Feat Name |
| Prerequisites | Benefit |
Ancient Lineage |
| - | You gain a bonus to Will saves, Bluff checks, and Intimidate checks |
Aspect of Command |
| Charisma 14+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | Enchantment spells you cast are more powerful than normal and you gain a bonus to your leadership score |
Aspect of Fear |
| Charisma 16+, Aspect of Command, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You can call upon your sûlic heritage to radiate fear |
Blood of Kings |
| Dwarf | You gain a bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with dwarves |
Bonding |
Feats | Alvari or elf | You can sacrifice experience points to form an empathic bond with another creature |
Born in the Saddle |
Feats | Ride as a class skill | You gain a +2 bonus to Ride checks and gain the benefit of the Endurance feat for long rides |
Child of the Sea |
Feats | Constitution 13+ | You can hold your breath for 1 hour plus 1 hour per point of your Constitution modifier |
Deepblood |
| Wisdom 13+, dwarf | You gain a bonus to Spot checks when using darkvision |
Deepsight |
| Deepblood | The range of your darkvision increases |
Divine Flame |
| Dwarf, Forgeblood, ability to channel entropic, positive, principled, or negative energy, Charisma 12+ | You can expend a channel attempt to grant your weapon the flaming ability |
Dogs of War |
| Charisma 17+, Constitution 13+, Wisdom 13+ | You gain an animal companion |
Doombringer |
| BAB +1, ability to rage | You may add your Strength modifier to the duration of your rage |
Draconic Bloodline |
Feats | - | You gain a bonus to saves against one energy type and extra skill points for sorcerer levels |
Dragon-Blooded |
| - | One of your distant ancestors was a dragon and that heritage gives you power |
Dragon Eyes |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You can see four times as well as a normal human |
Dragon Hearing |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You gain a bonus to Listen checks and a penalty to saves against Sonic attacks |
Dragon Nose |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | You gain the scent special ability |
Dragon Senses |
| Wisdom 12+, Dragon Nose, Dragon Hearing, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-Blooded | Your senses are so sharp you gain blindsight with a range of 30 feet |
Drakeblood |
Feats | Charisma 13+, dwarf | You gain a bonus to Intimidate checks and bonus skill points for sorcerer levels |
Elven Blood, Bane Elf |
Feats | Elf, character level 1st | You gain bonuses to attack and damage rolls against other elves |
Elven Blood, Blood Elf |
Feats | Charisma 13+, elf, character level 1st, bard, hexblade, sorcerer, or warlock | Your Charisma is treated as 20 for bonus spells and save DCs, you cast Evil spells at +1 caster level |
Elven Blood, Death Elf |
Feats | Constitution 15+, elf | You are harder to kill and may live longer than other elves |
Elven Blood, Earth Elf |
Feats | Strength 13+, elf | You gain +1 hit point per Hit Die |
Elven Blood, Faith Elf |
Feats | Charisma 13+, Wisdom 13+, elf | You gain bonuses to Charisma-based skills when used against other elves and those friendly to elves |
Elven Blood, Feign Elf |
Feats | Strength 13+, elf | You are immune to negative effects that target elves, but suffer penalties with Charisma skills with respect to other elves |
Elven Blood, Fire Elf |
Feats | Strength 13+, elf | You gain +1 BAB |
Elven Blood, Forsaken Elf |
Feats | Elf | You gain bonuses to Intimidate against elves and others, but suffer penalties to Bluff and Diplomacy against other elves |
Elven Blood, Gray Elf |
Feats | Intelligence 13+, elf | Three skills become synergy skills for you |
Elven Blood, High Elf |
Feats | Intelligence 13+, Wisdom 13+, elf | You can reroll failed Charisma checks |
Elven Blood, Keebler Elf |
Feats | Elf | You gain bonuses to Craft and Profession checks to make pastries and treats |
Elven Blood, Lifegiver Elf |
Feats | Constitution 13+, elf | You automatically stabilize when dying and gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against diseases |
Elven Blood, Mercy Elf |
Feats | Constitution 13+, elf | You can ignore racial prerequisites for prestige classes and gain a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws |
Elven Blood, Moon Elf |
Feats | Charisma 15+, elf | You gain one 2nd-level arcane spell as a spell-like ability |
Elven Blood, Pain Elf |
Feats | Constitution 13+, Strength 13+, elf | You can injure yourself to temporarily give melee weapons you wield the wounding property |
Elven Blood, Pale Elf |
Feats | Wisdom 15+, elf | You cast spells with one spell descriptor at +2 caster level |
Elven Blood, Red Elf |
Feats | Constitution 17+, elf | You gain +2 hit points, gain a +2 bonus against mundane diseases, and heal faster than normal |
Elven Blood, Star Elf |
Feats | Strength 13+, elf | You only need to meditate 1 hour per day to get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep |
Elven Blood, True Elf |
Feats | Charisma 13+, Constitution 13+, Wisdom 13+, elf | You gain bonuses to all social skills with respect to other elves |
Elven Blood, War Elf |
Feats | Elf | You gain proficiency with the longsword, rapier, shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow, and composite longbow |
Elven Blood, Water Elf |
Feats | Constitution 13+, elf | You can breathe water for several hours per day, but suffer penalties against fire-based spells and effects |
Elven Blood, Wind Elf |
Feats | Dexterity 15+, elf | Your base speed increases by +10 feet |
Elven Blood, Windrider Elf |
Feats | Dexterity 13+, elf | Your base speed increases by +5 feet and you do not lose your Dexterity bonus when running |
Fæy Blood |
Feats | Charisma 17+, spellcaster level 1st | You can use your highest ability score to determine maximum castable spell level and bonus spells known, your spell save DCs increase by +1 |
Fiend Touched |
Feats | Charisma 17+, Intelligence 13+ | You gain one 1st and two 0th level arcane spells as spell like ability, but suffer a penalty to Charisma-based skill checks |
Flameborn Sorcery |
Feats | Dexterity 13+, dwarf | You may use your Dexterity bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects, but suffer a penalty to saves against cold spells and effects; you cannot learn Transmutation spells |
Forgeblood |
Feats | Dexterity 13+, dwarf | Cold damage inflicted on you is nonlethal damage, you gain a bonus against nonlethal cold damage |
Grace of the Fæy |
Feats | Charisma 15+, Dexterity 15+, elf | You gain proficiency with the longsword, rapier, shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow, and composite longbow; if you are already proficient, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with these weapons |
Hounds of Hell |
Feats | Charisma 13+, Constitution 15+, ability to rage | You radiate a fear aura that affects anyone who targets you with a melee attack, ranged attack, or spell effect |
Icy Calm |
Feats | Wisdom 13+ | You gain a bonus to saves against fear, suffer fewer penalties when shaken, and are harder to intimidate |
Mark of the Fæy |
Feats | Charisma 13+, elf | You may add you Charisma bonus to saves against spells; this bonus does not apply to spells cast by fæy |
Natural Birth Gift |
Feats | Wisdom 13+, elf | You gain one 1st-level and two 0th-level druid spells as spell-like abilities |
Planar Birthright |
Conjuration | Character level 1st | You have a planar ancestor and gain knowledge, resistance, and a special ability as a result |
Seaborn Sorcery |
Feats | Strength 13+, dwarf | You may use your Strength bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects; you cannot learn Illusion spells |
Skyborn Sorcery |
Feats | Dexterity 13+, dwarf | You may use your Dexterity bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects, but suffer a penalty to saves against fire spells and effects; you cannot learn Abjuration spells |
Stoneblood |
Feats | Constitution 15+, dwarf | Your Stonecunning bonuses increase by +2 |
Stoneborn Sorcery |
Feats | Constitution 13+, dwarf | You may use your Constitution bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects; you cannot learn Enchantment spells |
Trollborn |
Feats | Constitution 15+ | You heal much faster than normal |
Warborn Dwarf |
Feats | Dwarf | You may treat the dwarven battlehammer, dwarven waraxe, and dwarven urgosh as martial weapons |
Wünd's Flame |
H&H | Charisma 12+, ability to channel axiomatic, negative, or positive energy, Forgeblood | You can channel energy to give your weapon the flaming attribute |
Home General Rules
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