Sunday, January 2, 2011

Campaign Design - Spells: Sacred Journey

Sacred Journey (from Relics & Rituals)

Level: Paladin 4
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target, Effect, or Area: You
Duration: 8 hours per caster level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

To cast this spell, a paladin must seek out a temple, shrine, chapel, or some sort of holy place of their divine patron. There, the paladin must make an offering of an item valued at 1,000 shillings or more (which makes up the material component for this spell). They then kneel or sit before the holy altar where they cast the spell. They cannot be disturbed during the casting of the spell and the subsequent meditation without interrupting it. During the 10 minutes of casting where the paladin meditates before the altar of her divine patron, she will take a spiritual journey which she witnesses in her mind's eye. Eventually, she will "arrive" at her choice of one of the following mystical places: the Shrine of Forseti, the Chapel of Heim, the Temple of Eiur, or the Grave of Rúadan.

Immediately after emerging from her journey, a paladin will gain the following enhancements to her class's special features for the duration of the spell. Depending upon the destination that she chose as part of her sacred journey, she receives the following benefits:

Shrine of Forseti: The paladin may smite evil (as per the supernatural ability) twice per day, and she deals two extra points of damage per level instead of one.

Chapel of Heim: The paladin's divine grace feature is augmented. Her Charisma modifier is doubled (maximum bonus +5) for purposes of saving throws.

Temple of Eiur: The paladin enhances her lay on hands feature by multiplying twice her level times her Charisma modifier to determine how many hit points she may cure per day.

Grave of Rúadan: The paladin's total number of times per day that she may turn undead is doubled, whether she is simply using her turn undead feature or if it is already enhanced in some way, such as by the Extra Turning feat. Additionally, the paladin turns undead as if she were one level higher.

A paladin can only benefit from one sacred journey effect at any one time.

Material component: An item of 1,000 shillings or greater value sacrificed during the spell.

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