Sunday, January 2, 2011

Campaign Design - Clerical Domains: Sand

Sand Domain (adapted from the Sandstorm)
Infernal Power: Halpas.
Granted Power: Once per day, you can shape a small amount of sand into any solid object you can imagine up to 8 cubic feet in volume. You can shape one object or several, up to a number equal to your Wisdom bonus, as long as the total volume does not exceed 8 cubic feet. You must make a special Wisdom check (d20 + your Wisdom modifier + half your cleric level) against a DC determined by the size and complexity of the item. the item to be created has a base DC of 5, plus the modifier on the table below:
Item complexityModifier
Fine details+2
Functioning tool+2
Functioning armor or weapon+5
Multiple parts+5
Masterwork version+10
Moving parts+10

Each attempt to create an item requires a number of minutes equal to its DC. You can take 10 or take 20 on this check. Created items persist for 1 minute per cleric level and can only be solid objects. The objects created have no magical properties, though they radiate faint transmutation magic.

All items created in this fashion have hardness 5 and hit points as follows: Fine 1, Diminutive 2, Tiny 3, Small 5, Medium 8, and Large 10.

Sand Spells
1st: Waste strider (SS)
2nd: Black sand (SS)
3rd: Haboob (SS)
4th: Blast of sand (SS)
5th: Flaywind burst (SS)
6th: Awaken sand (SS)
7th: Vitrify (SS)
8th: Desert Binding (SS)
9th: Summon Desert Ally IX (SS)

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