Wrath Giant (from
Giant Lore)
A wrath giant is created when an event, perhaps major, perhaps minor, stirs the embers of rage in a giant's heart. Those embers spark a greater flame that then grows into a raging inferno. Eventually, the wrath giant can think of nothing but his anger. Every thought, every action, becomes tainted by his need to lash out.
Once a giant gives way to wrath, he loses all sense of proportion. The slightest provocation sends him into a towering rage. Insignificant impediments like a closed door or a knocked-over glass invoke blistering responses. On the best of days, the wrath giant can maintain his cool for a few minutes before exploding. One the worst, he flies into a homicidal frenzy because the sky is blue or the grass is green.
So long as nothing thwarts his will, the wrath giant can appear reasonably sane The only visual indications of his madness are the tell-tale ticks that cause his face and hands to tremble. As soon as something bothers the wrath giant, his visage twists into a mask of insane fury. He visibly trembles, veins bulge under his face and skin, and his eyes widen and press outward. Flecks of foam fall from his lips as he screams vile insults and horrendous curses.
Once a giant falls prey to wrath, he never fully recovers. At first he may experience brief periods of lucidity and control that may last for a few days or a week. They become less and less frequent over time; within a year the madness consumes the giant's heart, making him little more than an insane berserker.
Most giants accept those of their kind suffering from an excess of wrath. They bear the tirades and the abuse with unusual stoicism. Among good giants, this patience stems from a desire to help the sick individual and the understanding that they no longer control their own actions. Evil giants see their wrathful companions as useful weapons to be unleashed when the time is right.
"Wrath" is a template that can be added to any giant (hereinafter referred to as the "base creature"). It uses all the character's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Hit Dice: Increased to d10s.
Speed: Same as the base creature +10 feet.
Armor Class: The base creature's natural armor bonus increases by +2.
Attacks: The creature retains all of its attacks and gains 2 slam attacks at the base creature's full base attack bonus.
Damage: Same as the base creature plus the base damage of their slam attacks is 2d6 for Large giants, 2d8 for Huge giants, and 2d10 for Colossal giants unless the base creature's slam attack damage is higher.
Special Attacks: A wrath giant retains all the special abilities of the base creature and also becomes fearful, frenzied combatants, frightening lesser creatures with their mere presence and gaining the following:
- Frightful Presence (Ex): The wrath giant's insane rage causes his visage to become a thing of horror. Any non-giant within 60 feet of the wrath giant when he rages must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the giant's Hit Dice + the giant's Charisma modifier). An opponent who succeeds at the saving throw is immune to that giant's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer Hit Dice become panicked for 2d6 rounds and those with 5 or more Hit Dice become shaken for 4d6 rounds. This ability only affects those with fewer Hit Dice than the giant. The frightful presence is a fear-based, mind-affecting effect.
Special Qualities: A wrath giant retains all the special qualities of the base creature. It also gains the following ones:
- Enchantment Vulnerability (Ex): A wrath giant has only the most limited control over his own mind. He has a -4 penalty to Will saves to resist any mind-affecting effect.
- Fast Healing (Ex): A wrath giant heals 3 points of damage each round so long as he remains alive. Once reduced to a negative hit point total equal to his Constitution score, the giant dies. The giant does not have to roll to stabilize when reduced below 0 hit points. Fast healing does not allow the giant to regrow or reattach severed limbs.
- Rage Synergy (Ex): A wrath giant may rage as a 1st-level barbarian once per day. If he already has the rage special ability, he may use his rage an additional time per day. In any case, his rages last a number of rounds equal to two times his new Constitution modifier.
Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Change from the base creature's as follows: Strength +4, Constitution +4, Wisdom -4, and Charisma +4.
Skills: Same as the base creature. A wrath giant may never take 10 with any skill.
Feats: Same as the base creature. A wrath giant gains Power Attack as a bonus feat if he does not already have it.
Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.
Organization: Same as the base creature, although there will only be one wrath giant in any given organization.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
Alignment: Same as the base creature on the good-evil axis, but a wrath giant is always chaotic.
Advancement: Same as the base creature.
Home Three Worlds Monsters
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