Power Word, Pain (found in Conjuration: By Bell, Book, and Candle)
Conjuration (Creation, Force)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 caster levels)
Target: Any number of creatures up to 75 total hit points within a 15-foot radius sphere
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A potent echo of agony accompanies your spoken word, shrieking through the spell's area of effectand driving target creatures to their knees through the crushing force of overwhelming pain. The spell's targets, beginning with the lowest hit points and adding another creatures until the hit point limit is reached, act as if struck by a
symbol of pain spell and are prone for one full round after being affected. Unlike the
symbol spell, this affect only lasts 1d4 rounds. If any given target creature has more than 30 hit points, it is only affected for 1 round and is not forced prone at all. Conversely, any target with fewer than 5 hit points in the area of effect dies instantly from agonizing shock with no save possible.
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