Medium Humanoid (Fire, Orc)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +3 studded leather armor), touch AC 11, flat-footed AC 15
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Desert scythe +3 melee (1d6+3, slashing, 20 x2)
Full Attack: 2 desert scythes +1/+1 melee (1d6+3/1d6+1, slashing, 20 x2)
Space/Reach: 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feetSpecial Attacks: Ambush
Special Qualities: DR 1/-, fire resistance 5
Saves: Fortitude +6, Reflex +1, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Dex 13, Con 16, Cha 7
Skills: Hide +4 (+8 in desert conditions), Listen +2, Spot +2, Move Silently +4 (+8 in desert conditions), Search +1, Survival +4
Feats: Two-Weapon FightingEnvironment: Any land and underground
Organization: Gang (2 - 4) or squad (11 - 20 plus 1 4th level serjeant and 1 leader of 5th - 8th level), or war party (16 - 20, plus 2 4th level serjeants, and 1 8th level captain), or band (10 - 80 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 4th level serjeant per 10 adults, 3 7th level lieutenants. and 2 9th level captains)
Challenge Rating: 1Treasure: 50% standard
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1
Desert orcs have sound tactics, never involving themselves in battles they cannot win. They attack from defensible or hidden positions in the desert and often have underground passages they can escape through.
Desert Orc Society
Desert orcs live in much smaller enclaves than other orcs, but exhibit most of the same tendencies. They are ruled by the strongest male, but keep relatively small families. They consider wives and children to be property, but do not keep slaves. They honor and recognize prowess in battle, but consider obscene wealth a detriment to the tribe’s structure.
Desert Orc Characters
A desert orc’s favored class is scout. Desert orc leaders are typically barbarians, fighters, or strong rangers. Desert orcs do not worship a god, but instead worship the sun itself. Clerics can choose two of the following domains: Earth, Fire, Life, Strength, and Sun.
Home Three Worlds Monsters
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