform or become bound to the caster's service. This causes a magical backlash that prevents the caster from obtaining any form of familiar for 1 full year. If the familiar fails the opposed save, it applies the template and becomes the caster's familiar.
Focus: A lens of gemstone valued at 500 shillings that has been exposed to the environment of the type of plane channeled for at least one uninterruped month. This focus must be exposed to the same plane for one full day each year or it cracks and can never serve as a focus for this spell again.
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