Saturday, January 1, 2011

Campaign Design - Clerical Domains: Vengeance

Vengeance Domain (adapted from Gods, Hamunaptra: Egyptian Adventures, and Relics & Rituals II)
Infernal Power: Halpas.
Granted Power: If you have been harmed by a target in combat, you may smite them in return in the following round, as the spell holy smite. This is a spell-like ability that may be activated as a free action. Any creature may be affected by this ability, regardless of its alignment.

Additional Granted Power: Once per day, you may invoke a retributive strike. This is a supernatural ability that produces a necromantic effect. You must succeed at a melee touch attack against a target creature. after a successful touch, roll 1d6 per cleric level you possess. if the total equals or exceeds the target's hit points, the creature dies (no save). If the target is undead, you must expend one of your Turn Undead attempts to destroy it with this ability.

Vengeance Domain Spells
1st: Cause fear, shield of faith, true strike
2nd: Knock, spiritual weapon
3rd: Bestow curse (PHB and WHB), searing light, speak with dead
4th: Dimensional anchor, divine power
5th: Flame strike, mark of justice
6th: Animate objects, harm, vengeance of the scorned (DD)
7th: Flesh to salt (H:EA), forcecage, spell turning
8th: Discern location, fire storm
9th: Storm of vengeance

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