Saturday, January 1, 2011

General Rules - Bloodgift Feats

Bloodgift Feats

This is a list of bloodgift feats. Bloodgift feats represent ancestral ties to powerful otherworldly forces in the distant past of the character's family. A character must first choose a prime bloodgift, a special feat that is a prerequisite for other bloodgift feats. A prime bloodgift can be chosen only at 1st level, but feats further down in its "tree" can be taken at any level, provided that the character meets the prerequisites. A character can never have more than one prime bloodgift. As feats get added to my ongoing campaigns, I will add more to this listing.

This list uses several abbreviations to show what sourcebook the entries were drawn from. For guidance as to what sourcebooks these abbreviations reference, see my key to Sourcebook Abbreviations.

All of the material contained on this page and other pages of this blog is presented in accordance with the terms of the Open Game License.

Feat Name
Ancient Lineage
-You gain a bonus to Will saves, Bluff checks, and Intimidate checks
Aspect of Command
Charisma 14+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedEnchantment spells you cast are more powerful than normal and you gain a bonus to your leadership score
Aspect of Fear
Charisma 16+, Aspect of Command, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedYou can call upon your sûlic heritage to radiate fear
Blood of Kings
DwarfYou gain a bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with dwarves
Alvari or elfYou can sacrifice experience points to form an empathic bond with another creature
Born in the Saddle
Ride as a class skillYou gain a +2 bonus to Ride checks and gain the benefit of the Endurance feat for long rides
Child of the Sea
Constitution 13+You can hold your breath for 1 hour plus 1 hour per point of your Constitution modifier
Wisdom 13+, dwarfYou gain a bonus to Spot checks when using darkvision
DeepbloodThe range of your darkvision increases
Divine Flame
Dwarf, Forgeblood, ability to channel entropic, positive, principled, or negative energy, Charisma 12+You can expend a channel attempt to grant your weapon the flaming ability
Dogs of War
Charisma 17+, Constitution 13+, Wisdom 13+You gain an animal companion
BAB +1, ability to rageYou may add your Strength modifier to the duration of your rage
Draconic Bloodline
-You gain a bonus to saves against one energy type and extra skill points for sorcerer levels
-One of your distant ancestors was a dragon and that heritage gives you power
Dragon Eyes
Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedYou can see four times as well as a normal human
Dragon Hearing
Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedYou gain a bonus to Listen checks and a penalty to saves against Sonic attacks
Dragon Nose
Wisdom 12+, Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedYou gain the scent special ability
Dragon Senses
Wisdom 12+, Dragon Nose, Dragon Hearing, and one of the following: Dragon-Blooded or Drakeblood or sorcerer with the Sûlic heritage or Sûl-BloodedYour senses are so sharp you gain blindsight with a range of 30 feet
Charisma 13+, dwarfYou gain a bonus to Intimidate checks and bonus skill points for sorcerer levels
Elven Blood, Bane Elf
Elf, character level 1stYou gain bonuses to attack and damage rolls against other elves
Elven Blood, Blood Elf
Charisma 13+, elf, character level 1st, bard, hexblade, sorcerer, or warlockYour Charisma is treated as 20 for bonus spells and save DCs, you cast Evil spells at +1 caster level
Elven Blood, Death Elf
Constitution 15+, elfYou are harder to kill and may live longer than other elves
Elven Blood, Earth Elf
Strength 13+, elfYou gain +1 hit point per Hit Die
Elven Blood, Faith Elf
Charisma 13+, Wisdom 13+, elfYou gain bonuses to Charisma-based skills when used against other elves and those friendly to elves
Elven Blood, Feign Elf
Strength 13+, elfYou are immune to negative effects that target elves, but suffer penalties with Charisma skills with respect to other elves
Elven Blood, Fire Elf
Strength 13+, elfYou gain +1 BAB
Elven Blood, Forsaken Elf
ElfYou gain bonuses to Intimidate against elves and others, but suffer penalties to Bluff and Diplomacy against other elves
Elven Blood, Gray Elf
Intelligence 13+, elfThree skills become synergy skills for you
Elven Blood, High Elf
Intelligence 13+, Wisdom 13+, elfYou can reroll failed Charisma checks
Elven Blood, Keebler Elf
ElfYou gain bonuses to Craft and Profession checks to make pastries and treats
Elven Blood, Lifegiver Elf
Constitution 13+, elfYou automatically stabilize when dying and gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against diseases
Elven Blood, Mercy Elf
Constitution 13+, elfYou can ignore racial prerequisites for prestige classes and gain a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws
Elven Blood, Moon Elf
Charisma 15+, elfYou gain one 2nd-level arcane spell as a spell-like ability
Elven Blood, Pain Elf
Constitution 13+, Strength 13+, elfYou can injure yourself to temporarily give melee weapons you wield the wounding property
Elven Blood, Pale Elf
Wisdom 15+, elfYou cast spells with one spell descriptor at +2 caster level
Elven Blood, Red Elf
Constitution 17+, elfYou gain +2 hit points, gain a +2 bonus against mundane diseases, and heal faster than normal
Elven Blood, Star Elf
Strength 13+, elfYou only need to meditate 1 hour per day to get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep
Elven Blood, True Elf
Charisma 13+, Constitution 13+, Wisdom 13+, elfYou gain bonuses to all social skills with respect to other elves
Elven Blood, War Elf
ElfYou gain proficiency with the longsword, rapier, shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow, and composite longbow
Elven Blood, Water Elf
Constitution 13+, elfYou can breathe water for several hours per day, but suffer penalties against fire-based spells and effects
Elven Blood, Wind Elf
Dexterity 15+, elfYour base speed increases by +10 feet
Elven Blood, Windrider Elf
Dexterity 13+, elfYour base speed increases by +5 feet and you do not lose your Dexterity bonus when running
Fæy Blood
Charisma 17+, spellcaster level 1stYou can use your highest ability score to determine maximum castable spell level and bonus spells known, your spell save DCs increase by +1
Fiend Touched
Charisma 17+, Intelligence 13+You gain one 1st and two 0th level arcane spells as spell like ability, but suffer a penalty to Charisma-based skill checks
Flameborn Sorcery
Dexterity 13+, dwarfYou may use your Dexterity bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects, but suffer a penalty to saves against cold spells and effects; you cannot learn Transmutation spells
Dexterity 13+, dwarfCold damage inflicted on you is nonlethal damage, you gain a bonus against nonlethal cold damage
Grace of the Fæy
Charisma 15+, Dexterity 15+, elfYou gain proficiency with the longsword, rapier, shortbow, composite shortbow, longbow, and composite longbow; if you are already proficient, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with these weapons
Hounds of Hell
Charisma 13+, Constitution 15+, ability to rageYou radiate a fear aura that affects anyone who targets you with a melee attack, ranged attack, or spell effect
Icy Calm
Wisdom 13+You gain a bonus to saves against fear, suffer fewer penalties when shaken, and are harder to intimidate
Mark of the Fæy
Charisma 13+, elfYou may add you Charisma bonus to saves against spells; this bonus does not apply to spells cast by fæy
Natural Birth Gift
Wisdom 13+, elfYou gain one 1st-level and two 0th-level druid spells as spell-like abilities
Planar Birthright
Character level 1stYou have a planar ancestor and gain knowledge, resistance, and a special ability as a result
Seaborn Sorcery
Strength 13+, dwarfYou may use your Strength bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects; you cannot learn Illusion spells
Skyborn Sorcery
Dexterity 13+, dwarfYou may use your Dexterity bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects, but suffer a penalty to saves against fire spells and effects; you cannot learn Abjuration spells
Constitution 15+, dwarfYour Stonecunning bonuses increase by +2
Stoneborn Sorcery
Constitution 13+, dwarfYou may use your Constitution bonus in place of Charisma for spellcasting-related effects; you cannot learn Enchantment spells
Constitution 15+You heal much faster than normal
Warborn Dwarf
DwarfYou may treat the dwarven battlehammer, dwarven waraxe, and dwarven urgosh as martial weapons
Wünd's Flame
Charisma 12+, ability to channel axiomatic, negative, or positive energy, ForgebloodYou can channel energy to give your weapon the flaming attribute

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