Saturday, January 1, 2011

General Rules - Spellcaster Feats

Spellcaster Feats

This is a list of feats that do not appear in the Player's Handbook, but that I use in my campaigns. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing. These are specifically feats that are generally only of interest to spellcasters. This list does not include Divine Feats, Familiar Feats, Item Creation Feats, Metamagic Feats, or Scion Feats, which all appear on their own lists.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Ability to cast spells as a bardYou can cast bard spells in areas of magical silence as long as you play an instrument while you do so
Adept Mastery
Intelligence 17+, ability to prepare and cast arcane spellsYou master a handful of spells, and can master more spells than normal with Spell Mastery
Analytic Caster
Intelligence 17+, Spell PenetrationYou may add your Intelligence modifier to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance
Arcane Artisan
Intelligence 13+, any Craft skill 1+ ranksYou are skilled at crafting items that are to be enchanted
Spellcaster level 3rd+, Wisdom 13+Your spells are so subtle that they evade detection with detect magic
Blood of the Beast
NoneYou can affect a chosen creature type with spells that normally only affect humanoids.
Called Companion
Arcane caster level 1st+You can can cast lesser planar ally, planar ally, and greater planar ally as arcane spells
Celestial Focus
Cannot be evil-aligned, caster level 3rd+You cannot summon or call fiendish creatures or evil outsiders; you gain bonuses when summoning celestial creatures and good outsiders
Clanheart Magic
Dwarf, spellcaster level 1st+You may add the clanheart spells to your class spell list
Compelling Caster
Charisma 17+, Spell PenetrationYou may add your Charisma modifier to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance
Compelling Song
Charisma 15+, Perform 6+ ranks, bard level 1st+You gain a bonus to Perform checks made to fascinate creatures
Deceptive Casting
Intelligence 13+, Bluff 1+ ranksYou can use deceptive motions to fool attempts to determine what spell you are casting
Evocation Library
Arcane caster level 1st+, evoker or devoted evokerYou add all the spells in one evocation discipline to your spellbook
Fiendish Focus
Cannot be good-alignedYou cannot summon or call celestial creatures or evil outsiders; you gain bonuses when summoning fiendish creatures and good outsiders
Greater Conjuring
School Focus (Conjuration) or Spell Focus (Conjuration)Your summoned and called creatures gain a bonus to damage rolls, and your healing and creation spells are more effective
Illusion Library
Arcane caster level 1st+, illusionist or devoted illusionistYou add all the spells in one illusion discipline to your spellbook
Instantaneous Draw
Spell Focus (Conjuration), caster level 5th+You can draw items on you or within 5 feet of you into your hands as a free action
Intercepting Voice
Charisma 15+, Bardic Singing, Perform: Singing 3+ ranks, bard level 1st+Your countersong ability is stronger than normal
Intuitive Caster
Wisdom 17+, Spell PenetrationYou may add your Wisdom modifier to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance
Leucadian Method
Able to cast 1st-level arcane spells, member of the Leucadian BrotherhoodYour membership in the Leucadian Brotherhood gives you more spells in your spellbook and other benefits
Mounted Spellcasting
Mounted Combat, Ride 1+ ranksYou do not need to make Concentration checks to cast spells from horseback
Musical Summoning
Caster level 5th+, bardic music abilityYou can summon creatures by expending uses of your bardic music ability
Opposed Spell
SoE, SoI
Must have a familiar and the ability to cast three spells from the shadow disciplineYou can cast a spell from a school of magic normally not available to you
Power Casting
Spellcaster level 1st+, Strength 13+You can use your Strength modifier for Concentration checks made when you take damage while casting a spell
Practiced Spellcaster
Spellcraft 4+ ranksYour spells cast from one spellcasting class are more powerful
Songs of the Suggestive Siren
Charisma 17+, Bardic Singing, Perform: Singing 9+ ranks, bard level 1st+Your suggestion ability is more difficult to resist than normal
Songs of Triumph
Charisma 15+, Bardic Singing, Perform: Singing 6+ ranks, bard level 1st+Your inspire courage ability is more potent than normal
Student of Nature
Druid level 1stYou gain a bonus to caster level and save DCs for one druid spell per spell level
Summoning Mastery
Iron Will, Spell Focus (Conjuration)Your summoning spells last longer and may persist even after being dispelled
Sylvan Soul
Wisdom 12+, Charisma 12+, Handle Animal 1+ ranks, Survival 1+ ranksYou can use summon monster spells to summon creatures from lower level summon nature's ally lists
Voice of Inner Strength
Charisma 17+, Bardic Singing, Perform: Singing 15+ ranks, bard level 1st+Your ability to inspire greatness is more effective

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